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Adventure: No.QuestionAnswer 1.What does the Japanese word 'Karate' mean literally?Open hand 2.With which water sport are jumping,slaloming and trick riding associated?Water Skiing 3.Which sport was a traditional English 'pub' game?Darts 4.Which modern martial art was developed from 'Jujitsu'?Judo 5.Which game is played at the Embassy World Professional Championship?Snooker 6.What sport is 'angling'?Fishing 7.With what sport would you associate 'alley' or 'lane'?Bowling 8.Which city is known as the 'Pearl of the Orient'?Singapore 9.Which capital city is said to be the oldest in the world and in which country it is located?Damascus,the capital of Syria 10.Which is the largest city in Africa?Cairo,capital of Egypt 11.What was Christopher Columbus's nationality?Italian 12.At the mouth of which river is Hong Kong situated?Perl River 13.Which Central American nation was formerly known as British Honduras?Belize 14.After whom was Bolivia named?Simon Bolivar 15.Which two countries enjoy the highest standard of living in S.America?Venezuela & Argentina 16.Where is the Carribean Sea?Between West Indies & South America 17.Name the only ape that can stand and walk upright?Gibbon 18.Which are the countries linked by the Karakoram Highway?China & Pakistan 19.What does leser mean?Light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation 20.Which sea seperates Japan from the main-land of Asia?The sea of Japan 21.What is a group of dolphins called?Scholl 22.What is a male ant called?A dron 23.Name the mosquito which spreads malaria?The female Anopheles mos quito 24.Istanbul is a major city of Turkey. What was its former name?Constantinople 25.Where is the headquarters of World Meterological Organisation?Geneva 26.Name the countries having the veto power in the U.N. Security Council.U.S.A.,USSR,UK,FRANCE & CHINA 27.What is called the "Roof of the World"?The pamirs in Central Asia 28.Name the only planet that was discovered in the 20th century.Pluto 29.What is the boundary between Russia & Poland called?The Curzon Line 30.How much time does the light take to reach the Earth from the sun?A little more than 8 minutes 31.What is the source of all energy on earth?The energy from the sun 32.Which famous swimmer is known as the 'Albatross'?Michael Gross 33.Where was the martial art taekwon do developed?Korea 34.Who developed taekwon do?Gen.Choi Hong Hi of Korea 35.Which mountain ranges in Spain & California have the same name?Sierra Nevada 36.Which batsman has scored most runs in a day in Test Cricket?Australia's Don Bradman 309 n.o. against England at leeds in 1930 37.Which team won a one dayer twice with a six off of the last ball?Pakistan 38.How many Indians have taken nine or more wickets in an innings in a Test Match?4 -Kapil Dev,Subhash Gupta,Jasu Patel & Anil Kumble 39.Which is the largest plant in the world?The Bis Trees of California 40.What is 'smog'?Smoke -laden fog 41.Who is called the light of the world?Jesus Christ 42.Which is the major language of Egypt?Arabic 43.What does the phrase 'cakes and ale' mean?A carefree or easy living 44.What is the language of Chile?spanish 45.Which country is called the 'Land of Golden Fleece'?Australia 46.Which city of Russia had the old name St.Petersburg?Leningrad 47.Name the only bird which can fly backward as well as forwardThe hemming bird 48.Name the longest river of CanadaMackenzie 49.Name the highest military decoration of France.Croix de Guerra 50.Which gas is commonly used in electric bulbs?Neon 51.Which European city was founded in 1050,destroyed by fire in 1624, and rebuilt?Oslo,capital of Norway 52.What are plants that grow in water called?Hydrophytes 53.Which insect makes the loudest noise?The mle cicada 54.To which country does Greenland belong?Denmark 55.What is the other name for graphite?Plumbago or black lead 56.To which galaxy does the earth belong?The Milky Way 57.Where are the largest deposits of platinum found?Ural Mountains,U.S.S.R. 58.Name the only mammal that flies.The Bat 59.How would you recognize the leader of a wolf pack?The leader holds his tail straight out,while others tails droop. 60.What is a baby rabbit or squirrel called?Bunny 61.What is the study of evil spirits and demons called?Demonology 62.What is a group of Kangaroos called?Mob 63.Which language is most dominant in Latin America?Spanish 64.Who said that 'Well begun is half done'?Horace 65.Name the border line between Afghanistan and Pakistan.The Durand Line 66.Who said that 'Science without religion is lame and religion without science is blind?Albert Einstein 67.Name the longest river of Australia.Murray 68.Name the highest mountain in Canada.Logan 69.Name the only Shakespeare's play that included a dog.Two Gentlemen of Verona 70.Which city is called the 'City of Dreaming Spires'?Oxford 71.After which emperor was July named?Julius Caesar 72.Name the king of England who built the Tower of London.King William I 73.After Amazon, which is the major river of South America?Paraha

Medical Science: No.QuestionAnswer 01An infection of the gums involving margin of the teeth with the gum is known asPyorrhoea 02Drugs which reduce tension,anxiety,depression,etc. are known asTranquillizers 03A swelling of the thyroid gland is known asGoitre 04Typhoid fever is caused bySalmonella typhi bacteria 05Plague was also known asBlack death 06AIDS stands forAcquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome 07Diseases which spread by contact are calledContagious diseases 08Scarlet fever is caused byStrepto coccus 09The sterilization technique carried out on men isVasectomy 10The ability of a living creature to resist the attack of diseases is known asImmunity 11How many senses a human being hasFive 12Medical practioners without valid licence are calledQuacks 13In a human baby,teething process starts from the ageSeven months 14A method of treating cancer or tumor growth using chemicals is known asChemotherapy 15Meningitis is caused byNeisseria meningitis 16Tetanus is caused byClostridium tetane 17Leukemia is commonly known asBlood Cancer 18An area of pus formation within the lung is calledLung abscess 19Meningitis is an infection ofHead and spinal cord 20A sudden interruption of the blood supply to the brain can cause aStroke 21A hereditary lack of pigment in the skin,hair & eyes is known asAlbinism 22Psoraisis is an inherited disease ofSkin,nails and joints 23A fungus is aMicroscopic plant 24A condition in which both eyes do not point in the same direction is called asSquint 25Short sightdness is also known asMyopia 26Short sightdness isConcave lens 27Long sightdness is also known asHypermetropia 28Long sightdness is corrected by usingConvex lens 29A condition in which one is not able to see both near and distant objects is known asPressbyopia 30Both convex and concave lens is used to correct the eyesight of a person suffering fromPressbyopia 31An inflammation of the thin membrance that covers the black part of the eye is calledConjunctivitis 32Acute conjuctivitis is commonly known asblack eye 33How many bones an adult human body has206 34How many bones an human baby's body has270 35Blood vessels that carry blood from different organs to the heart are known asAneries 36Blood vessels that carry blood from different organs to the heart are known asVeins 37The main artery of the body is theArota 38Skin is the sense organ forTouch 39Eyes are the sense organ forSight 40Nose is the sense organ forSmell 41Tongue is the sense organ forTaste 42Ears are the sense organs forHearing 43Muscles of the heart are calledCardiac muscles 44In a human body,about how many muscles are there650 45A break in the continuity of a bone is called aFracture 46A progressive weakening of muscles is calledMuscular dystrophy 47Damage to a nerve is termd asMeuropathy 48Biceps are the muscles of theArm 49Malaria is transmitted byAnopheles mosquito 50There are how many types of MalariaThree 51BCG stands forBacillus Calmette Guerin 52BCG is a vaccine given for immunization against the diseaseTuberculosis 53DPT is aTriple vaccine 54DPT is effective againstDiphtheria,whooping cough and tetanus 55DPT vaccine is given how many times to childrenThree 56Vaccine against polio is calledPoliomyelitis vaccine 57Vaccine is a liquid containingDilute or dead pathogens 58The first antibiotic discovered byPenicillin 59Spherical shaped bacteria are calledcoccus 60Rod shaped bacteria are calledBacillus 61Spiral shaped bacteria are calledSpirillium 62Comma shaped bacteria are calledVibrio 63The size of a virus is aboutA millionth of a centimeter 64Plague is caused by bacteria which is found inFleas on the bodies of rats 65Dengue fever is also known asBreak-bone fever 66Q fever was first noticed inQueensland 67Anthrax is caused byAnthrax bacillus 68Cholera is caused byVibrio choleral bacteria 69Tetanus is also known asLockjaw disease 70Diptheria is caused byKlebs-loeffler 71Whooping cough is caused byBordella pertussis 72Sex is predicted before the birth of the child by a test calledAmnio centesis 73The outer layer of the skin is calledEpidermis 74The inner layer of the skin is calledDermis 75Over exposure to sun causeSun burn 76LSD stands forLysergic acid Di-ethylamide 77Drugs which produce total unconsciousness are known asGeneral anaesthetics 78Drugs which produce loss of sensation in a small area where the drug is applied are calledLocal anaesthetics 79Drugs which neutralize secretions of the stomach which cause ulcers and acidity are calledAntacids 80ELISA technique is used to detectAIDS 81NMR stands forNuclear Magnetic Resonance 82Teeth are covered by a hard substance calledEnamel 83Insulin is also known asAnti-diabetic hormone 84Insulin deficiency causesDiabetes 85Inflammation of the pancreas is calledPancreatitis 86A normal pregnancy lasts for about40 weeks 87The device which improves one's hearing is calledHearing aid 88Persons who are having blood group O positive are calledUniversal donors

Well-known Quotations: No.Well-Known quotationsName 01`A thing of beauty is a joy for ever'Keats 02`Beauty is truth,truth beauty'Keats 03`The child is the father of man'Wordsworth 04`I came,I saw,I conquered'Julius Caesar 05`Cowards die many times before their death' The valiant never taste of death but once'Shakespeare 06`The government of the people,by the people,for the peopleshall not perish from the earth'Lincoln 07`Oh East is East,and west is West, and never the twain shall meet. Till Earth and Sky stand presently at God's great judgement seat.'Rudyard Kipling 08`Paths of glory lead but to the grave.'Gray 09`But be not afraid of greatness; same are born great, some achieve greatness and some have greatness thrust upon them.'Shakespeare 10`Knowledge is power.'Hobbes 11`I know nothing except the fact of my ignorence.'Socrates 12`Nature never did betray the heart that loved her.'Wordsworth 13`Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel.'Dr.Samuel Johnson 14`Who rises from prayer a better man, his prayer is answered.'George Menedith 15`Reading maketh a full man, his prayer is answered.'Francis Bacon 16`The more Things a man is ashamed of,the more respectable he is.'Bernard Shaw 17`Our sweetest songs are those that tell of saddest thought.'Shelly 18`Tis strang but true; for truth is always strang.'Byron 19`Let a hundred flowers bloom and let a hundred schools of thought content.'Mao Tse-tung 20`God is in His heaven,all's right with the world.'Browning 21`For men many come and men may go, but I go on for ever.'Tennyson 22`I have nothing to offer but blood,toil,tears and sweet.'Churchill 23`Give us good mothers and I shall give you good nation.'Napoleon 24`Long years ago we have made a tryst with destiny.'Jawaharlal Nerhu 25`Brevity is the soul of with.'Shakespeare 26`Variety is the very spice of life.'William Cowper 27`Jealousy,the jaundice of the soul.'Shakespeare 28`All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.'Orwell 29`Stone walls do not a prison make, nor iron bars a cage.'Richard Lovelace 30`Swaraj is my birth-right and I shall have it.'Balgangadhar Tilak 31`Man is by nature a political animal.'Aristotle 32`Where wealth accumulates, men decay.'Goldsmith 33`Good government is no substitute for self-government.'Morley 34`Nevertheless it moves.'Galileo 35`Generations to come,it may be,will scarce believe that such a one as this ever in flesh and blood walked upon this earth.'Einstein 36`Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absdutely.'Lord Acton 37`Just as I would not like to be a slave, so I would not like to be a master.'Lincoln 38`Eureka, Eureka.'Archimedes 39`Frailty, thy name is woman.'Shakespeare 40`Whom gods love, die young.'Byron 41`Do or die.'Gandhiji 42`Dilli Chalo.'Subhash Chandra Bose 43`Jai Jawan, Jai Kisan.'Lal Bahadur Shastri 44`Truth and Non-violence are my God.'Mahatma Gandhi

Games & Sports No.QuestionAnswer 1.Which bowler has bowled the maximum balls in a Test Match ?S.Ramadin bowled 774 balls against England in the 1957 Test series 2.When did India play her first official One Day International Match ?Against England on July 13, 1974 3.What is Sunil Gavaskar's highest First Class Cricket Score?340 run against Bengal in 1981-82 4.Which batsman has hit the maximum centuries in First Class Cricket ?Jeek Hobbs of England 197 centuries 5.Which bowler has the most expensive bowling analysis in a World Cup Match ?M.Snedden of N.Zealand,against England during 1983 world cup : 12-01-105-02 6.Which bowler has the most economical bowling analysis in a World Cup Match ?B.S. Bedi of India, 12-8-6-1 against E.Africa in 1975 World Cup 7.What was Sachin Tendulkar's age in his Test debut for India ?16 years 201 days 8.Against which bowler did Gavaskar take his 10,000th run in Test cricket ?Ejaz Fakih of Pakistan in the Ahmedabad Test of the 1986-87 series 9.Name the first batsman to hit a triple century in Test cricket ?England's Walter Hammond 10.Name the inventor of snookerNevil Bowles Chamberlain 11.When and where did Basketball originate ?1891; Springfield,Massauchusetts 12.In which country did Rugby originate ?England 13.Which martial art was created by the Japanese, Dr.Jigoro Kano?Judo 14.Of which country is baseball a national game?The U.S.A. 15.In which country was the backstroke swimming invented?Egypt 16.Who are the participants of the 'Special Olympic Games'?Mentally retarded children & adults 17.When and where were the first 'Special Olympic Games' held?1968 in the U.S.A. 18.Who is known as the father of Modern Olympic Games?Barren D'Kobertin 19.Mention the name of the award given to the famous cricketer Sunil Gavaskar by the Indian Government?Padma Bhushan 20.Which athlete is known as the Flying Sikh?Milkha Singh 21.When was Basketball Federation of India established ?1950 22.In which year P.T. Usha was declared as the best Athlete in World Railway Games ?1985 23.When was Basket Ball included in olympics?Cycling 24.Who won the Grand Slam in tennis for the first time?Donald Budge 25.With which game is Zafar Iqbal associated?Hockey 26.For which game is the Indira Gold Cup being awarded?Women's Hockey 27.Who is named the wizard of Hockey?Major Dhyan Chand of India 28.Who was the youngest player to make a century in cricket Tests?Mustaq Mohammed of Pakistan 29.What is the full name of Pele,the football player?Edmond Arantos Nessimente De Pele 30.When was Football first included in the Olympics?1900 Paris Olympics 31.Which is the oldest Football tournment?Durand Cup Tournament 32.Which is the national game of America?Base Ball 33.Who is known as the Chess king?Boby Fisher 34.The Abdul Razak Trophy is awarded in which sports?Chess 35.Mention the name of the International shooter who was also Maharaja of Bikaner?Karni Singh 36.Who is nicknamed as 'Haryana Hurricane'?Kapil Dev 37.Who became the youngest Asian to swim the English Channel?Abhijit Rao of India 38.Who is the first woman in the woman to cross the strart of Gibraltar?Arti Pradhan 39.In which country did Golf originate?Scotland 40.Which award is given to the persons who have excelled in the field of coaching?Dronacharya 41.Which is the National Sport of Japan?Judo 42.Who won the first Himalayan Car Rally?Shekhar Mehta of Kenya 43.Which is the biggest Stadium in the World?Strahow Stadium at prague 44.Which is the oldest game in the world?Polo 45.Which is the country that first played chess?India 46.When did Geet Sethi receive his first professional title?1991 47.Who was the first boxer to receive Arjuna Award?Buddy De'suza 48.Name the first Indian Chess player who defeated the world champion?Sultan Khan 49.Name the cities which have hosted the Olympic Games twice?Paris,London,Los Angeles 50.With what sport is Madison Square Garden associated?Boxing 51.Which Indian hockey player has scored maximum goals in olympics?Surinder Singh Sodhi 16 goals 52.Which sport is known as Toxophily?Archery 53.Who was the first Indian to score a double century against the West Indies?Dilip Sardesai 54.How many players make a Baseball Team?Nine 55.What are the two types of style adopted in international weightlifting?Snatch & the Clean & Jerk 56.Kapil Dev the Indian Cricketer has written his autobiography. Name the book?By Gods Grace 57.Which famous cricketer retired from cricket after the Reliance Cup?Sunil Gavaskar

Electronics and Computer: No.QuestionAnswer 01The unit of frequency isHertz 02The unit of resistance isOhm 03The device which makes or breaks a circuit isSwitch 04The path of an electric current is known as aCircuit 05Device which opposes the flow of electric current is known asResistor 06Arc Lamp was invented byC.F.Brush 07Television was invented byJ.L.Baird 08Transistor was invented byJ.Bardeen,W.Shockley and W.Brattain 09The unit of wavelength of light isAngstrom 10A device which converts light into electricity is known asPhoto cell 11Hertz was the first to discoverRadio waves 12Marconi inventedRadio 13In 1901,Marconi beamed a signal from Cornwall in England toNewfoundland 14Thomas Edison was anAmerican inventor 15A glass tube with two electrodes is called aDiode 16Lee de Forest was anAmerican scientist 17Lee de Forest discovered theTriode 18Radio and television transmit signals usingElectromagnetic waves 19To turn pictures into electrical signals,television Cameras rely onPhoto-electric effect 20Transistor was invented in the year1948 21The first electronic components invented were theThermionic valves 22Microchip was invented in the year1958 23Microchip was invented byJack Kilby 24The microchip invented first was also the firstIntegrated circuit 25Silicon and germanium are ideal examples ofSemi conductors 26LED stands forLight Emitting Diode 27The first computer was invented in the year1834 28The first computer was invented byCharles Babbage 29The first computer invented was calledAnalytical Engine 30In the present day electronic machines,computers function asArtificial brains 31CAD meansComputer Aided Design 32CPU stands forCentral Processing Unit 33RAM stands forRandom Access Memory 34J.J. Thomson was aBritish physicist 35In 1897,J.J.Thomson discoveredElectrons 36A device used for increasing the strength of electric signal is calledAmplifier 37The height of a wave is calledAmplitude 38An electron carries a chargeNegative 39In a transistor,a base is theFilling in the semiconductor sandwich 40The tube behind the screen in TVs and most computers is calledCathode Ray Tube 41The force which makes an electric current is calledElectromotive Force 42Device used for measuring small amounts of electric current is calledGalvanometer 43Sound too low to be heard by humans is calledInfrasound 44VDU stands forVisual Display Unit 45One kilobyte is approximately1000 bytes 46DOS stands forDisk Operating System 47WORD STAR is a popularWord processing programme 48WORD STAR was developed byMicro pro Company 49PC stands forPersonal Computer 50ALU stands forArithmetic Logic Unit 51The VDU and Keyboard together form aTERMINAL 52The speed of the dot matrix printers is measured by CPS which stands forcharacters per second 53The speed of the line printers is measured by LPM which stands forLines per second 54DBMS stands forDatabase Management System 55IBM is a famous computer company.IBM stands forInternational Business Machines Corporation 56ROM stands forRead Only Memory 57The actual machine of the computer is commonly known asHardware 58The programs run on the computer are commonly known asSoftware 59All the output which is printed on paper is calledHard Copy 60The number of pixels on a computer screen determines a screes'sResolution 61A processor's speed is measured inMegahertz 62A software that assists the computer in performing instructions,is called assystem software 63CAM stands forComputer Aided Manufacturing 64DPI stands forDots per Inch 65DTP stands forDesk Top Publishing 66EPROM stands forerasable and Programmable Read only Memory 67A magnetic storage disk made out of a thin piece of plastic is calledFloppy Disk 68A pictorial representation of the step by step sequence for solving a problem is known as aFlow Chart 69A measure of storage capacity equal to one thousand megabytes is oneGigabyte 70A variable whose value is accessible throughout the program is calledGlobal Variable 71A huge,worldwide network of computers that communicate with each other,allowing global communications between users is known popularly known asInternet 72KB stands forKilobyte 73LAN stands forLocal Area Network 74A printer which uses light to transfer the image to paper is theLaser Printer 75Memory which retains all its contents even after the power is turned off is known asNon-Volatile Memory 76The result that is generated by the computer after processing the information provided to it is known asOutput 77Electronic mail is more popularly known asE-Mail 78PILOT stands forProgrammed Inquiry Learning Or Teaching 79PILOT was developed byDoug Engelbardt 80IQL stands forInteractive Query Language 81LOGO was developed byDr.seymour Papert 82CAL stands forComputer Assisted Learning 83APT stands forAutomatically Programmed Tooling 84`C'language was invented byDennis M.Ritchie 85Modula-2 was developed byNiklaus Wirth

