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Top 10 Ways To Reduce High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) Without Drugs: Hypertension is commonly known as High blood pressure. About one in four of adults suffer from hypertension. The exact cause of hypertension is unidentified but there are various factors and conditions which contribute to raise the rate of blood pressure. May be few medicines of yours are increasing your blood pressure. You can shield yourself from this serious health disorder, all you need to understand and take care of your blood pressure, learn the causes, symptoms and prevention. Discover natural ways to fight against your high blood pressure and stay in the pink. So let’s get started to change those risk factors you can control naturally. 1.Exercise Regularly The healthiest rate of blood pressure is 120/80, exercise is the simplest way to keep your blood pressure rate ideal. It not only reduces the risk factors of hypertension, anxiety and being overweight but also keeps your heart work efficiently. The more you lose weight the more you are going away from the risk of hypertension, so increase your exercise level to get lower blood pressure. Do it on regular basis at least 30 to 60 minutes a day. 2. Limit Alcohol Amount Alcohol works in both ways for high blood pressure, decreases hypertension if only you are having one drink in a day and vice versa if you are having more of it, plus it reduces the effects of hypertension medicines. It is recommended not to take more than one drink per day. 3. Reduce Caffeine Caffeine is considered to increase the blood pressure temporarily but it hasn’t proven yet, its role in blood pressure is debatable. Coffee and tea have some benefits but they don’t bring down your blood pressure that means caffeine containing beverages aren’t t good for people with hypertension. So try not to take more than two cups of tea or coffee in a day. 4.Quit smoking/Tobacco Products A colourless oily acrid toxic liquid “nicotine” found in tobacco is on top of other risks of smoking. It raises blood pressure continuously during smoking. Second-hand smoking is also very hazardous for healthiness as it causes high blood pressure and heart syndromes .Not only for hypertension, there are numerous other reasons you should quit smoking. 5.Retain Your Ideal Weight If you are chubby that means you have six times more chances of having hypertension than if you are having your ideal weight. Reducing weight in slighter amount can be supportive to prevent high blood pressure. Excess weight makes your heart to work more which results high blood pressure so drop few pounds and help your heart to work without any extra pressure. 6. Cut down salt/sodium The first advice to reduce high blood pressure is always to cut salt in your diet. It’s just not only salt which increase blood pressure but food like biscuits, readymade meals, takeaways, breakfast cereals and etc., which have high amount of salt or sodium. A person having high blood pressure should go for whole food. 7. De-Stress Stress and anxiety can be a cause of hypertension. Managing stress can be helpful in reducing high blood pressure. Take time to get to know what reasons of your stress are and try to work on them. You can’t exclude all of your stressors but can handle them. Try different ways to avoid stress by your hobbies, exercising, driving and etc. 8.Have Healthy Diet Taking nourishment that is healthy, which includes whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and etc. can reduce the high blood pressure. Add fish oils, magnesium, potassium, garlic to your diet. They are helpful to combat against hypertension, lacking or having low quantity of these can raise the rate of blood pressure. Banana, orange, and potatoes are also beneficial for hypertension. 9. Get Closer to Your Relations It’s always your close ones who stand beside you in rough time. Family, friends and support of your loved one gives you strength to fight against any problem. Spend more time and share your problems with them to release stress. Researchers have found that happily wedded adults have better blood pressure as compare to happily singles. 10. Adopt a Pet It is observed that pet owners are much happier, healthier, have low blood pressure and cholesterol as compare to non-owners. Pets are always a good source of social and emotional support. According to a study pets help to feel calmer and more encouraged.