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Adventure: No.QuestionAnswer 1.What does the Japanese word 'Karate' mean literally?Open hand 2.With which water sport are jumping,slaloming and trick riding associated?Water Skiing 3.Which sport was a traditional English 'pub' game?Darts 4.Which modern martial art was developed from 'Jujitsu'?Judo 5.Which game is played at the Embassy World Professional Championship?Snooker 6.What sport is 'angling'?Fishing 7.With what sport would you associate 'alley' or 'lane'?Bowling 8.Which city is known as the 'Pearl of the Orient'?Singapore 9.Which capital city is said to be the oldest in the world and in which country it is located?Damascus,the capital of Syria 10.Which is the largest city in Africa?Cairo,capital of Egypt 11.What was Christopher Columbus's nationality?Italian 12.At the mouth of which river is Hong Kong situated?Perl River 13.Which Central American nation was formerly known as British Honduras?Belize 14.After whom was Bolivia named?Simon Bolivar 15.Which two countries enjoy the highest standard of living in S.America?Venezuela & Argentina 16.Where is the Carribean Sea?Between West Indies & South America 17.Name the only ape that can stand and walk upright?Gibbon 18.Which are the countries linked by the Karakoram Highway?China & Pakistan 19.What does leser mean?Light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation 20.Which sea seperates Japan from the main-land of Asia?The sea of Japan 21.What is a group of dolphins called?Scholl 22.What is a male ant called?A dron 23.Name the mosquito which spreads malaria?The female Anopheles mos quito 24.Istanbul is a major city of Turkey. What was its former name?Constantinople 25.Where is the headquarters of World Meterological Organisation?Geneva 26.Name the countries having the veto power in the U.N. Security Council.U.S.A.,USSR,UK,FRANCE & CHINA 27.What is called the "Roof of the World"?The pamirs in Central Asia 28.Name the only planet that was discovered in the 20th century.Pluto 29.What is the boundary between Russia & Poland called?The Curzon Line 30.How much time does the light take to reach the Earth from the sun?A little more than 8 minutes 31.What is the source of all energy on earth?The energy from the sun 32.Which famous swimmer is known as the 'Albatross'?Michael Gross 33.Where was the martial art taekwon do developed?Korea 34.Who developed taekwon do?Gen.Choi Hong Hi of Korea 35.Which mountain ranges in Spain & California have the same name?Sierra Nevada 36.Which batsman has scored most runs in a day in Test Cricket?Australia's Don Bradman 309 n.o. against England at leeds in 1930 37.Which team won a one dayer twice with a six off of the last ball?Pakistan 38.How many Indians have taken nine or more wickets in an innings in a Test Match?4 -Kapil Dev,Subhash Gupta,Jasu Patel & Anil Kumble 39.Which is the largest plant in the world?The Bis Trees of California 40.What is 'smog'?Smoke -laden fog 41.Who is called the light of the world?Jesus Christ 42.Which is the major language of Egypt?Arabic 43.What does the phrase 'cakes and ale' mean?A carefree or easy living 44.What is the language of Chile?spanish 45.Which country is called the 'Land of Golden Fleece'?Australia 46.Which city of Russia had the old name St.Petersburg?Leningrad 47.Name the only bird which can fly backward as well as forwardThe hemming bird 48.Name the longest river of CanadaMackenzie 49.Name the highest military decoration of France.Croix de Guerra 50.Which gas is commonly used in electric bulbs?Neon 51.Which European city was founded in 1050,destroyed by fire in 1624, and rebuilt?Oslo,capital of Norway 52.What are plants that grow in water called?Hydrophytes 53.Which insect makes the loudest noise?The mle cicada 54.To which country does Greenland belong?Denmark 55.What is the other name for graphite?Plumbago or black lead 56.To which galaxy does the earth belong?The Milky Way 57.Where are the largest deposits of platinum found?Ural Mountains,U.S.S.R. 58.Name the only mammal that flies.The Bat 59.How would you recognize the leader of a wolf pack?The leader holds his tail straight out,while others tails droop. 60.What is a baby rabbit or squirrel called?Bunny 61.What is the study of evil spirits and demons called?Demonology 62.What is a group of Kangaroos called?Mob 63.Which language is most dominant in Latin America?Spanish 64.Who said that 'Well begun is half done'?Horace 65.Name the border line between Afghanistan and Pakistan.The Durand Line 66.Who said that 'Science without religion is lame and religion without science is blind?Albert Einstein 67.Name the longest river of Australia.Murray 68.Name the highest mountain in Canada.Logan 69.Name the only Shakespeare's play that included a dog.Two Gentlemen of Verona 70.Which city is called the 'City of Dreaming Spires'?Oxford 71.After which emperor was July named?Julius Caesar 72.Name the king of England who built the Tower of London.King William I 73.After Amazon, which is the major river of South America?Paraha