Abbreviated Name: No.Abbreviated NameOriginal Name 01Father of the Nation (India)Mahatma Gandhi 02Frontier GandhiAbdul Ghaffar Khan 03FuehrerAdolf Hitler 04Grand Old Man of BritainGladstone 05Grand Old Man of IndiaDadabhai Naoroji 06GurudevRabindra Nath Tagore 07Lady with the LampFlorence Nightingale 08Lal,Bal,PalLala Lajpat Rai,Bal Gangadhar Tilak & Bipin Chandra Pal 09Lion of Punjab (Sher-i-Punjab)Lala Lajpat Rai 10Little CorporalNapoleon 11LokmanyaBal Gangadhar Tilak 12Lok NayakJayaprakash Narayan 13MahamanyaPt.Madan Mohan Malaviya 14Man of Blood and IronBismarck 15Man of DestinyNapoleon 16Man of IronSardar Patel 17Man of the MassesKamaraj 18Man of PeaceLal Bahadur Shastri 19MahatmaM.K. Gandhi 20Maid of OrleansJoan of Arc 21Mark TwainSamuel Clemens 22NetajiSubhash Chandra Bose 23Nightingale of IndiaSarojini Naidu 24Punjab KesariLala Lajpat Rai 25Strong Man of IndiaSardar Patel

Special Features of the Countries: No.CountrySpecial Features 1.BangladeshProduces 89 p.c. of the world's raw jute. 2.Belgiumis the most densely populated country in Europe. Antwerp is the world's biggest diamond-trading centre. 3.Brazilis the largest State in south America both in area and population. It leads the world in the production of Coffee and Castor beans. 4.ChileIn chile the only natural nitrate in the world is found. About 47 p.c. of the world's iodine is obtained as a by-product in nitrate processing. 5.Columbiaproduces 95 p.c. of the world's gem emarelds. 6.CubaIs the second largest cane-sugar producer in the world. India being first in cane-sugar production. 7.DenmarkThe oldest Kingdom of Europe,is a constitutional monarchy. 8.EquadorEquador is the world's chief source of supply of balsa, a light wood. It exports more bananas than other country. 9.GhanaGhana is the world's leading cocoa producer. About 40 p.c. of world output is produced by Ghana. 10.IndonesiaIs the main producer of petroleum in the far east. 11.ItalyIs the world's largest producer of mercury. 12.JamaicaIs the world's largest producer of bauxite. 13.JapanIs the most highly industyrialized country in the Far East. It is the biggest Ship-building nation and the fourth largest auto market in the world. 14.KenyaIs the largest producer of tea in Africa. 15.North KoreaIs a leading country in the output of tungsten, graphite and magnesite. 16.KuwaitIs the world's second largest exporter and fourth largest producer of crude oil. 17.MalaysiaIs the world's largest producer of rubber and tin. 18.MexicoIs the world leader in the production of silver, sisal, hemp and circle for chewing gum. 19.MonacoIs the smallest state in the world with the largest density of population per square mile. 20.NepalIs the only Hindu independent State in the world. Mount everest, the highest mountain peak in the world (29028 ft) issituated in Nepal. Nepal has produced the toughest fighting men in the world. It is the world's best rice-producer. 21.NicaraguaIs the largest of the Central American States. 22.NorwayIs the land of the Midnight Sun where the sun does not set from the middle of May until the end of July. The sun does not rise above the horizon from November 18 to January 23. Varicoloured Northern Lights, or Aurora Borealis, are visible in winter.Norway is a great sea-faring nation and its merchant marine is now the third largest in the world. 23.PeruRanks fifth in the world in silver mining and produces 25 p.c. of the world's vanadium. It is the world's top fishing country. 24.PortugalLeads in the world in the production of Cork. 25.South AfricaLeads the world in production of gold,diamonds,platinum and antimony and is one of the richest in uranium,vanadium, chrome, manganese and asbestos. 26.Sri LankaIs the largest tea exporting country in the world. 27.SudanIs the world's principal source of gum arabic. 28.TurkeyIs the largest producer of chrome in the world. 29.UgandaIs the largest coffee producer in the British Commonwealth. 30.USSRIs the largest country in the world. It is the richest country in the world in mineral resources having deposits of almost every known mineral. It ranks among the top producers of oil, chromite, iron ore, petroleum, gold,copper,manganese,aluminium, platinum,asbestos, salt, etc. 31.ZaireIs the world's largest producer of industrial diamond and cobalt. Other minerals are gold, silver, tin, zinc, iron, copper, tungsten, manganese, uranium, radium, etc.

World Countries - Capitas - ISD Codes: No.CountryCapitalISD Code 01 Afghanistan Kabul 93 02 Albania Tirana 355 03 Algeria Algiers 213 04 Angola Luanda 244 05 Argentina Buenos Aires 54 06 Australia Canberra 61 07 Austria Vienna 43 08 Bahamas Nassau 1242 09 Bahrain Manama 973 10 Bangladesh Dhaka 880 11 Barbados Bridgetown 1246 12 Belgium Brussels 32 13 Benin Porto Novo 229 14 Bhutan Thimphu 975 15 Bolivia La Paz 591 16 Botswana Gaborone 267 17 Brazil Brasilia 55 18 Brunei Brunei 673 19 Bulgaria Sofia 359 20 Burma Rangoon 95 21 Burundi Bhujumbura 257 22 Cameroon Yaunde 237 23 Canada Ottawa 1 24 Cape Verde Islands Praia 238 25 Central Africa Bangui 236 26 Chad Republic N'Djamena 235 27 Chile Santiago 56 28 China Beijing 86 29 Columbia Bogota 57 30 Comoros Moroni 269 31 Congo,People's Republic of Brazzaville 242 32 Costa Rica San Jose 506 33 Cuba Havana 53 34 Cyprus Nicosia 357 35 Czechoslovakia Prague 420 36 Denmark Copenhagen 45 37 Djibouti Djibouti 253 38 Dominica Islands Roseau 1-809 39 Dominican Republic Santo Domingo 1-809 40 Equador Quito 593 41 Egypt Cairo 20 42 El Salvador Rep. San salvador 503 43 Equitorial Guinea Malabo 240 44 Ethiopia Addis Ababa 251 45 Fiji Suva 679 46 Finland Helsinki 358 47 France Paris 33 48 Gabon Libreville 241 49 Gambia Banjul 220 50 West Germany Bonn 49 51 East Germany East Berlin 49 52 Ghana Accra 233 53 Great Britain London 44 54 Greece Athens 30 55 Grenada St.George's 1-809 56 Guatemala Guatemala City 502 57 Guinea Rep. Conakry 224 58 Guinea-Bissan Bissan 245 59 Guyana Georgetown 592 60 Haiti Port-au-Prince 509 61 Honduras Rep. Tegucigalpa 504 62 Hungary Budapest 36 63 Iceland Reykjavik 354 64 Indonesia Djakarta 62 65 Iran Teheran 98 66 Iraq Baghdad 964 67 Ireland Dublin 353 68 Israel Tel Aviv 972 69 Italy Rome 39 70 Ivory Coast Abidjan 225 71 Jamaica Kingston 1809 72 Japan Tokyo 81 73 Jordan Amman 962 74 Kampuchia Phnom penh 75 Kenya Nairobi 254 76 Kiribati Bairiki,Tarawa 686 77 North Korea Pyongyang 850 78 South Korea Seoul 82 79 Kuwait Kuwait 965 80 Laos Vientiane 856 81 Lebanon Beirut 961 82 Lesotho Moseru 266 83 Liberia Monrovia 231 84 Libya Tripoli 218 85 Liechtenstein Vaduz 41 86 Luxembourg Luxembourg 352 87 Malagasy Tananarive 88 Malawi Lilongve 265 89 Malaysia Kualalumpur 60 90 Maldives Male 960 91 Mali Bamako 223 92 Malta Valetta 356 93 Mauritania,Islamic Republic of Nouakchoott 222 94 Mauritius Port Louis 230 95 Mexico Mexico City 52 96 Monaco Monaco 377 97 Mongolian People's Republic Ulan Bator 976 98 Morocco Rabat 212 99 Mozambique Maputo 258 100 Namibia Windhock 264 101 Nauru Yarel 674 102 Nepal Kathmandu 977 103 Netherlands Amsterdam 31 104 New Zealand Wellington 64 105 Nicaragua Managua 505 106 Niger,Republic of Niamey 227 107 Nigeria,The Federation of Lagos 234 108 Norway Oslo 47 109 Oman Muscat 968 110 Pakistan Islamabad 92 111 Panama Panama City 507 112 Papua New Guinea Port Moresby 675 113 Paraguay Asuncion 595 114 Peru Lima 51 115 Philippines Quezon City 63 116 Poland Warsaw 48 117 Portugal Lisbon 351 118 Qatar Doha 974 119 Romania Bucharest 40 120 Rwanda Kigali 250 121 St.Lucia Castries 758 122 Samoa Apia 684 123 San Marino San Marico 378 124 Sao Tome And Principle Sao Tome 239 125 Saudi Arabia Riyadh 966 126 Senegal Dakar 221 127 Seychelles Victoria 248 128 Sierre Leone Freetown 232 129 Singapore Singapore 65 130 Solomon Island Honiara 677 131 Somalia Mogadishu 252 132 South Africa Pretoria 27 133 Spain Madrid 34 134 Sri Lanka Colombo 94 135 Sudan Khartoum 249 136 Surinam Paramaribo 597 137 Swaziland Mbabane 268 138 Sweeden Stockholm 46 139 Switzerland Berne 41 140 Syria Damascus 963 141 Tanzania Dar-es-salaam 255 142 Thailand Bangkok 66 143 Togo Lome 228 144 Tonga Nukualofa 676 145 Trinidad & Tobago Port of Spain 1809 146 Tunisia Tunis 216 147 Turkey Ankara 90 148 Tavalu Funafuti 688 149 Uganda Kampala 256 150 Union of Soviet Socialist Republic Moscow 7 151 United Arab Amirates Abu Dhabi 971 152 United States of America Washington 1 153 Upper Volta Ouagadougou 154 Uruguay Montevideo 598 155 Vatican City Vatican City 39 156 Venda Thohoyandou 27 157 Venezuelaz Caracas 58 158 Vietnam Hanoi 84 159 Yemen,Arab Republic of Saana 967 160 Yemen,people's democratic Republic of Aden 967 161 Yogoslavia Belgrade 381 162 Zaire Kinshasa 243 163 Zambia Lusaka 260 164 Zimbabwe Salisbury 263

World Countries - Capitas - ISD Codes: No.CountryCapitalISD Code 01 Afghanistan Kabul 93 02 Albania Tirana 355 03 Algeria Algiers 213 04 Angola Luanda 244 05 Argentina Buenos Aires 54 06 Australia Canberra 61 07 Austria Vienna 43 08 Bahamas Nassau 1242 09 Bahrain Manama 973 10 Bangladesh Dhaka 880 11 Barbados Bridgetown 1246 12 Belgium Brussels 32 13 Benin Porto Novo 229 14 Bhutan Thimphu 975 15 Bolivia La Paz 591 16 Botswana Gaborone 267 17 Brazil Brasilia 55 18 Brunei Brunei 673 19 Bulgaria Sofia 359 20 Burma Rangoon 95 21 Burundi Bhujumbura 257 22 Cameroon Yaunde 237 23 Canada Ottawa 1 24 Cape Verde Islands Praia 238 25 Central Africa Bangui 236 26 Chad Republic N'Djamena 235 27 Chile Santiago 56 28 China Beijing 86 29 Columbia Bogota 57 30 Comoros Moroni 269 31 Congo,People's Republic of Brazzaville 242 32 Costa Rica San Jose 506 33 Cuba Havana 53 34 Cyprus Nicosia 357 35 Czechoslovakia Prague 420 36 Denmark Copenhagen 45 37 Djibouti Djibouti 253 38 Dominica Islands Roseau 1-809 39 Dominican Republic Santo Domingo 1-809 40 Equador Quito 593 41 Egypt Cairo 20 42 El Salvador Rep. San salvador 503 43 Equitorial Guinea Malabo 240 44 Ethiopia Addis Ababa 251 45 Fiji Suva 679 46 Finland Helsinki 358 47 France Paris 33 48 Gabon Libreville 241 49 Gambia Banjul 220 50 West Germany Bonn 49 51 East Germany East Berlin 49 52 Ghana Accra 233 53 Great Britain London 44 54 Greece Athens 30 55 Grenada St.George's 1-809 56 Guatemala Guatemala City 502 57 Guinea Rep. Conakry 224 58 Guinea-Bissan Bissan 245 59 Guyana Georgetown 592 60 Haiti Port-au-Prince 509 61 Honduras Rep. Tegucigalpa 504 62 Hungary Budapest 36 63 Iceland Reykjavik 354 64 Indonesia Djakarta 62 65 Iran Teheran 98 66 Iraq Baghdad 964 67 Ireland Dublin 353 68 Israel Tel Aviv 972 69 Italy Rome 39 70 Ivory Coast Abidjan 225 71 Jamaica Kingston 1809 72 Japan Tokyo 81 73 Jordan Amman 962 74 Kampuchia Phnom penh 75 Kenya Nairobi 254 76 Kiribati Bairiki,Tarawa 686 77 North Korea Pyongyang 850 78 South Korea Seoul 82 79 Kuwait Kuwait 965 80 Laos Vientiane 856 81 Lebanon Beirut 961 82 Lesotho Moseru 266 83 Liberia Monrovia 231 84 Libya Tripoli 218 85 Liechtenstein Vaduz 41 86 Luxembourg Luxembourg 352 87 Malagasy Tananarive 88 Malawi Lilongve 265 89 Malaysia Kualalumpur 60 90 Maldives Male 960 91 Mali Bamako 223 92 Malta Valetta 356 93 Mauritania,Islamic Republic of Nouakchoott 222 94 Mauritius Port Louis 230 95 Mexico Mexico City 52 96 Monaco Monaco 377 97 Mongolian People's Republic Ulan Bator 976 98 Morocco Rabat 212 99 Mozambique Maputo 258 100 Namibia Windhock 264 101 Nauru Yarel 674 102 Nepal Kathmandu 977 103 Netherlands Amsterdam 31 104 New Zealand Wellington 64 105 Nicaragua Managua 505 106 Niger,Republic of Niamey 227 107 Nigeria,The Federation of Lagos 234 108 Norway Oslo 47 109 Oman Muscat 968 110 Pakistan Islamabad 92 111 Panama Panama City 507 112 Papua New Guinea Port Moresby 675 113 Paraguay Asuncion 595 114 Peru Lima 51 115 Philippines Quezon City 63 116 Poland Warsaw 48 117 Portugal Lisbon 351 118 Qatar Doha 974 119 Romania Bucharest 40 120 Rwanda Kigali 250 121 St.Lucia Castries 758 122 Samoa Apia 684 123 San Marino San Marico 378 124 Sao Tome And Principle Sao Tome 239 125 Saudi Arabia Riyadh 966 126 Senegal Dakar 221 127 Seychelles Victoria 248 128 Sierre Leone Freetown 232 129 Singapore Singapore 65 130 Solomon Island Honiara 677 131 Somalia Mogadishu 252 132 South Africa Pretoria 27 133 Spain Madrid 34 134 Sri Lanka Colombo 94 135 Sudan Khartoum 249 136 Surinam Paramaribo 597 137 Swaziland Mbabane 268 138 Sweeden Stockholm 46 139 Switzerland Berne 41 140 Syria Damascus 963 141 Tanzania Dar-es-salaam 255 142 Thailand Bangkok 66 143 Togo Lome 228 144 Tonga Nukualofa 676 145 Trinidad & Tobago Port of Spain 1809 146 Tunisia Tunis 216 147 Turkey Ankara 90 148 Tavalu Funafuti 688 149 Uganda Kampala 256 150 Union of Soviet Socialist Republic Moscow 7 151 United Arab Amirates Abu Dhabi 971 152 United States of America Washington 1 153 Upper Volta Ouagadougou 154 Uruguay Montevideo 598 155 Vatican City Vatican City 39 156 Venda Thohoyandou 27 157 Venezuelaz Caracas 58 158 Vietnam Hanoi 84 159 Yemen,Arab Republic of Saana 967 160 Yemen,people's democratic Republic of Aden 967 161 Yogoslavia Belgrade 381 162 Zaire Kinshasa 243 163 Zambia Lusaka 260 164 Zimbabwe Salisbury 263

