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Multiple Nobel Laureates: The work of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) has been honoured by a Nobel Peace Prize three times. Besides, the founder of the ICRC, Henry Dunant, was awarded the first Nobel Peace Prize in 1901. Linus Pauling is the only person to have been awarded two unshared Nobel Prizes - the 1954 Nobel Prize in Chemistry and the 1962 Nobel Peace Prize. J. BardeenM. CurieL. Pauling Physics 1956 Physics 1972 Physics 1903 Chemistry 1911 Chemistry 1954 Peace 1962  F. SangerICRCUNHCR Chemistry 1958 Chemistry 1980 Peace 1917 Peace 1944 Peace 1963 Peace 1954 Peace 1981

Three Nobel Laureates Have Been under Arrest at the Time of the Award: German pacifist and journalistCarl von Ossietzky Burmese politicianAung San Suu Kyi Chinese human rights activistLiu Xiaobo

Forced to Decline the Nobel Prize! Four Nobel Laureates have been forced by authorities to decline the Nobel Prize. Adolf Hitler forbade three German Nobel Laureates, Richard Kuhn,Adolf ButenandtandGerhard Domagk, from accepting the Nobel Prize. All of them could later receive the Nobel Prize Diploma and Medal, but not the prize amount. Boris Pasternak, the 1958 Nobel Laureate in Literature, initially accepted the Nobel Prize but was later coerced by the authorities of the Soviet Union, his native country, to decline the Nobel Prize.

Two Nobel Laureates have Declined the Nobel Prize! Jean-Paul Sartre, awarded the 1964 Nobel Prize in Literature, declined the prize because he had consistently declined all official honours. Le Duc Tho, awarded the 1973 Nobel Peace Prize jointly with US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger. They were awarded the Prize for negotiating the Vietnam peace accord. Le Doc Tho said that he was not in a position to accept the Nobel Peace Prize, citing the situation in Vietnam as his reason.

The Oldest Nobel Laureates AgeNameCategory/YearDate of birth 90Leonid HurwiczEconomic Sciences 200721 August 1917 89Lloyd ShapleyEconomic Sciences 20122 June 1923 88Raymond Davis Jr.Physics 200214 October 1914 88Doris LessingLiterature 200722 October 1919 87Yoichiro NambuPhysics 200818 January 1921 87Vitaly L. GinzburgPhysics 20034 October 1916 87Peyton RousMedicine 19665 October 1879 87Joseph RotblatPeace 19954 November 1908 87Karl von FrischMedicine 197320 November 1886 85Ferdinand BuissonPeace 192720 December 1841 85John B. FennChemistry 200215 June 1917 85Theodor MommsenLiterature 190230 November 1817 85Willard S. BoylePhysics 200919 August 1929   CategoryNameYear of AwardAge of Nobel Laureate PhysicsRaymond Davis Jr.200288 ChemistryJohn B. Fenn200285 Physiology or MedicinePeyton Rous196687 LiteratureDoris Lessing200788 PeaceJoseph Rotblat199587 Economic SciencesLeonid Hurwicz200790