Medical Science: No.QuestionAnswer 01An infection of the gums involving margin of the teeth with the gum is known asPyorrhoea 02Drugs which reduce tension,anxiety,depression,etc. are known asTranquillizers 03A swelling of the thyroid gland is known asGoitre 04Typhoid fever is caused bySalmonella typhi bacteria 05Plague was also known asBlack death 06AIDS stands forAcquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome 07Diseases which spread by contact are calledContagious diseases 08Scarlet fever is caused byStrepto coccus 09The sterilization technique carried out on men isVasectomy 10The ability of a living creature to resist the attack of diseases is known asImmunity 11How many senses a human being hasFive 12Medical practioners without valid licence are calledQuacks 13In a human baby,teething process starts from the ageSeven months 14A method of treating cancer or tumor growth using chemicals is known asChemotherapy 15Meningitis is caused byNeisseria meningitis 16Tetanus is caused byClostridium tetane 17Leukemia is commonly known asBlood Cancer 18An area of pus formation within the lung is calledLung abscess 19Meningitis is an infection ofHead and spinal cord 20A sudden interruption of the blood supply to the brain can cause aStroke 21A hereditary lack of pigment in the skin,hair & eyes is known asAlbinism 22Psoraisis is an inherited disease ofSkin,nails and joints 23A fungus is aMicroscopic plant 24A condition in which both eyes do not point in the same direction is called asSquint 25Short sightdness is also known asMyopia 26Short sightdness isConcave lens 27Long sightdness is also known asHypermetropia 28Long sightdness is corrected by usingConvex lens 29A condition in which one is not able to see both near and distant objects is known asPressbyopia 30Both convex and concave lens is used to correct the eyesight of a person suffering fromPressbyopia 31An inflammation of the thin membrance that covers the black part of the eye is calledConjunctivitis 32Acute conjuctivitis is commonly known asblack eye 33How many bones an adult human body has206 34How many bones an human baby's body has270 35Blood vessels that carry blood from different organs to the heart are known asAneries 36Blood vessels that carry blood from different organs to the heart are known asVeins 37The main artery of the body is theArota 38Skin is the sense organ forTouch 39Eyes are the sense organ forSight 40Nose is the sense organ forSmell 41Tongue is the sense organ forTaste 42Ears are the sense organs forHearing 43Muscles of the heart are calledCardiac muscles 44In a human body,about how many muscles are there650 45A break in the continuity of a bone is called aFracture 46A progressive weakening of muscles is calledMuscular dystrophy 47Damage to a nerve is termd asMeuropathy 48Biceps are the muscles of theArm 49Malaria is transmitted byAnopheles mosquito 50There are how many types of MalariaThree 51BCG stands forBacillus Calmette Guerin 52BCG is a vaccine given for immunization against the diseaseTuberculosis 53DPT is aTriple vaccine 54DPT is effective againstDiphtheria,whooping cough and tetanus 55DPT vaccine is given how many times to childrenThree 56Vaccine against polio is calledPoliomyelitis vaccine 57Vaccine is a liquid containingDilute or dead pathogens 58The first antibiotic discovered byPenicillin 59Spherical shaped bacteria are calledcoccus 60Rod shaped bacteria are calledBacillus 61Spiral shaped bacteria are calledSpirillium 62Comma shaped bacteria are calledVibrio 63The size of a virus is aboutA millionth of a centimeter 64Plague is caused by bacteria which is found inFleas on the bodies of rats 65Dengue fever is also known asBreak-bone fever 66Q fever was first noticed inQueensland 67Anthrax is caused byAnthrax bacillus 68Cholera is caused byVibrio choleral bacteria 69Tetanus is also known