Fine Arts: No.QuestionAnswer 01The Persian epic Shahnama was written byFirdausi 02Mohenjadaro literally meansMound of Corpes 03The Classic "Measure for Measure"was written byWilliam Shakespeare 04The composer of Geet Govind wasJayadev 05By the middle of the 1st century,the city that was famous for fine arts wasPataliputra 06The first Cartoonist to win the B.D.Goenka Award wasR.K.Laxman 07The magazine started by M.Karunanidhi wasMurasoli 08Shakespeare's last play wasThe Tempest 09Bismillah Khan is a famousMusician 10Bismillah Khan specialises inShahnai Vadan 11The famous museum located in Hyderabad isSalarjung 12Vinoba Bhave,author,started a famous movement known asBhoodan Movement 13Geetha Pravachan in Marathi was written byVinoba Bhave 14The ancient Buddhist University Nalanda was located in the state ofBihar 15The architectural style in which Taj Mahal is built isIndo persian 16Rabindranath Tagore won the Nobel Prize for his bookGitanjali 17Tamil Ramayanam was authoblack byKambar 18The oldest collection of stories in India isKathasaritsagara 19The instrument played by Ustad Ali Akbar Khan isSarod 20The Biography of Dr.Samuel Johnson was written byJames Bosewell 21Subramanya Bharthi was a notedPoet 22K.V.Subbabba,who won the Magsaysay Award was fromHeggodu,Karnataka 23The heroine of the film `Cleopatra' wasElizabeth Taylor 24"Bhagvatgeet"the movie which won the Lotus Award was made in which LanguageSanskrit 25The only Indian actor to have received the Oscar award isSatyajit Ray 26Bhimsen Joshi is associated withHindustani Music 27The B.C.Roy National Award for the year 1981 was received byDr.Harindranath Chattopadhyaya 28National Anthem of India was written byRabindranath Tagore 29The first film of Ashok Kumar wasJeevanayya 30The dancer who,inspite of losing one leg,dances and acts in films isSudha Chandran 31The studio owned by Raj Kapoor and his family isR.K.Studios 32The author cum adventurer Thomas Edward Lawrence was famous forLawrence of Arabia 33William Wordsworth was also known asNature's Poet 34Robert Benchley acted in the filmAuthor 35A comedian who insublack his nose for Ten lakh dollars wasJimmy Durant 36The earlier name of film star Devanand wasDharam Devanand 37The real name of Dilip kumar isYusuf Khan 38Bala Gandharva was a famousStage actor 39Bala Gandharva was so named byBal Gangadhar Tilak 40The lead role in Tamil film Nayakan was played byKamala Hasan 41Hollywood is located inCalifornia,USA 42The book `Life Divine' was written byAurobindo 43The editor of the book `Indian Cartoons' isAbu Abraham 44Canterbury Tales was written byChaucer 45Orthography means the art ofCorrect Spelling 46The book "Mad,Mad,Mad,World of Indian Cinema" was written byK.A.Abbas 47The National Gallery of Modern Art is located atNew Delhi 48"Les miserables" was written byVictor Hugo 49The first opera ever performed wasPersi Dafni 50The word "Opera" meansWorks 51Henrik Isben's first play wasCatalina 52The only comedy written by Jean Racine wasLes Plaideurs 53`Rip Van Wrinkle' was written byWashington Irwing 54The 1995 Jnana Peeth Award was won byM.T.Vasudevan Nair 55The 1997 Booker Prize was won byArundathi Roy 56"Love's Labour Lost"was a play byShakespeare 57The Roman Magsaysay Award 1997 was won byMahasweta Devi 58The collection of Short Stories entitled "Mortal Coils" was written byAldous Hexley 59The play "Enemy of the People" was written byHensik Isben 60The first cinema theater was established atPittsberg,Pensylvania 61The first cinema theater was established in the year1905 AD 62In the play `Macbeth',the king of Scotland isDuncan 63Kesari,a Marathi daily was started byBal Gangadhar Tilak 64The one eyed giant who appeablack in Greek mythology wasCyclops 65"Ajax" was written bySophocles 66"Antigone" was written bySophocles 67"Aparajito", a Bengali film, was directed bySatyajit Ray 68The Piano was discoveblack byGuidod Arezzo 69Sense and Sensibility,was written byJane Austin 70Rabindranath Tagore was popularly known asGurudev 71The author who used a new pen every time he sat down to write a poem wasAlexander Dumas 72The French author who could work only in a darkened room wasEmil Zola 73The writer who was known as the `Wizard of the North' wasWalter Scott 74The noble prize winning novel "The Good Earth" was written byPearl S.Buck 75Mickey Mouse & Donald Duck,the cartoon characters were created byWalt Disney 76Pablo Picasso was fromSpain 77The Comic Character "Tarzan"was created byEdgar Rice Burroughs 78Bernard Shaw wrote the "Far Fetched Fables" at the age of93 years 79The first full-length feature film wasThe Great Train Robbery 80The first full-length feature film was made in the year1903 AD 81The Tansen Awards are given toMusicians 82The Character 1Gulliver' was created byJonathan Swift 83Gulliver's first name wasLumuel 84Treasure Island was written byRobert Louis Stevenson 85The person who is known as father of Carnatic Classical music isPurandaradasa 86`King Solomon's Ring' was written bykonard Lorenz

Buildings: AdobleA house made from sun-dried bricks of clay and straw - usually built in warm, dry climates like the south western U.S. ApartmentA set of rooms in a building which usually contains other similar sets of rooms. BarracksA building or set of buildings used to house soldiers. BoardinghouseA house in which rooms are rented and meals are served in a common dining room. BungalowA small house with a low,wide roof and a porch. It is usually one story high. ChaletA mountain house with a wide,overhanging roof and posts and beams. The style originated in Switzerland. ChateauA home for nuns. CottageA small country home or summer house used for vacations. Duplex ApartmentAn apartment with two floors of living space. Duplex HouseA house divided into two living units. EstateA large country house with seperate buildings on a large tract of land. FarmhouseThie dwelling for people who live and work on a farm raising animals or crops. FlatAn apartment on one floor of a building. Geodesic DomeA large, flat-bottom boat used as a home. HoganA building made of logs and mud, used by the Navaho Indians. IglooA house built by Eskimos of blocks of ice. The name means "hot house". JacalA thatched hut made of intertwined branches and mud, built in Mexico. KonahA large home in Turkey. LodgeA house usually located in a remote place and used for hunting or skiing. LoftAn apartment in a warehouse or business building. Log CabinA small house made of unhewn timber. ManseIn Scotland, a house in which a minister lives. Mobile HomeA trailor used as a permanent home and made without a permanent foundation. Nissen HutA premade shelter with a semicircular arching roof of corrugated iron, and containing a cement floor. Octagon HouseA house with eight sides. PalaceA large, grand building in which royally live. PenthouseA large apartment located at the top of building. Quonest HutA premade, portable circular hut made of metal and used by the U.S. Army. RectoryThe house in which a Roman Catholic priest or Episcopal cergyman lives. ShantyA shack. Sod HouseA house made of bricks of sod, which is earth with grass and its roots. In the 19th century, these were built on the American prairie where there were no trees. Just grassy land. Studio ApartmentA one-room apartment with a kitchen and bathroom. TentA portable house made of skins, Canvas, or nylon. Tepee, TipiA cone-shaped portable home made of buffalo skins and tree saplings, used by the American Indians of the Great Plains. Tenement`A rundown, low-rent apartment building. Underground HouseAn earth shelter built below the ground. The earth keeps the house warm in the winter and cool in the summer. VillaA large country or resort home. WigwarmA hut with a frame made of poles and covered iwht bark,rush mats, or hides, used by American Indians. YurtA circular, portable, hut used as a home by asian shepherds. It is similar to the American wigwarm. ZarebaAn African fort made of thorny bushes.

Airlines of the world: No.AirlineCountry 01B.O.A.C.ENGLAND 02Air FranceFRANCE 03Lufthansa German AirlinesW.GERMANY 04Pan American World Airways SystemU.S.A. 05Trans-world AirwaysU.S.A. 06Aero-flotU.S.S.R. 07AlitaliaITALY 08Quantas Empire AirwaysAUSTRALIA 09Air-IndiaINDIA 10SabenaBELGIUM 11Arana Afghan AirlinesAFGHANISTAN 12Cathay PacificHONGKONG 13FinnairFINLAND 14IberiaSPAIN 15Japan AirlinesJAPAN 16Garuda AirwaysINDONESIA 17KLM Royal DutchNETHERLANDS 18BruathensNORWAY 19Scandinavian Airlines SystemNORWAY 20SwissairSWITZERLAND 21Pakistan International AirlinesPAKISTAN 22Royal Nepal AirlinesNEPAL 23Air-CeylonSRI LANKA 24Thai Airways InternationalTHAILAND

Bharat Ratna: Pandit Bhimsen Gururaj Joshi Year: 2008State / Country: Karnataka - India Notes: Hindustani classical singer Ustad Bismillah Khan Year: 2001State / Country: Uttar Pradesh Notes: Classical Maestro Lata Mangeshkar Year: 2001State / Country: Maharashtra Notes: Play back singer. Ravi Shankar Year: 1999State / Country: west bengal Notes: Classical sitar player. Amartya Sen Year: 1999State / Country: West Bengal Notes: Nobel Laureate (Economics, 1998), Economist. Gopinath Bordoloi Year: 1999State / Country: Assam Notes: Posthumous, freedom fighter Jayaprakash Narayan Year: 1998State / Country: Uttar Pradesh Notes: Posthumous, Freedom Fighter, Social Reformer. Chidambaram Subramaniam Year: 1998State / Country: Tamil Nadu Notes: Freedom Fighter, Minister of Agriculture(Father of Green revolution). M. S. Subbulakshmi Year: 1998State / Country: Tamil Nadu Notes: Classical singer. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Year: 1997State / Country: Tamil Nadu Notes: Former President, Scientist. Gulzarilal Nanda Year: 1997State / Country: Punjab Notes: Freedom Fighter, former Prime Minister. Aruna Asaf Ali Year: 1997State / Country: West Bengal Notes: Posthumous, Freedom Fighter. Satyajit Ray Year: 1992State / Country: West Bengal Notes: Legendary Indian Film Director J. R. D. Tata Year: 1992State / Country: Maharashtra Notes: Industrialist and philanthropist. Maulana Abul Kalam Azad Year: 1992State / Country: West Bengal Notes: Posthumous, Freedom Fighter, Educator. Morarji Desai Year: 1991State / Country: Gujarat Notes: Former Prime Minister, Freedom Fighter. Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Year: 1991State / Country: Gujarat Notes: Posthumous, Freedom Fighter, First Home Minister of India. Rajiv Gandhi Year: 1991State / Country: New Delhi Notes: Posthumous, Former Prime Minister Nelson Mandela Year: 1990State / Country: South Africa Notes: Second non-citizen and first non-Indian, Leader of Anti-Apartheid movement. B. R. Ambedkar Year: 1990State / Country: Maharashtra Notes: Posthumous, Architect-Indian Constitution, Leader of Buddhist people of India M. G. Ramachandran Year: 1988State / Country: Tamil Nadu Notes: Posthumous, Chief Minister-Tamil Nadu, Actor. Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan Year: 1987State / Country: Pakistan Notes: First non-citizen, Freedom Fighter. Acharya Vinoba Bhave Year: 1983State / Country: Maharashtra Notes: Posthumous, Social Reformer, Freedom Figher. Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu (Mother Teresa) Year: 1980State / Country: West Bengal Notes: Naturalized Indian citizen, Nobel Laureate (Peace, 1979). K. Kamaraj Year: 1976State / Country: Tamil Nadu Notes: Posthumous, Freedom Fighter, Chief Minister-Tamil Nadu. V. V. Giri Year: 1975State / Country: Andhra Pradesh Notes: Former President, Trade Unionist. Indira Gandhi Year: 1971State / Country: Uttar Pradesh Notes: Former Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri Year: 1966State / Country: Uttar Pradesh Notes: Posthumous, Second Prime Minister, Freedom Fighter Pandurang Vaman Kane Year: 1963State / Country: Maharashtra Notes: Indologist and Sanskrit scholar Zakir Hussain Year: 1963State / Country: Andhra Pradesh Notes: Former President, Scholar. Rajendra Prasad Year: 1962State / Country: Bihar Notes: First President, Freedom Fighter, Jurist Purushottam Das Tandon Year: 1961State / Country: Uttar Pradesh Notes: Freedom Fighter, Educationalist. B. C. Roy Year: 1961State / Country: West Bengal Notes: Physician, Politician Dhondo Keshav Karve Year: 1958State / Country: Maharashtra Notes: Educationist, Social Reformer Govind Ballabh Pant Year: 1957State / Country: Uttar Pradesh Notes: Freedom Fighter, Home Minister Bhagwan Das Year: 1955State / Country: Uttar Pradesh Notes: Philosopher, Freedom Fighter Sir Mokshagundam Visvesvarayya Year: 1955State / Country: Karnataka Notes: Civil Engineer Jawaharlal Nehru Year: 1955State / Country: Uttar Pradesh Notes: First Prime Minister, Freedom Fighter, Author. C. V. Raman Year: 1954State / Country: Tamil Nadu Notes: Nobel-prize winning Physicist Chakravarti Rajagopalachari Year: 1954State / Country: Tamil Nadu Notes: Last Governor-General, Freedom Fighter. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan Year: 1954State / Country: Tamil Nadu Notes: Second President, First Vice President, Philosopher.

Country to Language Listing: Country NameLanguages AfghanistanAfghan Persian or Dari, Pashtu, Turkic languages, 30 minor languages with much bilingualism AkrotiriEnglish, Greek AlbaniaAlbanian, Greek, Vlach, Romani, Slavic dialects AlgeriaArabic, French, Berber dialects American SamoaSamoan, English, Tongan AndorraCatalan, French, Castilian Spanish, Portuguese AngolaPortuguese, Bantu, other African languages AnguillaEnglish Antigua and BarbudaEnglish, local dialects ArgentinaSpanish, English, Italian, German, French ArmeniaArmenian, Yezidi, Russian ArubaDutch, Papiamento, English, Spanish AustraliaEnglish, Chinese, Italian, other indigenous languages AustriaGerman, Slovene, Croatian, Hungarian AzerbaijanAzerbaijani, Russian, Armenian, other indigenous languages BahamasEnglish, Creole BahrainArabic, English, Farsi, Urdu BangladeshBengali, English BarbadosEnglish BelarusBelarusian, Russian, other indigenous languages BelgiumDutch, French, German BelizeEnglish, Spanish, Mayan, Garifuna, Creole BeninFrench, Fon and Yoruba, tribal languages BermudaEnglish, Portuguese BhutanDzongkha, Tibetan, Nepalese BoliviaSpanish, Quechua, Aymara Bosnia and HerzegovinaBosnian, Croatian, Serbian BotswanaSetswana, Kalanga, Sekgalagadi, English, other and unspecified BrazilPortuguese, Spanish, English, French British Virgin IslandsEnglish BruneiMalay, English, Chinese BulgariaBulgarian, Turkish, Roma, other and unspecified Burkina FasoFrench, native African languages belonging to Sudanic family BurmaBurmese, minority ethnic groups have their own languages BurundiKirundi, French, Swahili CambodiaKhmer, French, English Cameroon24 major African language groups, English, French CanadaEnglish, French, other indigenous languages Cape VerdePortuguese, Crioulo Cayman IslandsEnglish Central African RepublicFrench, Sangho, tribal languages ChadFrench, Arabic, Sara, more than 120 different languages and dialects ChileSpanish ChinaMandarin, Yue, Wu, Minbei, Minnan, Xiang, Gan, Hakka dialects, minority languages Christmas IslandEnglish, Chinese, Malay Cocos IslandsMalay, English ColombiaSpanish ComorosArabic, French, Shikomoro Congo, Democratic Republic of theFrench, Lingala, Kingwana, Kikongo, Tshiluba Congo, Republic of theFrench, Lingala and Monokutuba, many local languages and dialects Cook IslandsEnglish, Maori Costa RicaSpanish, English Cote d'IvoireFrench, 60 native dialects with Dioula the most widely spoken CroatiaCroatian, Serbian, other and undesignated (including Italian, Hungarian, Czech, Slovak, and German) CubaSpanish CyprusGreek, Turkish, English Czech RepublicCzech DenmarkDanish, Faroese, Greenlandic, German; NOTE: English is the predominant second language DhekeliaEnglish, Greek DjiboutiFrench, Arabic, Somali, Afar

Countries and their Parliaments: Country NameParliament Name AfghanistanShura ArgentinaNational Congress AustraliaThe Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia BahamasGeneral Assembly BangladeshJatiyo Sangsad BhutanTshogdu BrazilNational Congress BulgariaNarodno Sabranieye (National Assembly) CambodiaNational Assembly CanadaParliament of Canada China (Mainland)National People's Congress China (National)Li Fa Yuan (Legislative Yuan) ColombiaCongress of the Republic CubaNational Assembly of People's Power DenmarkFolketinget EgyptConsultative Council and People's Assembly EthiopiaShergo FinlandEduskusta / Riksdagen FranceParlement GermanyBundestag (Lower House), Bundestrat (Upper House) GreenlandLandstinget HungryNational Assembly IcelandAlthingi IndiaSansad [Lok Sabha (Lower House) and Rajya Sabha (Upper House)] IndonesiaPeople's Consultative Assembly and House of Representives IranMajles IraqNational Assembly IsraelThe Knesset JapanThe Diet LaosNational Assembly LibyaGeneral People's Congress MaldivesMajlis MangoliaGreat Hural MyanmarPyithu Hluttaw NepalSansad NetherlandsStaten General New ZealandHosue of Representatives NorwayStortinget Papua New GuineaNational Parliament PolandSejm South AfricaHouse of Assembly SpainCortes Generales (General Courts) SurinamStaten SwedenRiksdagen United Kingdom (UK)Parliament (House of Commons and Hosue of Lords) United StatesCongress (House of Representatives and Senate)

Phobia List.... *.Achluophobia- Fear of darkness. *.Acousticophobia- Fear of noise. *.Acrophobia- Fear of heights. *.Agliophobia- Fear of pain. *.Ailurophobia- Fear of cats. *.Amathophobia- Fear of dust. *.Apiphobia- Fear of bees. *.Arachnephobia - Fear of spiders. *.Arsonphobia- Fear of fire. *.Automysophobia- Fear of being dirty. *.Bacteriophobia- Fear of bacteria. *.Bathophobia- Fear of depth. *.Bibliophobia- Fear of books. *.Brontophobia- Fear of thunder and lightning. *.Catoptrophobia- Fear of mirrors. *.Chionophobia- Fear of snow. *.Chromophobia or Chromatophobia- Fear of colors. *.Cyberphobia- Fear of computers or working on a computer. *.Cynophobia- Fear of dogs or rabies. *.Didaskaleinophobia- Fear of going to school. *.Entomophobia- Fear of insects. *.Gamophobia- Fear of marriage. *.Iatrophobia- Fear of going to the doctor or of doctors. *.Katsaridaphobia- Fear of cockroaches. *.Lygophobia- Fear of darkness. *.Olfactophobia- Fear of smells. *.Ophidiophobia- Fear of snakes *.Phasmophobia- Fear of ghosts. *.Scolionophobia- Fear of school. *.Tachophobia- Fear of speed. *.Taurophobia- Fear of bulls. *.Trypanophobia- Fear of injections.

