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Death Penalty Outlawed (year): *.Albania (2000) *.Andorra (1990) *.Angola (1992) *.Argentina (2008) *.Armenia (2003) *.Australia (1984) *.Austria (1950) *.Azerbaijan (1998) *.Belgium (1996) *.Bhutan (2004) *.Bosnia-Herzegovina (1997) *.Bulgaria (1998) *.Burundi (2009 ) *.Cambodia (1989) *.Canada (1976) *.Cape Verde (1981) *.Colombia (1910) *.Cook Islands (2007) *.Costa Rica (1877) *.Côte d'Ivoire (2000) *.Croatia (1990) *.Cyprus (1983) *.Czech Republic (1990) *.Denmark (1933) *.Djibouti (1995) *.Dominican Republic (1966) *.Ecuador (1906) *.Estonia (1998) *.Finland (1949) *.France (1981) *.Gabon (2010) *.Georgia (1997) *.Germany (1949) *.Greece (1993) *.Guinea-Bissau (1993) *.Haiti (1987) *.Honduras (1956) *.Hungary (1990) *.Iceland (1928) *.Ireland (1990) *.Italy (1947) *.Kyrgyzstan (2007) *.Kiribati (1979) *.Latvia (2012) *.Liechtenstein (1987) *.Lithuania (1998) *.Luxembourg (1979) *.Macedonia (1991) *.Malta (1971) *.Marshall Islands (1986) *.Mauritius (1995) *.Mexico (2005) *.Micronesia (1986) *.Moldova (1995) *.Monaco (1962) *.Montenegro (2002) *.Mozambique (1990) *.Namibia (1990) *.Nepal (1990) *.Netherlands (1870) *.New Zealand (1961) *.Nicaragua (1979) *.Niue (n.a.) *.Norway (1905) *.Palau (n.a.) *.Panama (1903) *.Paraguay (1992) *.Philippines (2006) *.Poland (1997) *.Portugal (1867) *.Romania (1989) *.Rwanda (2007) *.Samoa (2004) *.San Marino (1848) *.São Tomé and Príncipe (1990) *.Senegal (2004) *.Serbia (2002) *.Seychelles (1993) *.Slovakia (1990) *.Slovenia (1989) *.Solomon Islands (1966) *.South Africa (1995) *.Spain (1978) *.Sweden (1921) *.Switzerland (1942) *.Timor-Leste (1999) *.Togo (2009) *.Turkey (2002) *.Turkmenistan (1999) *.Tuvalu (1978) *.Ukraine (1999) *.United Kingdom (1973) *.Uruguay (1907) *.Uzbekistan (2008) *.Vanuatu (1980) *.Vatican City (1969) *.Venezuela (1863) Death Penalty Outlawed for Ordinary Crimes2(year) *.Bolivia (1997) *.Brazil (1979) *.Chile (2001) *.El Salvador (1983) *.Fiji (1979) *.Israel (1954) *.Kazakhstan (2007) *.Latvia (1999) *.Peru (1979) De Facto Ban on Death Penalty3(year)4 *.Algeria (1993) *.Benin (1987) *.Brunei (1957) *.Burkina Faso (1988) *.Cameroon (1997) *.Central African Republic (1981) *.Congo (Republic) (1982) *.Eritrea (n.a.) *.Gambia (1981) *.Ghana (n.a.) *.Grenada (1978) *.Kenya (n.a.) *.Korea, South (1997.) *.Laos (n.a.) *.Liberia (n.a.) *.Madagascar (1958) *.Malawi (n.a.) *.Maldives (1952) *.Mali (1980) *.Mauritania (1987) *.Morocco (1993) *.Myanmar (1993) *.Nauru (1968) *.Niger (1976) *.Papua New Guinea (1950) *.Russia (1999) *.Sierra Leone (1998) *.Sri Lanka (1976) *.Suriname (1982) *.Swaziland (n.a.) *.Tajikistan (n.a.) *.Tanzania (n.a.) *.Tonga (1982) *.Tunisia (1990) *.Zambia (n.a.) Death Penalty Permitted *.Afghanistan *.Antigua and Barbuda *.Bahamas *.Bahrain *.Bangladesh *.Barbados *.Belarus *.Belize *.Botswana *.Chad *.China (People's Republic) *.Comoros *.Congo (Democratic Republic) *.Cuba *.Dominica *.Egypt *.Equatorial Guinea *.Ethiopia *.Guatemala *.Guinea *.Guyana *.India *.Indonesia *.Iran *.Iraq *.Jamaica *.Japan *.Jordan *.Kuwait *.Lebanon *.Lesotho *.Libya *.Malaysia *.Mongolia *.Nigeria *.North Korea *.Oman *.Pakistan *.Palestinian Authority *.Qatar *.St. Kitts and Nevis *.St. Lucia *.St. Vincent and the Grenadines *.Saudi Arabia *.Singapore *.Somalia *.South Sudan *.Sudan *.Syria *.Taiwan *.Thailand *.Trinidad and Tobago *.Uganda *.United Arab Emirates *.United States *.Vietnam *.Yemen *.Zimbabwe NOTE: n.a. = date not available. 1. If death penalty was outlawed for ordinary crimes before it was outlawed in all cases, the earlier date is given. 2. Death penalty is permitted only for exceptional crimes, such as crimes committed under military law or in wartime. 3. Death penalty is sanctioned by law but has not been the practice for ten or more years. 4. Year of last execution.Source:Amnesty International.