asLockjaw disease 70Diptheria is caused byKlebs-loeffler 71Whooping cough is caused byBordella pertussis 72Sex is predicted before the birth of the child by a test calledAmnio centesis 73The outer layer of the skin is calledEpidermis 74The inner layer of the skin is calledDermis 75Over exposure to sun causeSun burn 76LSD stands forLysergic acid Di-ethylamide 77Drugs which produce total unconsciousness are known asGeneral anaesthetics 78Drugs which produce loss of sensation in a small area where the drug is applied are calledLocal anaesthetics 79Drugs which neutralize secretions of the stomach which cause ulcers and acidity are calledAntacids 80ELISA technique is used to detectAIDS 81NMR stands forNuclear Magnetic Resonance 82Teeth are covered by a hard substance calledEnamel 83Insulin is also known asAnti-diabetic hormone 84Insulin deficiency causesDiabetes 85Inflammation of the pancreas is calledPancreatitis 86A normal pregnancy lasts for about40 weeks 87The device which improves one's hearing is calledHearing aid 88Persons who are having blood group O positive are calledUniversal donors
Well-known Quotations: No.Well-Known quotationsName 01`A thing of beauty is a joy for ever'Keats 02`Beauty is truth,truth beauty'Keats 03`The child is the father of man'Wordsworth 04`I came,I saw,I conquered'Julius Caesar 05`Cowards die many times before their death' The valiant never taste of death but once'Shakespeare 06`The government of the people,by the people,for the peopleshall not perish from the earth'Lincoln 07`Oh East is East,and west is West, and never the twain shall meet. Till Earth and Sky stand presently at God's great judgement seat.'Rudyard Kipling 08`Paths of glory lead but to the grave.'Gray 09`But be not afraid of greatness; same are born great, some achieve greatness and some have greatness thrust upon them.'Shakespeare 10`Knowledge is power.'Hobbes 11`I know nothing except the fact of my ignorence.'Socrates 12`Nature never did betray the heart that loved her.'Wordsworth 13`Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel.'Dr.Samuel Johnson 14`Who rises from prayer a better man, his prayer is answered.'George Menedith 15`Reading maketh a full man, his prayer is answered.'Francis Bacon 16`The more Things a man is ashamed of,the more respectable he is.'Bernard Shaw 17`Our sweetest songs are those that tell of saddest thought.'Shelly 18`Tis strang but true; for truth is always strang.'Byron 19`Let a hundred flowers bloom and let a hundred schools of thought content.'Mao Tse-tung 20`God is in His heaven,all's right with the world.'Browning 21`For men many come and men may go, but I go on for ever.'Tennyson 22`I have nothing to offer but blood,toil,tears and sweet.'Churchill 23`Give us good mothers and I shall give you good nation.'Napoleon 24`Long years ago we have made a tryst with destiny.'Jawaharlal Nerhu 25`Brevity is the soul of with.'Shakespeare 26`Variety is the very spice of life.'William Cowper 27`Jealousy,the jaundice of the soul.'Shakespeare 28`All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.'Orwell 29`Stone walls do not a prison make, nor iron bars a cage.'Richard Lovelace 30`Swaraj is my birth-right and I shall have it.'Balgangadhar Tilak 31`Man is by nature a political animal.'Aristotle 32`Where wealth accumulates, men decay.'Goldsmith 33`Good government is no substitute for self-government.'Morley 34`Nevertheless it moves.'Galileo 35`Generations to come,it may be,will scarce believe that such a one as this ever in flesh and blood walked upon this earth.'Einstein 36`Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absdutely.'Lord Acton 37`Just as I would not like to be a slave, so I would not like to be a master.'Lincoln 38`Eureka, Eureka.'Archimedes 39`Frailty, thy name is woman.'Shakespeare 40`Whom gods love, die young.'Byron 41`Do or die.'Gandhiji 42`Dilli Chalo.'Subhash Chandra Bose 43`Jai Jawan, Jai Kisan.'Lal Bahadur Shastri 44`Truth and Non-violence are my God.'Mahatma Gandhi