Name Scientific Study: AcologyStudy of medical remedies AdenologyStudy of glands AerologyStudy of the atmosphere AgrologyStudy of agricultural soils AnesthesiologyStudy of anesthetics AnatomyStudy of the structure of living things AnthropobiologyStudy of the natural history of the human species AnthropologyStudy of humanity ApiologyStudy of bees ArachnologyStudy of spiders ArchaeologyStudy of human activity in the past AstrologyStudy of influence of stars on people AstronomyStudy of celestial bodies AuxologyStudyof growth BarologyStudy of gravitation BibliologyStudy of books BiologyStudy of life BotanyStudy of plants BromatologyStudy of food BrontologyStudy of thunder CalorificsStudy of heat CardiologyStudy of the heart CarpologyStudy of fruit ChemistryStudy of the composition, properties and behavior of matter CosmologyStudy of the universe CryptologyStudy of codes DactylographyStudy of fingerprints DendrologyStudy of trees DermatologyStudy of skin DesmologyStudy of ligaments EcologyStudy of environment EconomicsStudy of material wealth EdaphologyStudy of soils EntomologyStudy of insects FloristryStudy ofcultivating and selling flowers GeoponicsStudy of agriculture GraphologyStudy of handwriting HelminthologicalStudy of worms HematologyStudy of blood HydrogeologyStudy of ground water HygrometryStudy of humidity IchthyologyStudy of fish InsectologyStudy of insects LinguisticsStudy of language MeteorologyStudy of weather NephologyStudy of clouds NephrologyStudy of the kidneys NumismaticsStudy of coins OdontologyStudy of teeth OologyStudy of eggs OphiologyStudy of snakes OrnithologyStudy of birds OrthopterologyStudy of cockroaches OsteologyStudy of bones OtologyStudy of the ear PalaeolimnologyStudy of ancient fish PathologyStudy and diagnosis of disease PsychologyStudy of mental functions and behaviors SeismologyStudy of earthquakes ThermologyStudy of heat VermeologyStudy of worms XylologyStudy of wood ZoologyStudy of animals

Name Scientific of Animals: AntHymenopetrous formicidae BearUrsidae Carnivora BatsChiroptera CamelCamelus Camelidae CatFelis Catus CheetahAcinonyx Jubatus CrowCorvous Corone CrocodileCrocodilia Niloticus DeerArtiodactyl Cervidae DogCannis Familiaris DoveColumbidae Colombiformes DuckAnatidae Anseriformes ElephantProboscidea Elephantidae EagleAquila Accipitridae GorillaGorilla gorilla GiraffeGiraffa camelopardalis HorseEqqus Caballus HawkDiurnus Accipitridae KangarooMacropus Macropodidae LeopardPanthera pardus LionPanthera Leo MouseRodentia Muridae OstrichStruthio Camelus PigArtiodactyla Suidae ParrotPhaethontidae Psittaciformes PeacockPava Cristatus PenguinPentagonica Sphenisciformes PigeonColumbidae Colombiformes Polar bearUrsus maritimus Rattle SnakeCortalus Horridus RhinocerosPerrissodanctyl Rthinocerotidae SparrowPloceidae Passer TigerPanthera Tigris TortoiseHerbivora Testudinidae VultureDiurnilis Neophron

Famous Quotes.... *.A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new. Albert Einstein *.It's not what happens to you but how you react to it that matters. Epictetus *.An investment in knowledge pays the best interest. Ben Franklin *.Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future. John F. Kennedy *.Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. Nelson Mandela *.An investment in knowledge pays the best interest. Benjamin Franklin *.You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough. Mae West *.Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever. Mahatma Gandhi *.Seven Deadly Sins: Wealth without work, Pleasure without conscience, Science without humanity, Knowledge without character, Politics without principle, Commerce without morality, Worship without sacrifice. Mahatma Gandhi *.Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school. Albert Einstein *.You can do anything, but not everything. David Allen *.You must be the change you wish to see in the world. Gandhi *.Every man dies. Not every man really lives. William Wallace *.We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act, but a habit. Aristotle *.We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give. Winston Churchill *.The beginning is the most important part of the work. Plato *.Imagination is the beginning of creation. You imagine what you desire, you will what you imagine, and at last, you create what you will. George Bernard Shaw *.You see things; and you say, ‘Why?’ But I dream things that never were; and I say, ‘Why not’? George Bernard Shaw *.If you can accept losing, you can't win. Vince Lombardi

Winners of 2012... Tennis: Australian open Men's SinglesNovak Djokovic Women's SinglesVictoria Azarenka Men's DoublesLeander Paes /Radek Štěpánek Women's DoublesSvetlana Kuznetsova /Vera Zvonareva Mixed DoublesBethanie Mattek-Sands /Horia Tecău US Open Men's SinglesAndy Murray Women's SinglesSerena Williams Men's DoublesBob Bryan and Mike Bryan Women's DoublesSara Errani and Roberta Vinci Mixed DoublesEkaterina Makarova and Bruno Soares Wimbledon Championships Men's SinglesRoger Federer Women's SinglesSerena Williams Men's DoublesJonathan Marray and Frederik Nielsen Women's DoublesSerena Williams and Venus Williams Mixed DoublesMike Bryan and Lisa Raymond French Open Men's SinglesRafael Nadal Women's SinglesMaria Sharapova Men's DoublesMax Mirnyi and Daniel Nestor Women's DoublesSara Errani and Roberta Vinci Mixed DoublesSania Mirza and Mahesh Bhupathi 2012Davis CupCzech Republic 2012 Fed Cup World GroupCzech Republic Cricket Ranji Trophy WinnerRajasthan Asia Cup WinnerPakistan IPL WinnerKolkata Knight Riders Under19 Cricket World CupIndia 2012 ICC World Twenty20West Indies Formula One Chinese Grand PrixNico Rosberg Malaysian Grand PrixFernando Alonso Australian Grand PrixJenson Button Monaco Grand PrixMark Webber Indian Grand PrixSebastian Vettel Football FIFA Club World CupCorinthians UEFA Champions League FinalChelsea UEFA Euro 2012Spain FA Community ShieldManchester City Nehru CupFotballIndia

Slogan of some Popular Companies: "Innovation" 3M “High Performance. Delivered.” Accenture “Impossible is nothing” Adidas "Setting the Standards" Airbus "…and You're Done" "Your World. Delivered" AT&T "Circuit Design for the RF Impaired" ATG Design Services "Get In the Game" ATI Technologies “The Company for Woman” Avon "Innovating for a Safer World" BAE Systems "The Leader in Small Space and Rocket Systems" Ball Corporation "Forever New Frontiers" Boeing "Better Sound Through Research" Bose Corporation "Setting the Standard in Device Programming" BP Microsystems “Beyond Petroleum” BP “The ultimate driving machine” BMW "Know How" Canon “The Penalty of Leadership” Cadillac “Between love and madness lies obsession” Calvin Klein "This is the Power of the Network. Now." Cisco Systems "Inspiration Technology" Compaq (HP) “Open Happieness” Coca-Cola "Innovation and Excellence" Datel (C&D Tech) "Get More out of Now" Dell Computer “The happiest place on earth” Disneyland "The Miracles of Science" DuPont “Buy it. Sell it. Love it.” Ebay "Taking You Forward" Ericsson "RF On Fiber" Fiber-Span, LLC "Built for the Road Ahead" Ford “For the men in charge of change” Fortune Magazine "The Possibilities are Infinite" Fujitsu "Strength On Your Side" General Dynamics "Imagination at Work" General Electric "Innovation and Excellence in RF & Microwave" GigaLane “Don’t be evil” Google "Materials that Create Solutions" Griff Specialty Paper and Film "Inspire the Next" Hitachi "Invent" Hewlett-Packard "We are Honeywell" Honeywell “American by Birth. Rebel by choice.” Harley Davidson "We Make IT Happen" IBM “Think big” Imax "The Power of Choice" IFI "Intel Inside" Intel "Engineered for Life" ITT "A Virtual World of Live Pictures" Kodak “Finger lickin’ good” Kentucky Fried Chicken "At Linksys - We are making connectivity easier" Linksys “Because you’re worth it” L’Oreal "The Future of Memory" Micron "Digital DNA""Hello. Moto" Motorola "Your Partner In Antenna Technology" mWAVE Industries, LLC "Empowered by Innovation" NEC Corporation "Connecting People" Nokia “At the heart of the image” Nikon “Just do it” Nike "Business Without Boundaries" Nortel Networks "The Leader in Small Space and Rocket Systems" Orbital Sciences Corporation "Ideas for Life" Panasonic "Sense and Simplicity" Philips “The greatest tragedy is indifference” Red Cross "Imagine" Samsung Electronics "The Network Is The Computer" Sun Microsystems "We Make It Happen" Unisys "This Is Momentum" United Technologies Corporation "Can You Hear Me Now? Good." Verizon Wireless “It’s is everywhere you want to be” Visa “Make the most of now” Vodafone “Think small” Volkswagon “Save money. Live Better.” Walmart "The Programmable Logic Company" Xilinx "When Performance Matters" XMA Corporation “Let your fingers do the walking” Yellow Pages

Company with Full Names 3MMinnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company AT&TAmerican Telephone and Telegraph Company AdidasAdolf (Adi) Dassler AmocoAMerican Oil COmpany AOLAmerica Online AmulAnand Milk Union Limited BMWBayerische Motoren Werke BBCBritish Broadcasting Corporation BenQBringing Enjoyment and Quality BHPBroken Hill Proprietary BSNLBharat Sanchar Nigam Limited BPBritish Petroleum BPLBritish Physical Laboratories BASFBASFBaden Aniline and Soda Factory BEMLBharat Earth Movers Limited BHELBharat Heavy Electricals Limited CEATCavi Elettrici e Affini Torino CapcomCapsule Computers CDACCentre for Development of Advanced Computing COLTCity Of London Telecom ESPNEntertainment and Sports Programming Network HDFCHousing Development Finance Corporation Limited HCLHindustan Computer Limited HTCHigh Tech Computer Corporation HPHewlett-Packard HMVHis Master's Voice HSBCHongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation H&MHennes & Mauritz ICICI BankIndustrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India Bank IBMInternational Business Machines InfosysInformation Systems IntelINTegrated ELectronics IKEAIngvar Kamprad Elmtaryd Agunnaryd INGInternational Netherlands Group JVCJapan Victor Company JBLJames Bullough Lansing KFCKentucky Fried Chicken L&TLarsen & Toubro LGLucky and Goldstar LEGOleg godt MRFMadras Rubber Factory NECNippon Electric Company NikonNippon Kogaku NissanNippon Sangyo P&GProcter & Gamble Company SAPSystem Analyse und Programmentwicklung TCLToday China Lion UPSUnited Parcel Service of America WiproWestern India Palm Refined Oil Ltd

Company Info: CompanyName Founded In Founder Headquarter Samsung 1938 Lee Byung-chull Seoul, South Korea Nokia 1871 Fredrik Idestam, Leo Mechelin Helsinki, Finland Apple 1976 Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, Ronald Wayne California, U.S Suzuki 1909 Michio Suzuki Shizuoka, Japan Mercedes-Benz 1886 Karl Benz Stuttgart, Germany Audi 1909 August Horch Ingolstadt, Germany BMW 1916 Franz Josef Popp Munich, Germany Ferrari 1947 Enzo Ferrari Maranello, Italy Parker Pen 1888 George Safford Parker East Sussex, England Sony 1946 Masaru Ibuka, Akio Morita Tokyo, Japan Philips 1891 Gerard Philips, Frederik Philips Amsterdam, Netherlands Johnson & Johnson 1886 Robert Wood Johnson I, James Wood Johnson, Edward Mead Johnson New Jersey, United States Cadbury 1824 John Cadbury Uxbridge, London, United Kingdom Dabur 1884 Dr. S K Burman Ghaziabad, India Colgate 1873 William Colgate New York, United State L'Oréal 1909 Eugène Schueller Hauts-de-Seine, France LG 1947 Koo In-Hwoi Seoul, South Korea Adidas 1924 Adolf Dassler Herzogenaurach, Germany Goodyear 1898 Frank Seiberling Akron, Ohio, U.S. Google 1998 Larry Page, Sergey Brin California, United States Honda 1948 Soichiro Honda, Takeo Fujisawa Minato, Tokyo, Japan Intel 1968 Gordon Moore, Robert Noyce California, United States McDonald 1940 Richard and Maurice McDonald Oak Brook, Illinois, U.S. MRF 1946 K.M.Mammen Mappillai Chennai, India Ford 1903 Henry Ford Michigan, U.S.

Diseases caused by Vitamin Deficiency..... Deficiency Diseases Vitamin Ariboflavinosis Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) Anemia Vitamin B6 Beriberi Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) Biotin Vitamin B7 (Biotin) Bleeding disease Vitamin K Color-blindness Vitamin A Conjunctivitis Vitamins A, B2, C (B6, Zinc) Hypocobalaminemia Vitamin B12 Keratomalacia Vitamin A Night Blindness Vitamin A Pellagra Vitamin B3 (Niacin) Paraesthesia Vitamin B5 Photophobia Vitamin B2 Rickets Vitamin D Osteomalacia Vitamin D Scurvy Vitamin C

Measurement Device: Device Used for Measuring Anemometer Speed of Wind Actinometer Heating power of radiation, solar radiation Ammeter Electric current in a circuit Audiometer Hearing loss Bolometer Power of incident electromagnetic radiation Barometer Atmospheric pressure Cathetometer Vertical distances Densimeter Specific gravity of liquids Dynamometer Force or torque Densitometer Optical density of a photographic film Electroencephalograph Electrical activity of the brain Electrocardiograph Electrical activity of the heart Elaeometer Specific gravity of oils Galvanometer Electricity Hydrometer Specific gravity of liquids Hygrometer Density of water in air Lactometer Specific gravity of milk Lysimeter Balance of water in soil Magnetometer Strength of magnetic fields Manometer Pressure Plastometer Flow properties of plastic materials Polarimetry Polarization of transverse waves, electromagnetic waves Spirometer Volume of air Spectrometer Properties of light in a specific portion of electromagnetic spectrum Seismometers Movement of Earth Surface Sphygmomanometer Blood pressure Thermometer Temperature Tensiometer Surface tensionof liquids Viscometer Viscosity of a fluid Voltmeter Electric potential, voltage

Abbreviations and Acronyms...... AICTEAll India Council for Technical Education AIDSAcquired Immune Deficiency Syndrom AIIMSAll India Institute of Medical Science APECAsia Pacific Economic Cooperation ASCIIAmerican Standard Code for Informa­tion Interchange ASEANAssociation of South East Asian Nations ATMAutomated Teller Machine BIOSBasic Input Output System BPOBusiness Process Outsourcing CDACCentre for the Development of Ad­vanced Computing CDMACode Division Multiple Access CPWDCentral Public Works Department CTBTComprehensive Test Ban Treaty DNADeoxyribo Nucleic Acid DTPDesktop Publishing E-MAILElectronic Mailing EPABXElectronic Private Automatic Branch Exchange FICCIFederation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry FIRFirst Information Report GMTGreenwich Mean Time GPRSGeneral Packet Radio System GPSGlobal Positioning System GSLVGeosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle GSMGlobal System for Mobile Communications HIVHuman Immunodeficiency Virus HTMLHypertext Transfer Protocol IBMInternational Business Machines IEEEInstitute of Electronics and Electrical Engineers IMAXImage Maximum ILOInternational Labour Organization IPInternet Protocol ISBNInternational Standard Book Number ISDNIntegrated Services Digital Network ISOInternational Standards Organization ISROIndian Space Research Organization JPEGJoint Photographic Experts Group LASERLight Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation LCDLiquid Crystal Display MICRMagnetic Ink Character Recognition MODEMModulator Demodulator MPEGMotion Picture Experts Group NALCONational Aluminum Company Ltd. NASANational Aeronautics and Space Administration NASDAQNational Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation NASSCOMNational Association of Software and Service Companies NATONorth Atlantic Treaty Organization OPECOrganization of Petroleum Exporting Countries PANPermanent Account Number PINPostal Index Number RADARRadio Detecting and Ranging RAMRandom Access Memory SEBISecurities and Exchange Board of India TINTax Information Network UGCUniversity Grants Commission UNESCOUnited Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization UNICEFUnited Nations Children's Fund URLUniform Resource Locator VSATVery Small Aperture Terminals WHOWorld Health Organization WLLWireless in Local Loop WWFWorld Wildlife Fund WWWWorld Wide Web WYSIWYGWhat you see is what you get XMLExtensible Mark-up Language ZIPZone Improvement Plan

Person That recognized as Father/Mother of a subjects...... •Father of Microscopy Antonie Philips van Leeuwenhoek •Father of Western Medicine Hippocrates •Father of Internet Vint Cerf •Father of the American Constitution James Madison •Father of the Indian Constitution Dr. B.R. Ambedkar •Father of Humanism Francesco Petrarca •Father of Geometry Euclid of Alexandria •Father of New France Samuel de Champlain •Father of Genetics Gregor Mendel •Father of the Green Revolution Norman Ernest Borlaug •Father of the Green Revolution in IndiaM.S Swaminathan •Father of Scientific Management Frederick Winslow Taylor •Father of Biology Aristotle •Father of Evolution Charles Darwin •Father of Microbiology Antonie van Leeuwenhoek •Father of Nuclear Chemistry Otto Hahn •Father of Periodic Table Dmitri Mendeleev •Father of modern Medicine Hippocrates •Father of Modern Physics Galileo Galilei •Father of Modern Astronomy Nicolaus Copernicus •Father of Nuclear Physics Ernest Rutherford •Father of Nuclear Science Marie Curie and Pierre Curie •Father of Computer Science George Boole and Alan Turing •Father of American Football Walter Camp •Father of Walter Camp Geoffrey Chaucer •Father ofmodern Olympic Pierre De Coubertin •Father of of Numbers Pythagoras •Father of Botany Theophrastus •Father of Electricity Benjamin Franklin •Father of Electonics Michael Faraday •Father of Television Vladimir K. Zworykin •Father of Telephone Alexander Graham Bell •Father of Mobile Phone Martin Cooper •Father of Laptop Bill Moggridge •Father of Psychology Sigmund Freud •Father of Surgery Sushruta •Father of Plastic Surgery Sir Harold Gillies •Father of Ayurveda Dhanwantari

Some interesting facts about English Language and Words: Ø"Forty" is the only number which has its letters in alphabetical order. "One" is the only number with its letters in reverse alphabetical order. ØOf all the words in the English language, the word ' set ' has the most definitions! ØOn reversing the words they spell the same: “Malayalam”, “Liril” and “Madam”. Ø“Stewardesses” is the longest word that is typed with only the left hand. ØNo word in the English language rhymes with month. Ø"Dreamt" is the only English word that ends in the letters "mt". Ø"Underground" is the only word in the English language that begins and ends with the letters "und." ØOnly 3 words in the English language end in "ceed": "proceed," "exceed," and "succeed." ØOf all the languages in the world, English has the largest vocabulary about 800,000 words. ØThe longest word in the English language, according to the Oxford English Dictionary, is pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanokoniosis. The only other word with the same amount of letters is pneumonoultra-microscopicsilicovolcanoconioses, its plural. Ø"Widow" is the only female form in the English language that is shorter than its corresponding male term ("widower"). ØNo language has more synonyms than English. ØThe most common letters in English are R S T L N E. Ø"Go." is the shortest complete sentence in the English language. ØThe only word in English dictionary that sums up exactly 100 is “attitude”. ØThe sentence "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog." uses every letter in the alphabet. ØThe longest one syllable word in the English language is “screeched”. ØNo word in the English language rhymes with month, orange, silver, and purple. Ø"Underground" is the only word in the English language that begins and ends with the letters "und." Ø"The sixth sick sheik's sixth sheep's sick" is said to be the toughest tongue twister in English. Ø"Four" is the only number whose number of letters in the name equals the number. The letter most in use in the English language is "E" and the letter "Q" is least used. ØThere is only one word in the English language with thee consecutive pairs of double letter.... Bookkeeper ØThere are only four words in the English language which end in"-dous": tremendous, horrendous, stupendous, and hazardous. ØThere is a seven letter word in the English language that contains ten words without rearranging any of its letters, "therein": the, there, he, in, rein, her, here, here, ere, therein, herein. ØA sentence that contains all 26 letters of the alphabet is called a "pangram". ØA dot over the letter “i” is called a TITTLE. ØNo words in the English language rhyme with orange, silver or purple. ØThe only 15 letter word that can be spelled without repeating a letter is "uncopyrightable." ØThere is a seven letter word in the English language that contains ten words without rearranging any of its letters, "therein": the, there, he, in, rein, her, here, ere, therein, herein. ØThere are two words in the English language that have all five vowels in order: "abstemious" and "facetious." ØThe word "queue" is the only word in the English language that is still pronounced the same way when the last four letters are removed. ØOnly two English words in current use end in "-gry". They are "angry" and "hungry". ØThe word "triskaidekaphobia" means "fear of Friday the 13th". It also means "superstition about the number thirteen" in general. ØMore English words begin with the letter "s" than with any other letter. ØNo word in the English language rhymes with month, orange, silver, or purple. Ø"Rhythms" is the longest English word without the normal vowels, a, e, i, o, or u. ØThere is a word in the English language with only one vowel, which occurs five times: "indivisibility." ØThe shortest word in the English language with all its letters in alphabetical order is the word "almost." ØThe letter most in use in the English language is "E" and the letter "Q" is least used. ØOut of all the eight letter words in the English language, only one has only one vowel in it: "strength"

Oscar Winner 2013: ·Best Picture"Argo" ·ActorDaniel Day-Lewis for "Lincoln" ·ActressJennifer Lawrence for "Silver Linings Playbook" ·DirectingAng Lee for "Life of Pi" ·Supporting ActorChristoph Waltz for "Django Unchained" ·Supporting ActressAnne Hathaway for "Les Misérables" ·Documentary Short Subject"Innocente" ·Documentary Feature"Searching for Sugar Man" ·Original Song"Skyfall" ·Original Score"Life of Pi" ·Animated Short Film"Paper Man" ·Animated Feature Film"Brave" ·Foreign Language Film"Amour" ·CinematographyClaudio Miranda for "Life of Pi" ·Visual Effects"Life of Pi" ·Costume Design"Anna Karenina" ·Makeup and Hairstyling"Les Miserables" ·Live Action Short Film"Curfew" ·Film Editing"Argo" ·Production Design"Lincoln" ·Sound Mixing"Les Miserables” ·Sound Editing"Zero Dark Thirty" and "Skyfall" ·Adapted ScreenplayChris Terrio for "Argo" ·Original ScreenplayQuentin Tarantion for "Django Unchained"

Oscar Award: *.An Oscar stands 34cm tall and weighs 8.5 pounds. *.The first Oscar awards were presented on May 16, 1929, Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel. *.The “Red carpet” at the Kodak Theatre is about 500 feet long. *.From 2002, Dolby Theatre (formerly known as Kodak Theatre) is the permanent host for Oscar ceremonies. *.Emil Jannings is the first person to receive the statuette of Oscar. He received Oscar for Best Actor in 1929. *.R. S. Owens and Company manufactures Oscar statuettes in Chicago since 1982. *.Katharine Hepburn won four best actress Oscars, most by any actor or actress. *.Ben Hur, Titanic and The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King, these three films win 11 Oscars. They create the record of most Oscars ever won by a single film. *.The Return of the King is the only film ever to have won every single Oscar it was nominated for. *.Tatum O’Neal is the youngest ever Oscar winner at the age of 10. She won best supporting actress for the film “Paper Moon”. *.Walt Disney was nominated for 64, and won 26. He has won more Oscars than anyone else. *.“It Happened One Night, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest and The Silence of the Lambs” is the only three films have even won all top five Oscars - Best Film, Actor, Actress, Director and Writing. *.“Gone with the Wind” is the longest Picture that won Best Picture award winner with 234 minutes. *.Titanic holds the record of highest nomination with 14 each. *.Hattie McDaniel is the first Black actress to win an Oscar in 1940 for Best Supporting Actress in Gone with the Wind. *.Sidney Poitier is the first black actor to win an Oscar in 1963. *.George Bernard Shaw was the only Nobel Laureate who also won an Oscar in 1938 for Pygmalion. *.Adrien Brody is the youngest actor to win Best Actor award at the age of 29, for The Pianist. *.The oldest actor to win Oscar for Best Actor is 76 year-old Henry Fonda. *.Oscars' unluckiest nominee is Kevin O’Connell, holds the record for the most nominations with 20 and no wins. *.Kathryn Bigelow is the first woman to win the Oscar as best director for "The Hurt Locker". *.“Avatar” currently holds the record for most expensive movie ever to win an Oscar. *.The oldest person to win an Oscar was Jessica Tandy in 1990 at the age of 81. *.Halle Berry is the first black actress to win Oscar for Best Actress.

