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1987 World History Margaret Thatcher (1925– ) British Information Service 1987 William Buckley, U.S. hostage in Lebanon, reported slain(Jan. 20).Supreme Court rules Rotary Clubsmust admit women(May 4).Iraqi missiles kill 37 in attack on U.S. frigateStarkin Persian Gulf(May 17);Iraqi president apologizes(May 18).Prime Minister Thatcherwins rare third term in Britain(June 11).Supreme Court justice Lewis F. Powell, Jr., retires(June 26).Klaus Barbie, 73, Gestapowartime chief in Lyon, sentenced to life by French court for war crimes(July 4). Oliver North, Jr., tells congressional inquiry higher officials approved his secret Iran-Contraoperations(July 7–10).Admiral John M. Poindexter, former National Security Adviser, testifies he authorized use of Iran arms sale profits to aid Contras(July 15–22).Secretary of State George P. Shultztestifies he was deceived repeatedly on Iran-Contra affair(July 23–24).Defense Secretary Caspar W. Weinberger tells inquiry of official deception and intrigue(July 31, Aug. 3).Reagan says Iran-Contra arms policy went astray and accepts responsibility(Aug. 12).Severe earthquakestrikes Los Angeles, leaving 100 injured and six dead(Oct. 1).Senate, 58–42, rejects Robert H. Borkas Supreme Court justice(Oct. 23).