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Name Scientific Study: AcologyStudy of medical remedies AdenologyStudy of glands AerologyStudy of the atmosphere AgrologyStudy of agricultural soils AnesthesiologyStudy of anesthetics AnatomyStudy of the structure of living things AnthropobiologyStudy of the natural history of the human species AnthropologyStudy of humanity ApiologyStudy of bees ArachnologyStudy of spiders ArchaeologyStudy of human activity in the past AstrologyStudy of influence of stars on people AstronomyStudy of celestial bodies AuxologyStudyof growth BarologyStudy of gravitation BibliologyStudy of books BiologyStudy of life BotanyStudy of plants BromatologyStudy of food BrontologyStudy of thunder CalorificsStudy of heat CardiologyStudy of the heart CarpologyStudy of fruit ChemistryStudy of the composition, properties and behavior of matter CosmologyStudy of the universe CryptologyStudy of codes DactylographyStudy of fingerprints DendrologyStudy of trees DermatologyStudy of skin DesmologyStudy of ligaments EcologyStudy of environment EconomicsStudy of material wealth EdaphologyStudy of soils EntomologyStudy of insects FloristryStudy ofcultivating and selling flowers GeoponicsStudy of agriculture GraphologyStudy of handwriting HelminthologicalStudy of worms HematologyStudy of blood HydrogeologyStudy of ground water HygrometryStudy of humidity IchthyologyStudy of fish InsectologyStudy of insects LinguisticsStudy of language MeteorologyStudy of weather NephologyStudy of clouds NephrologyStudy of the kidneys NumismaticsStudy of coins OdontologyStudy of teeth OologyStudy of eggs OphiologyStudy of snakes OrnithologyStudy of birds OrthopterologyStudy of cockroaches OsteologyStudy of bones OtologyStudy of the ear PalaeolimnologyStudy of ancient fish PathologyStudy and diagnosis of disease PsychologyStudy of mental functions and behaviors SeismologyStudy of earthquakes ThermologyStudy of heat VermeologyStudy of worms XylologyStudy of wood ZoologyStudy of animals