Computer World Info....... • Konrad Zuse invented the World’s first computer was named as the Z1 in 1936. It was the First freely programmable computer. • The first computer game was “Spacewar!".This game was programmed by Steve Russell and first released in February 1962. • Jack Kilby & Robert Noyce develop the first Integrated Circuit (The Chip) in 1958 • In 1954 John Backus & IBM develop first successful high level programming language FORTRAN Computer Programming Language • ARPAnet the first Internet connectivity started in 1969. • WordStar Software is the first release of Word Processors application developed by Seymour Rubenstein & Rob Barnaby in 1979. • Apple Lisa Computer is the first home computer with a GUI (graphical user interface) in 1983 • The first web browser was invented by Sir Tim Berners-Lee in 1990. It was called WorldWideWeb (no spaces) and was later renamed Nexus. • The first search engine created was Archie, in 1990 by Alan Emtage, a student of McGill University in Montreal. • On Aug. 6, 1991, Tim Berners-Lee published the first internet site ( /History/19921103- hypertext/hypertext /WWW/ ml) from CERN, the world’s largest physics lab in Geneva, Switzerland. • The first supercomputer was the Control Data Corporation (CDC) 6600 with a single CPU. It was released in 1964. • India's first supercomputer is PARAM 8000, which was installed in 1991. • NVIDIA's Tesla computer was launched in London in December 2008 is first personal supercomputer. • The first banner advertising was used in 1994. • The E-mail is older than the World Wide Web. • The first domain name ever registered was • Rich Skrenta generated the first computer virus in February 1982. He is the author of Elk Cloner, the first computer virus to be released outside of the lab. • The first version of Excel was released for the Mac in 1985 and the first Windows version was released in November 1987. • Nobody can create a folder named “Con” in windows system. • TYPEWRITER is the longest word that can be made using the letters only on one row of the keyboard. • Each Excel worksheet holds 1,048,576 rows and 16, 384 columns which makes 17,179,869,184 cells per worksheet. • Up to last 100 actions can be undo in excel.

Day we have celebrated as: January • New Year's Day – 1st January • Day of Silence- 3rd January • NRI Day- 9th January • Laughing Day – 10th January • National Youth Day- 12th January • Army day- 15th January • National Voter's Day – 25th January • Indian Republic Day – 26th January • Martyr's Day- 30th January • Street Children's Day – 31st January February • National Girl Day -2nd February • World Cancer Day -4th February • Valentine's Day –14th February • National Science Day –28th February Days of the VALENTINE WEEK • Rose Day - February 7 • Propose Day - February 8 • Chocolate Day - February 9 • Bagels and Lox Day - February 9 • Pizza Pie Day - February 9 • Teddy Day - February 10 • Promise Day - February 11 • Kiss Day - February 12 • Hug Day - February 13 • Valentine's Day – February 14 March • International Women's Day – 8th March • No Smoking Day-13th March • World Disable Day – 15th March • World Consumer Rights Day – 15th March • Saint Patrick's Day – 17th March • World Poetry Day – 21st March • World TB Day – 24th March April • Fools' Day- 1st April • World Health Day- 7th April • World Parkinson's Disease Day-11th April • World Hemophilia Day-17th April • World Heritage Day- 18th April • Earth Day- 22nd April May • May Day-1st May • World Press Freedom Day-3rd May • World Red Cross Day- 8th May • National Technology Day- 11th May • Mother's Day- Second Sunday • International Nursing Day-12th May • Telecommunication Day-17th May • International Day for Biological Diversity-22nd May • Commonwealth Day- 24th May • World No-Tobacco Day-31st May June • International Children's Day- 1st June • World Environment Day-5th June • World Blood Donor Day- 14th June • Father's Day- 21st June • World Music Day-21st June • International Olympic Day-23rd June • International Anti - Drugs Day, International Day against Drug Abuse and illicittrafficking-26th June July • Doctor's Day-1st July • Independence Day in U.S-4th July • World Population Day-11th July • Kargil Vijay Divas-26th July August • World Breast Feeding Day- 1st August • International FriendshipDay-3rd August • Left Hander's Day-13th August • Indian Independence Day –15th August • World Photography Day-19th August • World Mosquito Day-20th August • Sanskrit Day-24th August • Women's Equality Day-26th August • National Sports Day-29th August September • Teacher's Day-5th September • World Literacy Day-8th September • Hindi Day-14th September • International Day of Democracy-15th September • Engineers Day-15th September • International Day of the Preservation of the Ozone Layer-16th September • International Day of Peace-21st September • World Alzheimer's Day-21st September • World Heart Day-24th September • World Tourism Day-27th September October • Mahatma Gandhi Birthday/International nonviolence day-2nd October • World Animal Welfare Day –4th October • Indian Air force Day- 8th October • World Post Day- 9th October • National Post Day- 10th October • World Food Day-16th October • United Nation's Day – 24th October November • Education Day (India) – 11th November • Children's Day (India) – 14th November • World Diabetes Day-14th November • International Student's Day- 17th November • Citizen’s Day- 19th November • Universal Children’s Day- 20th November • World Television Day- 21st November December • World AIDS Day – 1st December • World Handicapped Day- 3rd December • Navy Day- 4th December • International Volunteer Day- 5th December • Human Rights Day- 10th December • Farmer’s Day (Kishan Divas) - 23rd December • Christmas Eve – 24th December • Christmas Day –25th December • Boxing Day-26th December

Some interesting facts about life and the world: • A cockroach can live several weeks with its head cut off! • Human thigh bones are stronger than concrete. • If you sneeze too hard, you can fracture a rib. If you try to suppress a sneeze, you can rupture a blood vessel in your head or neck and die. • The eye muscles are most active muscles in the whole body. • You can't kill yourself by holding your breath • There is a city called Rome on every continent. • It's against the law to have a pet dog in Iceland! • Your heart beats over 100,000 times a day! • Horatio Nelson, one of England's most illustrious admirals was throughout his life, never able to find a cure for his sea-sickness. • The eye can process 36,000 bits of information every hour. • A normal lifespan will bring you almost 24 millions images of the world around you. • Rats multiply so quickly that in 18 months, two rats could have over a million descendants. • Wearing headphones for just an hour will increase the bacteria in your ear by 700 times. • Months that begin on a Sunday will always have a "Friday the 13th." • Coca-Cola would be green if coloring weren’t added to it. • On average a hedgehog's heart beats 300 times a minute. • More people are killed each year from bees than from snakes. • The average lead pencil will draw a line 35 miles long or write approximately 50,000 English words. • More people are allergic to cow's milk than any other food. • Camels have three eyelids to protect themselves from blowing sand. • The placement of a donkey's eyes in it’s' heads enables it to see all four feet at all times! • The six official languages of the United Nations are: English, French, Arabic, Chinese, Russian and Spanish. • Earth is the only planet not named after a god. • It's against the law to burp, or sneeze in a church in Nebraska, USA. • You're born with 300 bones, but by the time you become an adult, you only have 206. • Some worms will eat themselves if they can't find any food! • The skeleton of Jeremy Bentham is present at all important meetings of the University of London • Right handed people live, on average, nine years longer than left-handed people • Your ribs move about 5 million times a year, every time you breathe! • The elephant is the only mammal that can't jump! • One quarter of the bones in your body, are in your feet! • Like fingerprints, everyone's tongue print is different! • The first known transfusion of blood was performed as early as 1667, when Jean-Baptiste, transfused two pints of blood from a sheep to a young man • Fingernails grow nearly 4 times faster than toenails! • Most dust particles in your house are made from dead skin! • Women blink nearly twice as much as men. • Adolf Hitler was a vegetarian, and had only ONE testicle. • Dolphins sleep with one eye open! • It is impossible to sneeze with your eyes open • The longest recorded flight of a chicken is 13 seconds • Slugs have 4 noses. • Owls are the only birds that can see the color blue. • A giraffe can clean its ears with its 21-inch tongue! • The average person laughs 10 times a day! • An ostrich's eye is bigger than its brain • The average person walks the equivalent of twice around the world in a lifetime! • The most difficult item for a sewerage plant to process is pubic hair as it is insoluble. • Most lipstick contains fish scales! • It takes seven minutes for the average person to fall asleep! • The bullet-proof vest, windscreen wipers, laser printers and fire escapes were all invented by women! • In the 1880s, "pants" was considered a dirty word in England! • It was the Chinese who invented sun glasses in the 13th century!

Invention and Inventors..... What Who When Country Automatic calculator Wilhelm Schickard 1623 Germany Adding machine Blaise Pascal 1642 France Animation Emile Reynaud 1892 France Aspirin Dr. Felix Hoffman 1899 Germany Antiseptic Dr. Joseph Lister 1867 England Atom Bomb Julius Robert Oppenheimer 1945 U.S Barometer Evangelista Torricelli 1643 ITALY Ballpoint Pen László Bíró 1938 France Bifocal Lens Benjamin Franklin 1784 U.S Cement Joseph Aspdin 1824 England Cadmium Friedrich Stromeyer 1817 Germany Clarinet Johann Christoph Denner 1690 Germany Cash register James Ritty 1879 USA Cinema Lumiere brothers 1894 France Dental Plate Anthony A. Plantson 1817 U.S Diesel Engine Rudolf Diesel 1895 Germany Dynamite Alfred B. Nobel 1867 Sweden Electronic calculator IBM 1954 USA Electric stove/cooker William S. Hadaway 1896 USA Electric Battery Volta 1800 Italian Electric Generator Michael Faraday 1831 UK Electric Lamp Thomas Alva Edison 1879 U.S Electromagnet William Sturgeon 1824 England Elevator Elisha G. Otis 1852 U.S Fountain Pen Lewis Edson Waterman 1884 U.S Gramophone Thomas Edison 1878 U.S Gyrocompass Elmer A. Sperry 1908 U.S Hot air balloon Josef and Etienne Montgolfier 1783 France Helicopter Igor Sikorsky 1939 Russia Jet Engine Hans Von Ohain 1936 Germany Light bulb Heinrich Goebel 1854 Germany Lightning Conductor Benjamin Franklin 1752 U.S Microwave oven Percy Spencer 1947 USA Machine Gun Richard Gaffing 1861 U.S Motor Scooter Greville Bradshaw 1919 England Microscope Zacharis Janssen 1590 Netherlands Pacemaker Dr. Paul Zoll 1952 USA Pocket watch Peter Henlein 1510 Germany Pendulum clock Christiaan Huygens 1657 Netherlands Piano Bartolomeo Cristofori 1700 Italy Parachute Jean Pierre Blanchard 1785 France Revolver Samuel Colt 1835 U.S Small Pox Vaccine Edward Jenner 1796 England Steam engine Thomas Savery 1698 UK Steam boat John Fitch 1786 USA Saxophone Adolphe Sax 1846 Belgium Steam-powered airship Henri Giffard 1852 France Soft contact lenses Otto Wichterle 1961 Czech Stethoscope René Laennec 1816 France Submarine David Bushnell 1776 U.S Synthesizer Dr. Robert Arthur Moog 1964 U.S Telegraph Samuel Morse 1844 USA Telephone Scott Alexander Graham Bell 1874 Canada Time Recorder Harlow Bundy 1890 U.S Typewriter Peter Mitterhofer 1864 Austria Vaccination Dr. Edward Jenner 1796 England Vacuum Cleaner Ives McGaffey 1869 U.S X-ray Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen 1895 Germany

Nobel Prize ...... *.Alfred Nobel on 27 November 1895 signed his will for Nobel Prizes in Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine, Literature and Peace. *.The prizes in Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine, Literature, and Peace were first awarded in 1901. *.In 1968, Sveriges Riksbank established The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Science to Award Nobel Prize in Economics. *.Nobel Peace Prize is awarded in Oslo, Norway. Other prizes are awarded in Stockholm, Sweden. *.Total 555 Nobel Prizes has been awarded between 1901 to 2012 (839 Laureates and 24 organizations) *.First Recipient of Nobel Prizes in 1901 Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen (Physics) Jacobus Henricus Van 't Hoff (Chemistry) Emil Adolf von Behring (Physiology or Medicine) Sully Prudhomme (Literature) Jean Henry Dunant, Frédéric Passy (Peace Prize) *.In 1969, Ragnar Frisch, Jan Tinbergen are the first recipient of Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences. *.21 individual organizations have been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. *.First Organization to Received Nobel Prize is Institute of International Law in 1904. *.International Committee of the Red Cross has been awarded three times, in 1917, 1944 and 1963. *.Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, has received the Nobel Peace Prize twice, in 1954 and 1981. *.Till now Nobel Prize awarded 44 times to women. *.Marie Curie is the first woman to received Nobel Prize in 1903. *.Only one woman, Marie Curie, has been honoured twice, with the 1903 Nobel Prize in Physics and the 1911 Nobel Prize in Chemistry. *.The youngest Nobel Laureates is Lawrence Bragg at the age of 25 in Physics, 1915. *.The oldest Nobel Laureates is Leonid Hurwicz at the age of 90 Economic Sciences, 2007. *.Four people have received two Nobel Prizes:Marie Curie , Linus Pauling, John Bardeen, Frederick Sanger. *.Marie Curie is the only person to win a Nobel Prize in two different sciences. *.With total five, Curie family has received the most prizes: (Marie Curie received 2,Pierre Curie received 1,Irène Joliot-Curie and Frédéric Joliot-Curie received 1,Henry Labouisse received 1). *.Till now two People decline Nobel Prize. First person to declined the Nobel Prize is Jean-Paul Sartre, in 1964 in Literature. *.First Nobel Laureates to be awarded under arrest is Carl von Ossietzky, Germany. *.Nobel Prize has only been awarded posthumously twice: Dag Hammarskjöld 1961 and Erik Axel Karlfeldt 1931. *.Nobel Prize winner of 2012: Serge Haroche and David J. Wineland (Physics) Robert J. Lefkowitz and Brian K. Kobilka ( Chemistry) Sir John B. Gurdon and Shinya Yamanaka (Physiology or Medicine) Mo Yan (Literature) European Union (Peace Prize) Alvin E. Roth and Lloyd S. Shapley (Economic Sciences)

Places known by their Alternate Name.... Battleground of EuropeBelgium Blue Mountains of IndiaNilgiri Hills City of LightParis City of PalacesKolkata, India City of JoyKolkata, India City of Golden GateSan Francisco City of Seven HillsRome City of Golden TempleAmritsar, India CockPit of EuropeBelgium Dark ContinentAfrica Diamond City in IndiaSurat, Gujarat Eternal CityRome Forbidden CityLhasa, Tibet Granite CityAberdeen, Scotland Garden City of IndiaBangalore Gift of NileEgypt Island of PearlsBahrain Land of Golden FleeceAustralia Land of KangarooAustralia Land of CakesScotland Land of Thousand LakesFinland Land of Golden PagodaMyanmar Land of Midnight SunNorway Land of Thousand ElephantsLaos Land of Rising SunJapan Land of MapleCanada Land of CanalsNetherlands Land of White ElephantThailand Land of WindmillsNetherlands Land of ThunderboltBhutan Land of Long White CloudNew Zealand Manchester of JapanOsaka Playground of EuropeSwitzerland Pearl of AntillesCuba Queen of Arabian SeaCochin, India Roof of WorldPamirs Sick Man of EuropeTurkey Sugar Bowl of WorldCuba Sorrow of ChinaRiverHwang Ho Scotland of EastShillong, India White cityBelgrade Venice of EastAlappuzha, Kerala Venice of NorthStockholm

Amazing Human Body: *.The largest organ in the body is the skin. *.The liver is the largest gland and the largest internal organ in the human body. *.The brain uses over a quarter of the oxygen used by the human body. *.Our heart beats around 100000 times a day, 36500000 times a year and over a billion times if you live beyond 30. *.Length of thumb is the same with nose. *.Red blood cells carry oxygen around the body. They are created inside the bone marrow. *.It takes about 20 seconds for a red blood cell to circle the whole body. *.The biggest muscle in the body is gluteus maximus, in the buttock. *.The lungs contain over 300,000 million capillaries.If they were laid end to end, they would stretch 2400km. *.Every drop of blood in human body is filtered by the body over 300 times a day. *.The ovum is the largest cell in the human body. *.The smallest is the male sperm cell; it is one-tenth of the diameter of a human hair. *.Adult lungs have a surface area of around 70 square meters. *.The stapes is the smallest bone in the body. It's located in the inner ear. *.The acid in stomach is strong enough to dissolve razor blades. *.Nose and Ears continue growing throughout entire life. *.Each person has a unique tongue print just like the fingerprints. *.The longest muscle in the body is Sartorius. *.The smallest muscle in the body is Stapedius, deep in the ear. It is thinner than a thread and 0.05 inches (0.127 centimeters) in length. *.Enamel is hardest substance in the human body. *.All babies are color blind when they are born, they only see black & white. *.The tongue is the strongest muscle in the human body. *.It takes 17 muscles to smile and 43 to frown. *.The adult body is made up of: 100 trillion cells, 206 bones, 600 muscles, and 22 internal organs. *.Bones in an adult account for 14% of the body's total weight. *.A baby born with 300 bones in their body, but as an adult we have 206 bones. *.200 muscles used to take one step. *.The strongest bone in your body is the femur (thighbone) and it's hollow. It is also the longest and largest bone in Human body. *.The normal pulse is 70 heartbeats per minute. *.Blood is 6 times thicker than water. *.Facial hair grows faster than any other hair on the body. *.Our kidneys filter about 1.3 liters of blood every minute & expel up to 1.4 liters of urine in a day. *.The only part of the body without blood supply is the cornea in the eye. It takes in oxygen directly from the air. *.An average human produces 10,000 gallons of saliva in a lifetime. *.The fastest growing nail is on the middle finger. *.14 bones make up the human face. *.The human heart creates enough pressure while pumping to squirt blood to 30 feet. *.The tooth is the only part of the human body that can’t repair itself.

