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Columbus Day: Columbus, his journeys and legacy, and other great explorers and explorations Biographies of Famous Explorers Roald Amundsen Vasco Núnez de Balboa Ibn Batuta Richard Burton John Cabot Jacques Cartier Lewis & Clark Christopher Columbus James Cook Francisco Coronado Hernando Cortés Vasco da Gama Leif Ericsson Sir Edmund Hillary Henry Hudson Ponce de León David Livingstone Ferdinand Magellan Mungo Park Robert E. Peary Francisco Pizarro Marco Polo Sir Ernest Shackleton John Speke Sir Henry M. Stanley [More...] Christopher Columbus Columbus Day Timeline The first commemoration of Columbus took place in 1792 Just Where Was Columbus? Pinpointing the famous explorer's whereabouts Biography of Christopher Columbus Early years, voyages, and historical perspective Columbus's Unknown Legacy How food from the Americas revolutionized Europe Fun Stuff Crossword: Columbus Day 66 Across:* As a young man, Columbus had different occupations, such as chart maker, sugar buyer, weaver and what? Quiz: Explorers Who was the first mountain climber to summit all fourteen of the world's 8,000-meter peaks without the use of supplemental oxygen? Other Great Explorers Explorers and Explorations From the Cape of Good Hope to the South Pole, a chart of notable explorers and their explorations. Myths About Explorers Did Columbus really discover America? Who was the first explorer to sail around the world?