London Olympic Medal Table...... Position Country Gold Silver Bronze Total 1 United States 46 29 29 104 2 China 38 27 23 88 3 Great Britain 29 17 19 65 4 Russia 24 26 32 82 5 South Korea 13 8 7 28 6 Germany 11 19 14 44 7 France 11 11 12 34 8 Italy 8 9 11 28 9 Hungary 8 4 5 17 10 Australia 7 16 12 35 11 Japan 7 14 17 38 12 Kazakhstan 7 1 5 13 13 Netherlands 6 6 8 20 14 Ukraine 6 5 10 21 15 New Zealand 6 2 5 13 16 Cuba 5 3 6 14 17 Iran 4 5 3 12 18 Jamaica 4 4 4 12 19 Czech Republic 4 3 3 10 20 North Korea 4 0 2 6 21 Spain 3 10 4 17 22 Brazil 3 5 9 17 23 South Africa 3 2 1 6 24 Ethiopia 3 1 3 7 25 Croatia 3 1 2 6 26 Belarus 2 5 5 12 27 Romania 2 5 2 9 28 Kenya 2 4 5 11 29 Denmark 2 4 3 9 30 Azerbaijan 2 2 6 10 30 Poland 2 2 6 10 32 Turkey 2 2 1 5 33 Switzerland 2 2 0 4 34 Lithuania 2 1 2 5 35 Norway 2 1 1 4 36 Canada 1 5 12 18 37 Sweden 1 4 3 8 38 Colombia 1 3 4 8 39 Georgia 1 3 3 7 39 Mexico 1 3 3 7 41 Ireland 1 1 3 5 42 Slovenia 1 1 2 4 42 Serbia 1 1 2 4 42 Argentina 1 1 2 4 45 Tunisia 1 1 1 3 46 Dominican Republic 1 1 0 2 47 Trinidad and Tobago 1 0 3 4 47 Uzbekistan 1 0 3 4 49 Latvia 1 0 1 2 50 Algeria 1 0 0 1 50 Grenada 1 0 0 1 50 Bahamas 1 0 0 1 50 Uganda 1 0 0 1 50 Venezuela 1 0 0 1 55 India 0 2 4 6 56 Mongolia 0 2 3 5 57 Thailand 0 2 1 3 58 Egypt 0 2 0 2 59 Slovakia 0 1 3 4 60 Belgium 0 1 2 3 60 Finland 0 1 2 3 60 Armenia 0 1 2 3 63 Malaysia 0 1 1 2 63 Chinese Taipei 0 1 1 2 63 Indonesia 0 1 1 2 63 Estonia 0 1 1 2 63 Puerto Rico 0 1 1 2 63 Bulgaria 0 1 1 2 69 Guatemala 0 1 0 1 69 Montenegro 0 1 0 1 69 Portugal 0 1 0 1 69 Botswana 0 1 0 1 69 Gabon 0 1 0 1 69 Cyprus 0 1 0 1 75 Qatar 0 0 2 2 75 Greece 0 0 2 2 75 Moldova 0 0 2 2 75 Singapore 0 0 2 2 79 Afghanistan 0 0 1 1 79 Bahrain 0 0 1 1 79 Hong Kong 0 0 1 1 79 Kuwait 0 0 1 1 79 Morocco 0 0 1 1 79 Saudi Arabia 0 0 1 1 79 Tajikistan 0 0 1 1

Autobiography List: Author Name Book Name Published Year Akira Kurosawa Something Like An Autobiography 1981 A. P. J. Abdul Kalam Wings of Fire 1999 Adolf Hitler Mein Kampf 1925 Aerosmith Walk This Way 1997 Agatha Christie An Autobiography 1977 Albert Einstein Autobiographical Notes 1949 Andre Agassi Open: An Autobiography 2009 Anne Frank The Diary of a Young Girl 1947 Annie Besant Annie Besant: An Autobiography 1908 Arnold Schwarzenegger Total Recall: My Unbelievably True Life Story Bill Clinton My Life 2004 Babur Baburnama Barack Obama Dreams from My Father 1996 Benito Mussolini My Autobiography: With the Political and Social Doctrine of Fascism 1928 Benjamin Franklin The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin 1791 Bertrand Russell The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell 1951 Charles Darwin The Recollections of the Development of My Mind and Character 1887 Charles Dickens Autobiographical Fragment 1847 Charlie Chaplin My Autobiography 1964 Dalai Lama Freedom in Exile 1991 Hillary Rodham Clinton Living History 2003 Jawaharlal Nehru An Autobiography 1936 Jean-Paul Sartre The Words 1964 Leo Tolstoy My Confession 1884 Margaret Thatcher Margaret Thatcher: The Autobiography Marilyn Monroe My Story Mahatma Gandhi The Story of My Experiments with Truth 1929 Mark Twain Mark Twain's Autobiography, posthumous 1907 Marlon Brando Songs My Mother Taught Me 1995 Maxim Gorky My Childhood 1913 Michael Jackson Moonwalk 1988 Muhammad Ali The Greatest: My Own Story 1975 Nelson Mandela A Long Walk to Freedom 1994 Nirad C. Chaudhuri The Autobiography of an Unknown Indian 1951 Oscar Wilde De Profundis 1897 Ronald Reagan An American Life: The Autobiography 1990 Ronald Reagan An American Life 1990 Ronald Reagan The Reagan Diaries 2007 Sigmund Freud An Autobiographical Study 1925 Thomas Jefferson Autobiography 1743-1790 1821 Usain Bolt Faster than Lightning: My Autobiography 2013 Walter Benjamin Unpacking My Library 1931 Winston Churchill Memoirs of the Second World War 1959 Winston Churchill My Early Life: 1874-1904 1930

Animal World...... Biggest Eyes Bird:Ostriches Biggest Bird:North African ostrich Deadliest Animal:Female Anopheles mosquitoes, which carry malaria, kill morethan a million people each year. Fastest animal in Land:Cheetahs can run between 112 and 120 km/hr (70 and 75mph) Fastest animal in Water:Sailfish can swim up to 68 miles per hour. Fastest animal in Air:Peregrine falcons, they can fly 70 miles/hour and dive towardthe earth at more than 200 miles per hour. Fastest Bird in Land:Ostriches is the fastest bird on land, running up to 40 miles perhour Fastest Swimming Bird:Gentoo Penguin can swim 40 km per hour Fastest Mammal in water:Dall Porpoises can swim up to 35 miles per hour. Heaviest Flying Bird:The Dalmatian Pelican Heaviest cephalopod:Colossal squid Highest jumper:Kangaroo, can jump up to 10ft Longest arms:The Gibbon Longest Gestation:Asian elephants are born after a gestation period of 19 to 22months. Longest Lifespan:Tortoise, more than 150 years Loudest Animal:Blue whales' low-frequency pulses are as loud as 188 decibels Loudest Animal in Land:Howler monkeys, whose howl can be heard 4.8km away. Longest Migration:Arctic Terns migrate between Greenland and Antarctica eachyear travelling about 71,000 kilometers. Longest jumper:Snow Leopard, can jump up to 15m Largest Animal:Blue whales are the largest animals of all time. Largest Animal in land:African elephants are the heaviest and second tallest landanimals. Largest Invertebrate:Colossal Squid, reaching lengths of 10m, are the largestinvertebrates. Largest Carnivores:The Southern elephant seal. Largest Reptile:The Saltwater Crocodile. An adult male saltwater crocodile’sweight is 409 to 1,000 kilograms (900–2,200 lb) and length isnormally 4.1 to 5.5 meters (13–18 ft). Largest Snake:The Green Anaconda Most Venomous Animal:A single box jellyfish has enough venom to kill 60 adult humans Smallest Mammal:Adult bumblebee bats, which live in Thailand, weigh about twograms. Smallest Bird:Male bee hummingbirds weigh 0.056 ounces and are 2.75inches in length. Strongest Animal:The rhinoceros beetle can lift 850 times its own weight. Tallest Land Animal:Giraffe. It stands 5–6 m (16–20 ft) tall

Important Intenational Lines...... Durand Line:Between Pakistan and Afghanistan, demarcated by Sir Mortimer Durandin 1896. Hindenberg Line:The line to which the Germans retreated in 1917 during the First WorldWar, defines the boundary between Germany and Poland. Line of Control:It divides Kashmir between India and Pakistan. Maginot Line:Boundary between France and Germany. Mannerheim Line:Drawn by General Mannerheim; fortification on the Russia and Finlandborder. McMahon Line:The boundary between India and China as demarcated by SirHenry McMahon in 1914. Oder Niesse Line:Boundary between Germany and Poland. Radcliffe Line:Drawn by Sir Cyril Radcliffe in 1947 as demarcation between India andPakistan. Seigfrid Line:Line of fortification drawn by Germany on its border with France. 17th Parallel:Boundary between North Vietnam and South Vietnam before two wereunited. 24th Parallel:Line which Pakistan claims for demarcation between India and Pakistan.This, however, is not recognized by India 26th Parallel south:It is a circle of latitude which crosses through Africa, Australia and SouthAmerica. 30th Parallel north:It is a line of latitude that stands one-third of the way between theequator and the North Pole. 33rd Parallel north:It is a circle of latitude which cuts through the southern United States,parts of North Africa, parts of the Middle East, and China. 35th Parallel north:Boundary between the State of North Carolina and the State of Georgiaand the boundary between the State of Tennessee arid the State ofGeorgia, the State of Albama, and the State of Mississippi. 36th Parallel:Forms the southermost boundary of the State of Missouri with the Stateof Arkansas. 36o30' Parallel north:Forms the boundary between the Tenessee and the Commonwealth ofKentucky between the Tennessee River and the Mississippi River, theboundary between Missouri and Arkansas west of the White River, andthe northermost boundary between the Texas and the Oklahoma. 37th Parallel north:It formed the southern boundary of the historic and extralegal Territoryof Jefferson. 38th Parallel:Is the parallel of latitude which separates North Korea and South Korea. 39th Parallel north:Is an imaginary circle of latitude that is 39 degrees north of Earth'sequatorial plane. 40th Parallel north:Formed the original northern boundary of the British Colony ofMaryland. 41st Parallel north:Forms the northern boundary of the State of Colorado with Nebraskaand Wyoming and the southern boundary of the State of Wyoming withColorado and Utah. 42nd Parallel north:Forms most of the New York - Pennsylvania Border. 43rd Parallel north:Forms most of the boundary between the State of Nebraska and theState of South Dakota and also formed the northern border of thehistoric and extralegal Territory of Jefferson. Parallel 44o north:It is an imaginary circle of latitude that is 44 degrees north of theEarth's equatorial plane. 45th Parallel north:It is often the halfway point between the Equator and the North Pole. The45th parallel:It makes up most of the boundary between Montana and Wyoming. 49th Parallel:It is the boundary between USA and Canada.

Father of Nation Nation: Person Name Afghanistan Ahmad Shah Durrani Argentina Don José de San Martín Australia Sir Henry Parkes Bahamas Sir Lynden Pindling Bangladesh Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Bolivia Simón Bolívar Brazil Dom Pedro I andJosé Bonifácio de Andrada e Silva Burma Aung San Cambodia Norodom Sihanouk Chile Bernardo O'Higgins Republic of China Sun Yat-sen Colombia Simón Bolívar Sweden Gustav I of Sweden Croatia Ante Starčević Cuba Carlos Manuel de Céspedes Dominican Republic Juan Pablo Duarte Ecuador Simón Bolívar Ghana Kwame Nkrumah Guyana Cheddi Jagan Haiti Jean-Jacques Dessalines India Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi Indonesia Sukarno Iran Cyrus the Great Israel Theodor Herzl Italy Victor Emmanuel II Kenya Jomo Kenyatta Republic of Korea Kim Gu Kosovo Ibrahim Rugova Lithuania Jonas Basanavičius Macedonia Krste Misirkov Malaysia Tunku Abdul Rahman Mauritius Sir Seewoosagur Ramgoolam Mexico Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla Mongolia Genghis Khan Namibia Sam Nujoma Netherlands William the Silent Norway Einar Gerhardsen Pakistan Mohammad Ali Jinnah Panama Simón Bolívar Peru Don José de San Martín Portugal Dom Afonso Henriques Russia Peter I of Russia Saudi Arabia Ibn Saud of Saudi Arabia Scotland Donald Dewar Serbia Dobrica Ćosić Singapore Lee Kuan Yew Slovenia Primož Trubar South Africa Nelson Mandela Spain Fernando el Católico Sri Lanka Don Stephen Senanayake Suriname Johan Ferrier Tanzania Julius Nyerere Turkey Mustafa Kemal Atatürk United Arab Emirates Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan United States George Washington Uruguay José Gervasio Artigas Venezuela Simón Bolívar Vietnam Ho Chi Minh

FIFA World Cup FootBall: *.Uruguay is the first nation to win World Cup, 1930. *.Lucien Laurent of France scored the first goal in World Cup history. *.Most goals in a tournament by one team by Hungary, with 27 goals in 1954 World Cup Match. *.Most goals scored in a tournament is 171 goals in 1998 World Cup Match. *.With 67 win, Brazil win most matches in World Cup. *.With 24 losses, Mexico lost most matches in World Cup. *.Brazil wins World Cup for 5 times (1958, 1962, 1970, 1994, 2002), most by any team. *.Germany and Brazil finishes most times in top two places in FIFA World Cup, 7 each. *.Brazil has the record of Most World Cup appearances, 19 times. They have played every tournament till now from beginning. *.Most matches played by Lothar Matthäus , Germany with 25 matches. *.Most matches played by Germany, 99 matches. *.Italy has most draws with 21 matches. *.Most goals scored by Brazil 210. *.Most goals conceded by Germany with 117 till now in World Cup. *.Brazil, In 2002 World Cup win 7 matches, most by any team in a single World Cup tournament. *.In 1954 World Cup Hungary scored 27 goals, most goal scored by a team in a single World Cup tournament. *.Norman Whiteside, Northern Ireland is the youngest player to appeared in World Cup at the age of 17 years and 41 days. *.Roger Milla from Cameroon is the oldest player to play in World Cup at the age of 42 years and 39 days. *.Most consecutive wins by Brazil with 11 win from 2002 to 2006. *.Most consecutive losses by Mexico with 9 matches 1930 to 1958. *.Most tournaments played by Antonio Carbajal, Mexico and Lothar Matthäus, Germany. Both have played 5 World Cup tournaments. *.Ronaldo, Brazil (1998–2006) scored most goals in World Cup with 15 goals. *.Just Fontaine, France scored 13 goals in 1958 World Cup, most goals scored in a tournament. *.Cafu from Brazil played most matches won, 16. *.Diego Maradona, Argentina( 1986–1994), has the record of Most appearances as captain with 16 matches. *.Peter Shilton from England is the oldest captain in World Cup at the age of 40 years and 292 days. *.Most goals scored in a match by Oleg Salenko(Russiavs. Cameroon, 1994) with 5 goals. *.Most goals scored in one Final by Geoff Hurst (England vs. West Germany, 1966) with 3 goals. *.Most hat-tricks bySándor Kocsis (Hungary), Just Fontaine (France), Gerd Müller (West Germany) and Gabriel Batistuta (Argentina) each 2 times. *.Youngest hat-trick scorer is Pele, Brazil at 17 years and 244 days. *.Fastest goal in a Fifa World Cup by Hakan Şükür (Turkey vs. Korea Republic, 2002) in 10.89 seconds. *.Most goals scored in a final; by one team is Brazil in 1958 World Cup Match with 5 goals. *.Most times hosted by Mexico, Italy, France, Germany 1974 andBrazil each 2 times. *.Most Attendance in World Cup final match is 114,600, Argentina v West Germany, 1986, Mexico World Cup 1986. Year Host Winners Runners-up 1930 Uruguay Uruguay Argentina 1934 Italy Italy Czechoslovakia 1938 France Italy Hungary 1950 Brazil Uruguay Brazil 1954 Switzerland West Germany Hungary 1958 Sweden Brazil Sweden 1962 Chile Brazil Czechoslovakia 1966 England England West Germany 1970 Mexico Brazil Italy 1974 West Germany West Germany Netherlands 1978 Argentina Argentina Netherlands 1982 Spain Italy West Germany 1986 Mexico Argentina West Germany 1990 Italy West Germany Argentina 1994 United States Brazil Italy 1998 France France Brazil 2002 S Korea & Japan Brazil Germany 2006 Germany Italy France 2010 South Africa Spain Netherlands

World Cup Cricket Records.... ·First world cup match was played at Lord's, London on 7th June 1975 between England v India. England won the match by 202 runs. ·DL Amiss from England is the first batsmen to score a hundred in World Cup. He scores 137 against India in the first match of World Cup. ·1975 World Cup is the only ODI World Cup which didn't feature a sub-continent team in the semi-finals. ·Mohinder Amaranth is the first bowler to take wicket in World Cup. ·Chetan Sharma was the first bowler to take a hat-trick in a Cricket World Cup. ·Sachin Tendulkar of India holds the records of scoring most runs (2278), highest number of centuries (6) and highest number of fifties (21). ·Ricky Ponting of Australia holds the record of most sixes (31), most matches as captain (29), most catches by a fielder (28) and most appearances (46). ·Australian Glenn McGrath take most wickets (71), most wickets in a world cup tournament (26) and best bowling figures (7-15 against Namibia). ·Adam Gilchrist of Australia holds the record of most dismissals as wicketkeeper (52), most dismissals in a series (21) and most dismissals in an innings (6). ·India holds the record of highest score in a match. India score 413 for 5 wickets against Bermuda in 2007. ·Australia hold the records of most wins (55 matches), 100% win in two world cup series (2003 and 2007), most consecutive wins (25 match). ·Zimbabwe holds the records of most losses (37 match) and most consecutive defeats (18 matches). ·Canada score 36 run against Sri Lanka in 2003 World Cup, which is lowest ever score by a team. ·Ireland holds the record of highest successful run chase (329-7) in World Cup. It was against England, 2011. ·India wins by 257 run against Bermuda, 2007 which is the highest winning margin by runs in any world cup match. ·Record for highest partnership holds byRahul Dravid & Sourav Ganguly, India with 318 runs against Sri Lanka in 1999. ·Fastest century score by Kevin O'Brien of Ireland against England (2011) in 50 balls. ·MC Snedden, New Zealand conceded most runs in an innings with 105 runs in 12 over against England in 1983. ·Lance Klusener, South Africa holds the record of highest average (124.00) and highest strike rate (121.17). ·Best economy rate by a bowler Andy Roberts of West Indies 3.24. ·Zaheer Khan of India with 27.1 holds the record fo best strike rate. ·Fastest fifty records hold by New Zealand Brendon McCullum against Canada, in 20 balls ·Highest score in an innings by Gary Kirsten of South Africa against UAE. He scores 188. ·Scotland concedes most extras in an innings (59) against Pakistan, 1999. ·Headingley Cricket Ground, Leeds hosted highest number of matches with 12. ·David Shepherd of England attends as umpire in46 matches which is a record.

Name of Parliament Houses in the World.... Country Legislature Name Lower House Upper House Afghanistan National Assembly 250 102 Argentina Argentine National Congress 257 72 Australia Parliament of Australia 150 76 Austria Federal Assembly 183 62 Bangladesh House of the Nation 345 Belgium Federal Parliament 150 71 Belize National Assembly 31 12 Bhutan Parliament of Bhutan 47 25 Brazil National Congress 513 81 Brunei Legislative Council 36 Bulgaria National Assembly 240 Chile National Congress 120 38 China National People's Congress 2,987 Colombia Congress 166 102 Cuba National Assembly of People's Power 614 Czech Republic Parliament of the Czech Republic 200 81 Denmark Parliament 179 Egypt Parliament 508 270 Finland Parliament 200 France Parliament 577 348 Greece Hellenic Parliament 300 Hungary National Assembly 386 Iceland Assembly of All 63 India Parliament 552 250 Indonesia People's Consultative Assembly 560 132 Iran Assembly 290 Iraq Council of Representatives of Iraq 325 Ireland Parliament 166 60 Israel Assembly 120 Italy Italian Parliament 630 315 Japan Diet 480 242 Jordan National Assembly 120 60 Korea, North Supreme People's Assembly 687 Korea, South National Assembly 300 Kuwait National Assembly 50 Libya General National Congress 200 Mauritius National Assembly 70 Mexico Congress of the Union 500 128 Netherlands States-General 150 75 New Zealand House of Representatives 120 Pakistan Assembly of Councillors 336 104 Russia Federal Assembly 450 166 Singapore Parliament 99 South Africa Parliament 400 90 Spain General Courts 350 266 Sri Lanka Parliament 225 Syria People's Assembly 250 Switzerland Federal Assembly 200 46 Ukraine Supreme Council 450 United Arab Emirates Federal National Assembly 40 United Kingdom Parliament 650 765 United States Congress 435 100 Uruguay General Assembly 99 30 Venezuela National Assembly 165 Vietnam National Assembly 498 Zimbabwe Parliament 210 40

United Nations ...... Established24th October 1945 by 51 countries HeadquarterNew York, United States Official languagesArabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, Spanish TotalMembership193 member Present Secretary GeneralBan Ki-moon First Secretary GeneralTrygve Lie,Norway United Nations was establishedSan Francisco City Permanent Members in Security CouncilRussia, USA, France, China and UK. Logo designer of the United NationsDonal McLaughlin Newest Member in UNSouth Sudan, 14thJuly 2011 Six Principal OrgansThe General Assembly The Security Council The Economic and Social Council The Secretariat The International Court of Justice The United Nations Trusteeship Council Organizations and specialized agencies of the United Nations NameHeadquartersEstablished Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)Rome, Italy1945 International Labour Organization (ILO)Geneva, Switzerland1946 International Maritime Organization (IMO)London, United Kingdom1948 World Food Programme (WFP)Rome, Italy1963 World Health Organization (WHO)Geneva, Switzerland1948 International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)Vienna, Austria1957 International Telecommunication Union (ITU)Geneva, Switzerland1947 World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)Madrid, Spain1974 Universal Postal Union (UPU)Bern, Switzerland1947 International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)Montreal, Canada1947 International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)Rome, Italy1977 International Monetary Fund (IMF)Washington, D.C., USA1945 World Bank (WB)Washington, D.C., USA1945 World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)Geneva, Switzerland1974 World Meteorological Organization (WMO)Geneva, Switzerland1950 United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)Vienna, Austria1967 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)Paris, France1946 The UN has 4 main purposes •To keep peace throughout the world •To develop friendly relations among nations •To help nations work together to improve the lives of poor people, to conquer hunger, disease and illiteracy, and to encourage respect for each other’s rights and freedoms •To be a centre for harmonizing the actions of nations to achieve these goals

Highest, Longest, Largest, Tallest, Smallest etc... in World: Significance Place Bussiest Passenger Station Shinjuku Station Busiest Passenger Airport Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport,USA Biggest City in area New York Coldest inhabitatedPlace Oymyakon, Russia Driest Place Atacama Desert, Chile Deepest Lake Baikal, Siberia Fastest Bird Swift Highest Railway Station Tanggula Station, Tibet, China Highest Plateau Pamir, Tibet Highest Lake Titicaca , Bolivia Highest Mountain Peak Everest. Nepal Highest Volcano Ojos del Salado, Andes, Ecuador Highest Waterfall Angel Falls, Venezuela Highest Capital La Paz , Bolivia Highest City La Rinconada, Peru Highest Airport Lhasa Airport, Tibet Hottest inhabitated Place Dallol, Ethiopia Largest Archipelago Indonesia Largest Continent Asia Largest Country by Population China Largest Country by Size Russia Largest Bird Ostrich Largest City in population Tokyo Largest Creature Blue Whale Largest Delta Sunderban, Bangladesh & India Largest Desert Sahara, Africa Largest Dam Three Gorges, China Largest Diamond Cullinan Diamond Largest Dome Cowboys Stadium, Texas, USA Largest Epic Mahabharata Largest Island Greenland Largest Sea South China Sea LargestArtificial Lake by Surface Area Lake Volta,Ghana LargestArtificial Lake by Surface Volume Lake Kariba, Zimbabwe and Zambia Largest Fresh Water Lake Superior Lake Largest Salt Water Lake Caspian Lake Largest Library United States Library of Congress, Washington D.C. Largest Museum The Hermitage Museum, Saint-Petersburg,Russia Largest Ocean Pacific Ocean Largest National Park NorthEast Geenland National Park Largest Single-Aperture Radio Telescope Arecibo Observatory, Puerto Rico Largest Zoo by species Berlin Zoological Garden Largest Zoo by area Red McCombs Wildlife, Texas, USA Largest Peninsula Arabia Largest Railway Station Grand Central Terminal, Chicago ( U.S.A. ) Largest River Amazon, South America Largest Sea - bird Albatross Largest Fountain Suntec city fountain of Wealth, Singapore Largest Sewage Tunnel The Chicago Tunnel, USA Largest Inhabited Castle Windsor Castle, UK Largest Orthodox Cathedral The Cathedral Church of Christ, Russia Largest Pyramid Quetzalcoatl Pyramid Largest Drainage Basin The Amazon Basin Largest Cave Passage Son Doong cave, Vietnam Lagest Glacier Lambert Glacier Largest Swamp The Pantanal Swamp, Brazil Largest River Island Majuli, India, Assam Largest Airport Terminal Beijing Capital International Airport, China Largest Bay Hudson Bay, Canada Largets Cemetary Ohlsdorf Cemetary, Hamburg, Germeny Largest Church St. Peter's Basilica, Vetican City, Rome Largest Lagoon Grand Lagon Sud, New Caledonia Largest Mosque Imam Reza Shrine, Iran Largest Convention Center World Market Center, Las Vegas, USA Largest Gulf Gulf of Mexico Largest Hotel The Venetian & The Palazzo, Las Vegas, USA Largest Stadium Strahov Stadium, Prague Largest Bus Fleet Andra Pradesh State Road Transport Corporation,India Largest Medical Center Texas Medical Center, USA Largest Irrigation Canal All-American Canal Largest Container Ship CMA CGM Marco Polo Longest Railway Bridge Danyang–Kunshan Grand Bridge, China Longest Irrigation Canal Karakum Canal Longest Canal The Grand Canal, China Longest Mountain Range Andes, South America Longest Platform Kharagpur, India Longest Railway Trans - Siberian railway LongestRailwayTunnel Seikan Tunnel, Japan Longest Road Tunnel Laedal Tunnel, Norway Longest Wall Great Wall of China Longest River Nile , Africa Lowest Water Body Dead Sea Most Active Volcano Maunaloa,Hawaii, U.S.A Rainiest Place Mausinram, Meghalaya, India Smallest Bird Humming Bird Smallest Continent by Area Australia Smallest Country by Area Vatican City Smallest Country by Population Vatican City Tallest Animal Giraffe Tallest Dam Nurek Dam, Tajikistan Tallest Building Burj Khalifa, Dubai, UAE Tallest Railway Station Building Nagoya Station, Japan Tallest Statue Spring Temple Buddha, china Tallest Monument Gateway Arch, USA

Countries with their Capitals and Independece Day (part 2 of 2): 121 Lithuania Vilnius 11th March 122 Luxembourg Luxembourg 23rd June 123 Macedonia Skopje 8th September 124 Madagascar Antananarivo 26th June 125 Malawi Lilongwe 6th July 126 Malaysia Kuala Lumpur 31st August 127 Maldives Malé 26th July 128 Mali Bamako 22nd September 129 Malta Valletta 21st September 130 Marshall Islands Majuro 21st October 131 Martinique Fort-de-France 132 Mauritania Nouakchott 28th November 133 Mauritius Port Louis 12th March 134 Mayotte Mamoudzou 135 Mexico Mexico City 16th September 136 Federated States of Micronesia Palikir 3rd November 137 Moldova Chișinău 27th August 138 Monaco Monaco-ville 139 Mongolia Ulaanbaatar 29th December 140 Montenegro Podgorica 21st May 141 Montserrat Brades Estate 142 Morocco Rabat 18th November 143 Mozambique Maputo 25th June 144 Nagorno-Karabakh Stepanakert 2nd September 145 Namibia Windhoek 21st March 146 Nauru Yaren (de facto) 31st january 147 Nepal Kathmandu 148 Netherlands Amsterdam 5th May 149 New Caledonia Nouméa 150 New Zealand Wellington 26th September 151 Nicaragua Managua 15th September 152 Niger Niamey 3rd August 153 Nigeria Abuja 1st October 154 Niue Alofi 155 North Borneo Kota Kinabalu 156 Norfolk Island Kingston 157 North Korea P'yŏngyang 9th September 158 Northern Cyprus North Nicosia 2nd September 159 Northern Ireland Belfast 160 Northern Mariana Islands Saipan 161 Norway Oslo 7th June 162 Oman Muscat 163 Pakistan Islamabad 14th August 164 Palau Ngerulmud 1st October 165 Palestinian National Authority Ramallah and Gaza 166 Panama Panama City 28th November 167 Papua New Guinea Port Moresby 16th September 168 Paraguay Asunción 14th May 169 Peru Lima 28th July 170 Philippines Manila 12th June 171 Pitcairn Islands Adamstown 172 Poland Warsaw 11th November 173 Portugal Lisbon 1st December 174 Puerto Rico San Juan 175 Qatar Doha 3rd Sptember 176 Republic of the Congo Brazzaville 15th August 177 Réunion Saint-Denis 178 Romania Bucharest 9th May 179 Russia Moscow 24th August 180 Rwanda Kigali 1st July 181 Saint Pierre and Miquelon Saint-Pierre 182 Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha Jamestown 183 Saint Kitts and Nevis Basseterre 19th September 184 Saint Lucia Castries 22nd February 185 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Kingstown 27th October 186 Samoa Apia 1st January 187 San Marino San Marino 3rd September 188 São Tomé and Príncipe São Tomé 12th July 189 Sarawak Kuching 22nd July 190 Saudi Arabia Riyadh 23rd September 191 Senegal Dakar 4th April 192 Serbia Belgrade 15th February 193 Seychelles Victoria 29th June 194 Sierra Leone Freetown 27th April 195 Singapore Singapore City 9th August 196 Sint Maarten Philipsburg 197 Slovakia Bratislava 17th July 198 Slovenia Ljubljana 25th June 199 Solomon Islands Honiara 7th July 200 Somalia Mogadishu 1st July 201 South Africa Pretoria (administrative capital), Cape Town (legislative capital), Bloemfontein, (judicial capital) 11th December 202 South Korea Seoul 15th August 203 South Sudan Juba 9th July 204 South Ossetia Tskhinval 26th August 205 Spain Madrid 12th October 206 Sri Lanka Colombo 4th February 207 Sudan Khartoum 1st January 208 Suriname Paramaribo 25th November 209 Svalbard Longyearbyen 210 Swaziland Mbabane 6th September 211 Sweden Stockholm 6th June 212 Switzerland Bern 1st August 213 Syria Damascus 17th April 214 Taiwan Taipei 10th October 215 Tajikistan Dushanbe 9th September 216 Tanzania Dodoma 9th December 217 Thailand Bangkok 218 Togo Lomé 27thApril 219 Tokelau Nukunonu 6th February 220 Tonga Nukuʻalofa 4th June 221 Trinidad and Tobago Port of Spain 31st August 222 Tunisia Tunis 20th March 223 Turkey Ankara 29th October 224 Turkmenistan Ashgabat 27th October 225 Turks and Caicos Islands Cockburn Town 30th August 226 Tuvalu Fongafale (in Funafuti) 1st October 227 Uganda Kampala 9th October 228 Ukraine Kiev 24th November 229 United Arab Emirates Abu Dhabi 2nd December 230 United Kingdom London 1st May 231 United States Washington, D.C. 4th July 232 Uruguay Montevideo 25th August 233 Uzbekistan Tashkent 1st September 234 Vanuatu Port Vila 30th July 235 Vatican City Vatican City 11th February 236 Venezuela Caracas 5th July 237 Vietnam Hanoi 2nd September 238 Virgin Islands of the United States Charlotte Amalie 239 Wallis and Futuna Matâ'Utu 14th July 240 Yemen Sana'a 30th November 241 Zambia Lusaka 24th October 242 Zimbabwe Harare 18th April

Country, Capital and Indepandance Day (part 1 of 2): No Country Capital Independence Day /Natonal Day 1 Abkhazia Sukhum 4th July 2 Afghanistan Kabul 19th August 3 Albania Tirana 28th November 4 Algeria Algiers 5th July 5 American Samoa Pago Pago 1st January 6 Andorra Andorra la Vella 8th September 7 Angola Luanda 11th November 8 Anguilla The Valley 30th May 9 Antigua and Barbuda Saint John's 1st November 10 Argentina Buenos Aires 9th July 11 Armenia Yerevan 21st September 12 Aruba Oranjestad 1st January 13 Australia Canberra 26th January 14 Austria Vienna 26th October 15 Azerbaijan Baku 30th August 16 Bahamas Nassau 10th July 17 Bahrain Manama 15th August 18 Bangladesh Dhaka 26th March 19 Barbados Bridgetown 30th November 20 Belarus Minsk 3rd July 21 Belgium Brussels 21st July 22 Belize Belmopan 21st September 23 Benin Porto-Novo 1st August 24 Bermuda Hamilton 24th May 25 Bhutan Thimphu 8th August 26 Bolivia La Paz 6th August 27 Bosnia and Herzegovina Sarajevo 1st March 28 Botswana Gaborone 30th September 29 Brazil Brasília 7th September 30 British Virgin Islands Road Town 1st July 31 Brunei Bandar Seri Begawan 1st January 32 Bulgaria Sofia 22th September 33 Burkina Faso Ouagadougou 5th August 34 Burma Naypyidaw 4th January 35 Burundi Bujumbura 1st July 36 Cambodia Phnom Penh 9th November 37 Cameroon Yaoundé 1st January 38 Canada Ottawa 1st July 39 Cape Verde Praia 5th July 40 Cayman Islands George Town 41 Central African Republic Bangui 13th August 42 Chad N'Djamena 11th August 43 Chile Santiago 18th September 44 China (People's Republic of China) Beijing 1st October 45 Christmas Island Flying Fish Cove 46 Cocos Islands West Island 47 Colombia Bogotá 20th July 48 Comoros Moroni 6th July 49 Cook Islands Avarua 50 Costa Rica San José 15th September 51 Côte d'Ivoire Yamoussoukro 7th August 52 Croatia Zagreb 8th October 53 Cuba Havana 20th May 54 Curaçao Willemstad 55 Cyprus Nicosia 1st October 56 Czech Republic Prague 1st January 57 Democratic Republic of the Congo Kinshasa 30th June 58 Denmark Copenhagen 59 Djibouti Djibouti 27th June 60 Dominica Roseau 3rd November 61 Dominican Republic Santo Domingo 27th February 62 East Timor Díli 29th May 63 Ecuador Quito 24th May 64 Egypt Cairo 28th February 65 El Salvador San Salvador 15th September 66 Equatorial Guinea Malabo 67 Eritrea Asmara 24th May 68 Estonia Tallinn 20th August 69 Ethiopia Addis Ababa 70 Faroe Islands Tórshavn 71 Fiji Suva 10th October 72 Finland Helsinki 6th December 73 France Paris 74 French Guiana Cayenne 75 French Polynesia Papeete 76 Gabon Libreville 17th August 77 The Gambia Banjul 18th February 78 Georgia Tbilisi 9th April 79 Germany Berlin 18th January 80 Ghana Accra 6th March 81 Gibraltar Gibraltar 82 Greece Athens 25th March 83 Greenland Nuuk 84 Grenada St. George's 7th February 85 Guadeloupe Basse-Terre 86 Guam Hagåtña 87 Guatemala Guatemala City 15th September 88 Guernsey Saint Peter Port 89 Guinea Conakry 2nd October 90 Guinea-Bissau Bissau 24th September 91 Guyana Georgetown 26th May 92 Haiti Port-au-Prince 1st January 93 Honduras Tegucigalpa 15th September 94 Hungary Budapest 15th March 95 Iceland Reykjavík 1st December 96 India New Delhi 15th August 97 Indonesia Jakarta 17th August 98 Iran Tehran 99 Iraq Baghdad 3rd October 100 Ireland Dublin 24th April 101 Isle of Man Douglas 102 Israel Jerusalem 14th May 103 Italy Rome 17th March 104 Jamaica Kingston 6th August 105 Japan Tokyo 11th February 106 Jersey St. Helier 9th May 107 Jordan Amman 25th May 108 Kazakhstan Astana 16th December 109 Kenya Nairobi 12th December 110 Kiribati Tarawa 12th July 111 Kosovo Prishtinë 17th February 112 Kuwait Kuwait City 25th February 113 Kyrgyzstan Bishkek 31st August 114 Laos Vientiane 9th July 115 Latvia Riga 18th November 116 Lebanon Beirut 22nd November 117 Lesotho Maseru 4th October 118 Liberia Monrovia 26th July 119 Libya Tripoli 24th December 120 Liechtenstein Vaduz 23rd January

Top ten in the World.... LARGEST CITIES ON THE PLANET BY POPULATION 1. Shanghai17,836,133 2. Istanbul13,483,052 3. Karachi13,052,000 4. Mumbai12,478,447 5. Moscow11,810,000 6. Beijing11,716,000 7. São Paulo11,316,149 8. Tianjin11,090,314 9. Guangzhou11,070,654 10. Delhi11,007,835 COUNTRY POPULATION (Largest) 1. China1,347,350,000 2. India1,210,193,000 3. USA313,686,000 4. Indonesia237,641,000 5. Brazil192,376,000 6. Pakistan179,764,000 7. Nigeria162,471,000 8. Russia143,100,000 9. Bangladesh142,319,000 10. Japan127,610,200 COUNTRIES (Highest Density) (people per square km) 1. Monaco16,205 2. Singapore6,386 3. Malta1,261 4. Maldives1,164 5. Bahrain1,035 6. Bangladesh1,002 7. Vatican City920 8. Barbados648 9. Nauru621 10. Mauritius603 LANGUAGES OF THE WORLD 1. Chinese Mandarin1 billion + 2. English512 million 3. Hindi501 million 4. Spanish399 million 5. Russian285 million 6. Arabic265 million 7. Bengali245 million 8. Portuguese196 million 9. Malay-Indonesian140 million 10. Japanese125 million TOP 10 TALLEST MOUNTAINS 1. Mount Everest29,035 ft (8,850 m) Nepal/China 2. Qogir (K2)28,250 ft (8,611 m) Pakistan 3. Kangchenjunga28,169 ft (8,586 m) Nepal 4. Lhotse27,920 ft (8,501 m) Nepal 5. Makalu I27,765 ft (8,462 m) Nepal 6. Cho Oyu26,906 ft (8,201 m) Nepal 7. Dhaulagiri26,794 ft (8,167 m) Nepal 8. Manaslu I26,758 ft (8,156 m) Nepal 9. Nanga Parbat26,658 ft (8,125 m) Pakistan 10. Annapurna I26,545 ft (8,091 m) Nepal LARGEST COUNTRIES (by Land Mass) 1. Russia6,592,846 sq miles (17,075,400 sq km) 2. Canada3,602,707 sq miles (9,330,970 sq km) 3. China3,600,947 sq miles (9,326,410 sq km) 4. USA3,539,242 sq miles (9.166,600 sq km) 5. Brazil3,265,075 sq miles (8,456,510 sq km) 6. Australia2,941,283 sq miles (7,617,930 sq km) 7. India1,147,949 sq miles (2,973,190 sq km) 8. Argentina1,056,636 sq miles (2,736,690 sq km) 9. Kazakhstan1,049,150 sq miles (2,717,300 sq km) 10. Sudan917,374 sq miles (2,376,000 sq km) CONTINENTS (by size) 1. Asia44,579,000 sq km 2. Africa30,221,000 sq km 3. North America24,256,000 sq km 4. South America17,819,000 sq km 5. Antarctica13,209,000 sq km 6. Europe9,938,000 sq km 7. Australia/Oceania7,687,000 sq km CONTINENTS (by Population) 1. Asia4,140,336,501 2. Africa1,020,201.229 3. Europe738,523,843 4. North America528,720/588 5. South America385,742,554 6. Australia/Oceania36,102.071 7. Antarctica0 OCEANS OF THE WORLD (by Size) 1. Pacific155,557,000 sq km 2. Atlantic76,762,000 sq km 3. Indian68,556,000 sq km 4. Southern20,327,000 sq km 5. Arctic14,056,000 sq km DEEPEST OCEANS & SEAS 1. Pacific Ocean35,827 ft (10,924 m) 2. Atlantic Ocean30,246 ft (9,219 m) 3. Indian Ocean24,460 ft (7,455 m) 4. Caribbean Sea22,788 ft (6,946 m) 5. Arctic Ocean18,456 ft (5,625 m) 6. South China Sea16,456 ft (5,016 m) 7. Bering Sea15,659 ft (4,773 m) 8. Mediterranean Sea15,197 ft (4,632 m) 9. Gulf of Mexico12,425 ft (3,787 m) 10. Japan Sea12,276 ft (3,742 m) MAJOR ISLANDS (by Size) 1. Australia7,617.930 sq km 2. Greenland2,175,600 sq km 3. New Guinea792,500 sq km 4. Borneo725,500 sq km 5. Madagascar587,000 sq km 6. Baffin507,500 sq km 7. Sumatra427,300 sq km 8. Honshu227,400 sq km 9. Great Britain218,100 sq km 10. Victoria217,300 sq km MAJOR RIVERS (by Length) 1. Nile, Africa6,825 km 2. Amazon, South America6,437 km 3. Chang Jiang (Yangtze), Asia6,380 km 4. Mississippi, North America5,971 km 5. Yenisey-Angara, Asia5,536 km 6. Huang (Yellow), Asia5,464 km 7. Ob-Irtysh, Asia5,410 km 8. Amur, Asia4,416 km 9. Lena, Asia4,400 km 10. Congo, Africa4,370 km MAJOR LAKES (by Size) 1. Caspian Sea, Asia-Europe371,000 sq km 2. Superior, North America82,100 sq km 3. Victoria, Africa69,500 sq km 4. Huron, North America59,600 sq km 5. Michigan, North America57,800 sq km 6. Tanganyika, Africa32,900 sq km 7. Baikal, Asia31,500 sq km 8. Great Bear, North America31,300 sq km 9. Aral Sea, Asia30,700 sq km 10. Malawi, Africa28,900 sq km SMALLEST COUNTRIES (by Land Mass) 1. Vatican City0.17 sq miles (0.44 sq km) 2. Monaco0.75 sq miles (1.95 sq km) 3. Nauru8.2 sq miles (21.2 sq km) 4. Tuvalu10 sq miles (26 sq km) 5. San Marino24 sq miles (61 sq km) 6. Liechtenstein62 sq miles (160 sq km) 7. Marshall Islands70 sq miles (181 sq km) 8. Seychelles104 sq miles (270 sq km) 9. Maldives116 sq miles (300 sq km) 10. St. Kitts and Nevis139 sq miles (360 sq km) LARGEST DESERTS OF THE WORLD 1. Sahara, North Africa3,320,000 sq. miles 2. Arabian, Middle East900,000 sq. miles 3. Kalahari, Southern Africa360,000 sq. miles 4. Great Victoria, Australia250,000 sq. miles 5. Syrian, Syria, Jordan, Iraq200,000 sq. miles 6. Chihuahuan, Mexico, U.S.175,000 sq. miles 7. Great Sandy, Australia150,000 sq. miles 8. Sonoran, Mexico, U,S,120,000 sq. miles 9. Thar, India, Pakistan77,000 sq. miles 10. Gibson, Australia60,000 sq. miles

Continent and Countries ...... Asia Area17,212,000 sq. km Number of Countries44 countries Highest pointMount Everest, Nepal Lowest pointDead Sea, Israel Most Populous CityShanghai, China South America Area6,880,000 sq. km Number of Countries12 countries Highest pointAconcagua, Argentina Lowest pointLaguna del Carbón, Argentina Most Populous CitySao Paulo, Brazil North America Area9,365,000 sq. km Number of Countries23 countries Highest pointMount McKinley, USA Lowest pointDeath Valley, USA Most Populous CityMexico City, Mexico Africa Area11,608,000 sq. km Number of Countries54 countries Highest pointMount Kilimanjaro, Tanzania Lowest pointLake Assal,Djibouti Most Populous CityLagos, Nigeria Europe Area3,837,000 sq. km Number of Countries47 countries Highest pointMount Elbrus, Russia Lowest pointCaspian Sea, Russia Most Populous CityMoscow, Russia Antarctica Area5,100,000 sq. km Number of Countries0 countries Highest pointVinson Massif, Antarctica Lowest pointDeep Lake, Vestfold Hills, Antarctica Most Populous CityVilla Las Estrellas, Chilean claim Australia Area2,968,000 sq. km Number of Countries14 countries Highest pointPuncak Jaya, Papua Province Lowest pointLake Eyre, Australia Most Populous CitySydney, Australia Other Facts..... *.Canada has more lakes than all the other countries of the world combined. *.Kazakistan is the largest landlocked country in the world *.France covers the most time zones, covering 12 time zones *.Most overweight population found in Nauru *.Mongolia is the least densely populated country on Earth with 4 people per square mile *.Saudi Arabia has no river *.Suriname is the most jungle covered country in the world, with 91% of its land covered in jungle *.Papua New Guinea with 820 languages are spoken, is the most languages spoken country in world *.The country with the most neighbors is Russia with 16 neighbors *.New Zealand is the first country that gave women the right to vote in 1893 *.The country with the longest shoreline measuring 202,080 km is Canada *.Liechtenstein and Uzbekistan is the only two countries in the world which are doubly landlocked *.Vatican is the only country where there was no birth in 1983 *.Singapore is the largest country without any farms. *.Nauru is the only country in the world with no official capital *.There are more post offices in India than anywhere else in the world *.New Zealand is the only country which has every climate in the world

First in the World: Sgnificance Achiver Asian city to host Olympics Tokyo, Japan, 1964 Athlete disqualified at the Olympics for drug use Hans-Gunnar Lijenwall, Mexico Olympics, 1968 Blind person to conquer the Everest Erik Weihenmayer, USA, 2001 Cricket Club Cricket club founded in Hambledon, England Country to Print Books China Country to issue paper currency China Country to start Civil Service Competition China Country to make education compulsory Prussia Country to win World Cup football Uruguay Country to make a constitution USA Country to Organize NAM Summit Belgrade Country to send human to Moon USA Country to launch satellite into space Russia Country to host modern Olympics Greece Country to launch Radio Telescope Satellite into space Japan European to visit China Marco Polo Man to climb Mt Everest Tenzing Norgay and Edmund Hillary, 1953 Man to reach North Pole Robert Peary Man to reach South Pole Ronald Amundsen Man to Fly an aeroplan Wright Brothers Man to sail around the World Ferdinand Magellan Man to set foot on the Moon Neil Armstrong Man to go to the space Major Yuri Gagarin Man to draw the map of Earth Anexemander Man to compile Encyclopedia Aspheosis Man to win Nobel Prize in Literature Rene FA and Silt Pradhom Man to win Nobel Prize in Peace Jin F Dunant nad Frederic Peiry Man to win Nobel Prize in Physics WK Roentgen Man to win Nobel Prize in Chemistry JH Wenthoff Man to win Nobel Prize in Medicine AE Wonn Behring Man to win Nobel Prize in Economics Ranger Fish and John Tinbergen Man to sail around the World alone Joshua Slocum Man tourist in Space Dennis Tito Man to have climbed Mount Everest Twice Nawang Gombu Man Oscar winner for the Best Actor Emil Jannings, 1928 Man to win Tour de France Maurice Garin, 1903 Man boxing champion Tim Hyer, 1841 Man chess champion Wilhelm Steinitz, 1886 Man to walk in space Alexei Arkhovich Leonov, 1965 Man heart transplant was per formed by Dr. Christian Barnard, 1967 Man heart transplant recipient Louis Washkansky, 1967 Man to fly solo non stop across the Atlantic Charles Lindbergh, 1927 Man to swim across the English Channel Matthew Webb, 1875 Man to fly solo nonstop around the world in ballon Steve Fossett, U.S., 2002 Man to cross the Pacific Ocean in hot air balloon Ben Abruzzo and team in the Double Eagle V Movie in the world The jazz Singer , 1927 Parkinson’s disease was first described by James Parkinson, British neurologist, 1817 Religion of the world Santosh Dharma Recipient of a permanent artificial heart Barney Clark, 1982 Secretary General of UN Trigve Li Space shuttle launched Colombia Space ship landed on Moon Viking-1 Space vehicle to land on the moon Lunar Exploration Module (LEM) Woman tourist in Space Mrs Anousheh Ansari Woman civilian police adviser of the U.N. Kiran Bedi Woman Bishop Rev Barbara C. Harris (USA) Woman to win Nobel Prize in Literature Selma Lagerlöf Woman to win Nobel Prize in Peace Bertha von Suttner Woman to win Nobel Prize in Physics Marie Curie-Skłodowska Woman to win Nobel Prize in Chemistry Marie Curie-Skłodowska Woman to win Nobel Prize in Medicine Gerty Theresa Cori Woman to win Nobel Prize in Economics Elinor Ostrom Woman Prime Minister of a Country S Bhandarnayake Woman Cosmonaut in Space Valentina Tereshkova, USSR Woman to Climb Mt. Everest Juno Tabei, Japan Woman President of UN General assembly Vijayalakshmi Pandit Woman to reach North Pole Mrs Fran Phipps Woman to reach Antartica Caroline Michaelson Woman President of a Country Maria Estela Peron Woman to sail around the world alone Kat Cotte Woman to win an Olympic Gold Medal Charlotte Cooper, UK, Tennis singles, 1900 Woman professional bullfighter Patricia Mccormick, 1952 Women’s Olympic marathon Champion Joan Benoit, Los Angles, 1984 Woman to Climb Mt. Everest twice Santosh Yadav Woman Oscar winner for Best Actress janet Gaynor, 1928 Woman black tennis player to win a singles title at Wimbledon A Gibson, 1957 Woman to win a Grand Slam Maureen Catherine, 1953 Woman to swim the English Channel Gertrude Ederle, 1926 Woman to set foot on North Pole Ann Bancroft, USA, 1986 University of the world Taxila University

World at a glance ...... Total Surface Area:510,064,472 sq km Total Land Area:148,940,000 sq km (29.2% of Planet Earth's surface) Total Water Area:361,132,000 sq km (70.8% of Planet Earth's surface) Total Population:7.04 billion Total Weight:5.9722 × 1024Kg Total Volume:1.08321×1012km3 Total Age:4.54 billion years Surface Gravity:32.041 ft/s2 Distance from Moon:384,403 km Distance from Sun:150 million km Equatorial Radius:6,378.1 km Mean Radius:6,371.0 km Polar Radius:6,356.8 km Orbiting Speed:29.78 km/s Orbiting Time: 365.256363004 days Surface Temperature:-88/5(min/max)°C Orbit Size around Sun:92,956,050 miles (Semi Major Axis) Period of Rotation: 23.934 hours Speed of Rotation: 1670 km/hr Distance from nearest Planet: 38 million km from Venus Total Continent: 7 (Asia, Africa, Europe, North America, South America, Australia, Antar ctica) Total Ocean: 5 ( Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Southern, Arctic ) UN Recognized Countries: 193 Total Seas: 137 Primary Tectonic Plates: 8 (African, Antarctic, Australian, Eurasian, Indian, North American, Pacific, South American) Largest Continent: Asia, 43,820,000 sq km (29.5% of total World landmass) Smallest Continent: Australia, 9,008,500 sq km Largest Country: Russia, 17,098,242 sq km Smallest Country: Vatican City - 0.44 sq km Largest Ocean: The Pacific Ocean - 155,557,000 sq km Smallest Ocean: Arctic, 14,056,000 sq km Highest Mountain: Mount Everest, 29,029 ft - Nepal Longest River: The Nile - 6,650 km Largest Lake: The Caspian Sea - 371,000 sq km Average Life Expectancy: 67.2 years

Universe at a glance (part 2 & last part): Saturn •Saturn is the sixth planet from the Sun and the second largest. •Saturn has 62 known moons, fifty-three have been named. Most of them are small in size. •Names of some of Saturn’s moons: the largest is Titan, discovered in 1655; Tethys, Dione, Rhea, & Iapetus, discovered from 1671 to 1672; Mimas & Enceladus, discovered in 1789; and Hyperion, discovered in 1848. •A year on Saturn is equal to 29.5 Earth Years •Pioneer 11 is the first spacecraft to reach Saturn, in 1979 •Saturn has a prominent ring system that consists of nine continuous main rings and three discontinuous arcs, composed mostly of ice particles with a smaller amount of rocky debris and dust. Uranus •The orbital speed of Uranus is 6.6 km/sec •Uranus takes 84 Earth years to complete one orbit. •Uranus is the third largest planet in the Solar System. •Voyager 2, the only spacecraft to visit Uranus, •A day on Uranus is equal to a little more than 17 hours on Earth. •Uranus has 27 known moons, named for characters from the works of William Shakespeare or Alexander Pope •Uranus was discovered by Sir William Herschel in 1781 Neptune •Neptune is the fourth largest planet and coolest planet in the Solar System. •Neptune was the first planet located through mathematical predictions rather than through regular observations of the sky. •Neptune was discovered by Urbain Le Verrier, John Couch Adams, and Johann Galle on September 23, 1846. •The only spacecraft ever to visit Neptune was Voyager 2 in 1989. •The magnetic field of Neptune is about 27 times more powerful than that of Earth. •One Neptune year is equal to 164.83 Earth Years •Neptune has six known rings. •In 2011, Neptune completes its first 165-year orbit of the sun since its discovery in 1846. •Neptune has 13 moons, the largest of which is named Triton. The other moons are: Naiad, Thalassa, Despina, Galatea, Larissa, Proteus, Nereid, Halimede, Sao, Laomedeia, Neso, and Psamathe. Pluto •Pluto is the smallest planet in the Solar System, now consider as dwarf planet •Pluto is colder than Neptune. •Pluto’s journey around the Sun takes 248 Earth years. •Pluto is the second most contrast body in the Solar System •Pluto has not yet been visited by a spacecraft. •Pluto has a satellite, Charon, which was discovered (in 1978). The distance between them is 19,640 km (12,200 miles).The other 3 are Nix, Hydra, and newly discovered S/2011 P 1 on July of 2011. •Pluto rotation (a Pluto day) takes 6.4 Earth days, meaning that it has the second slowest rotation in the Solar System after Venus •Pluto was discovered by Tombaugh in 1930

Universe at a glance (part 1): Sun •The Sun is a star that is in the center of the Solar System •The Sun is recognized as having the largest mass in our Solar System. •It has a diameter of about 1,392,684 km, about 109 times that of Earth •The sun is the closest star to Earth, at a mean distance from our planet of 149.60 million km •Sun fuses 620 million metric tons of hydrogen each second. •At the core, the temperature is about 27 million degrees Fahrenheit (15 million degrees Celsius) •In February 1974, Skylab was the first manned spacecraft to study the Sun. •Solar flares occur when magnetic fields of the Sun come together and cause hugeexplosions on the Sun’s surface. •Solar flares produce bursts of electromagnetic radiation, x-rays, ultraviolet radiation, visible light, and radio waves. Mercury •Mercury is the closest and second smallest in the Solar System. •Mercury is the second densest planet after Earth. •The only visit to Mercury was a flyby made by the Mariner 10 spacecraft in 1974. •Mercury speeds around the sun every 88 days, traveling through space at nearly 50 km (31 miles) per second •Galileo first observed Mercury during the 17th century. Venus •Venus is the second closest and sixth largest planet in the Solar System •The orbital speed of Venus is 35 km per second. •Venus is the hottest planet in the Solar System. •Venus appears to be the brightest planet in the sky. •It takes 244.7 days for Venus to rotate on its axis. •The first robotic space probe mission to Venus, and the first to any planet, began on 12 February 1961, with the launch of the Venera 1 probe. Earth •Earth formed approximately 4.54 billion years ago, and life appeared on its surface within one billion years. •The Earth is the densest planet in the Solar System. •Earth is the fifth largest planet in the Solar System. •The Diameter of the Earth is 12,756 km (7,926 miles) •The earth’s orbital speed is 29.8 km per second. •Earthatmosphere consists of 78 percent nitrogen, 21 percent oxygen and 1 percent other ingredients.. •Earth rotates about its own axis 366.26 times, creating 365.26 solar days Moon •The Moon is Earth’s lone natural satellite. •In 1610, Galileo Galilei is the first to use a telescope to make scientific observations of the Moon. •The Moon is the fifth largest satellite in our Solar System. •The Moon’s diameter is 2160 miles (3476 km) •Average distance between the Earth and the Moon is about 239,000 miles. Actual distance varies from 221,457 to 252,712 miles. •The Moon’s gravity is 1/6 that of Earth. •The Moon does not have an atmosphere; there is no wind on the Moon. •Apollo 11 was the American space mission to first reach and land on the moon. •The first human landing on the Moon was on 20 July 1969. •The Moon orbits around the Earth every 29 days. Mars •Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun and the second smallest planet in the Solar System. •iron oxide prevalent on its surface gives it a reddish appearance, often described as “ Red Planet” •A Mars year is equal to 686.98 Earth Days •A day in Mars is equal to 24.6 Earth Hours •Like Earth, Mars experiences seasons because of the tilt of its rotational axis •Asaph Hall discovered both of Mars’ moons, Phobos and Deimos, in August 1877. •Mariner 4 – first successful flyby mission to Mars. Launched on November 28, 1964 and arrived at Mars on July 14, 1965. •Viking 1 – Successful orbit and landing on surface of Mars. Launched August 20, 1975 and arrived at Mars July 20, 1976. Jupitar •Jupiter, the largest planet in our solar system, is 318 times larger than Earth. •The orbital speed of Jupiter is 13.1 km/sec •A year on Jupiter is equal to 11.9 Earth Years •Jupiter has 67 natural satellites.[105] Of these, 51 are less than 10 kilometres in diameter and have only been discovered since 1975. •Galileo Galileihad discovered Jupiter's four largest moons, now called Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto. These four moons are known today as the Galilean satellites. •In 1610, Galileo Galilei makes the first detailed observations of Jupiter. •Jupiter's moon Ganymede is the biggest satellite in solar system •Jupiter has rings, the third planet discovered to have a ring system in our Solar System. •Jupiter’s rings are identified as: Halo ring, Main ring, Amalthea gossamer ring, and Thebe gossamer ring. •Jupiter’s rings were discovered by Voyager 1 in 1979.