Games & Sports No.QuestionAnswer 1.Which bowler has bowled the maximum balls in a Test Match ?S.Ramadin bowled 774 balls against England in the 1957 Test series 2.When did India play her first official One Day International Match ?Against England on July 13, 1974 3.What is Sunil Gavaskar's highest First Class Cricket Score?340 run against Bengal in 1981-82 4.Which batsman has hit the maximum centuries in First Class Cricket ?Jeek Hobbs of England 197 centuries 5.Which bowler has the most expensive bowling analysis in a World Cup Match ?M.Snedden of N.Zealand,against England during 1983 world cup : 12-01-105-02 6.Which bowler has the most economical bowling analysis in a World Cup Match ?B.S. Bedi of India, 12-8-6-1 against E.Africa in 1975 World Cup 7.What was Sachin Tendulkar's age in his Test debut for India ?16 years 201 days 8.Against which bowler did Gavaskar take his 10,000th run in Test cricket ?Ejaz Fakih of Pakistan in the Ahmedabad Test of the 1986-87 series 9.Name the first batsman to hit a triple century in Test cricket ?England's Walter Hammond 10.Name the inventor of snookerNevil Bowles Chamberlain 11.When and where did Basketball originate ?1891; Springfield,Massauchusetts 12.In which country did Rugby originate ?England 13.Which martial art was created by the Japanese, Dr.Jigoro Kano?Judo 14.Of which country is baseball a national game?The U.S.A. 15.In which country was the backstroke swimming invented?Egypt 16.Who are the participants of the 'Special Olympic Games'?Mentally retarded children & adults 17.When and where were the first 'Special Olympic Games' held?1968 in the U.S.A. 18.Who is known as the father of Modern Olympic Games?Barren D'Kobertin 19.Mention the name of the award given to the famous cricketer Sunil Gavaskar by the Indian Government?Padma Bhushan 20.Which athlete is known as the Flying Sikh?Milkha Singh 21.When was Basketball Federation of India established ?1950 22.In which year P.T. Usha was declared as the best Athlete in World Railway Games ?1985 23.When was Basket Ball included in olympics?Cycling 24.Who won the Grand Slam in tennis for the first time?Donald Budge 25.With which game is Zafar Iqbal associated?Hockey 26.For which game is the Indira Gold Cup being awarded?Women's Hockey 27.Who is named the wizard of Hockey?Major Dhyan Chand of India 28.Who was the youngest player to make a century in cricket Tests?Mustaq Mohammed of Pakistan 29.What is the full name of Pele,the football player?Edmond Arantos Nessimente De Pele 30.When was Football first included in the Olympics?1900 Paris Olympics 31.Which is the oldest Football tournment?Durand Cup Tournament 32.Which is the national game of America?Base Ball 33.Who is known as the Chess king?Boby Fisher 34.The Abdul Razak Trophy is awarded in which sports?Chess 35.Mention the name of the International shooter who was also Maharaja of Bikaner?Karni Singh 36.Who is nicknamed as 'Haryana Hurricane'?Kapil Dev 37.Who became the youngest Asian to swim the English Channel?Abhijit Rao of India 38.Who is the first woman in the woman to cross the strart of Gibraltar?Arti Pradhan 39.In which country did Golf originate?Scotland 40.Which award is given to the persons who have excelled in the field of coaching?Dronacharya 41.Which is the National Sport of Japan?Judo 42.Who won the first Himalayan Car Rally?Shekhar Mehta of Kenya 43.Which is the biggest Stadium in the World?Strahow Stadium at prague 44.Which is the oldest game in the world?Polo 45.Which is the country that first played chess?India 46.When did Geet Sethi receive his first professional title?1991 47.Who was the first boxer to receive Arjuna Award?Buddy De'suza 48.Name the first Indian Chess player who defeated the world champion?Sultan Khan 49.Name the cities which have hosted the Olympic Games twice?Paris,London,Los Angeles 50.With what sport is Madison Square Garden associated?Boxing 51.Which Indian hockey player has scored maximum goals in olympics?Surinder Singh Sodhi 16 goals 52.Which sport is known as Toxophily?Archery 53.Who was the first Indian to score a double century against the West Indies?Dilip Sardesai 54.How many players make a Baseball Team?Nine 55.What are the two types of style adopted in international weightlifting?Snatch & the Clean & Jerk 56.Kapil Dev the Indian Cricketer has written his autobiography. Name the book?By Gods Grace 57.Which famous cricketer retired from cricket after the Reliance Cup?Sunil Gavaskar
Electronics and Computer: No.QuestionAnswer 01The unit of frequency isHertz 02The unit of resistance isOhm 03The device which makes or breaks a circuit isSwitch 04The path of an electric current is known as aCircuit 05Device which opposes the flow of electric current is known asResistor 06Arc Lamp was invented byC.F.Brush 07Television was invented byJ.L.Baird 08Transistor was invented byJ.Bardeen,W.Shockley and W.Brattain 09The unit of wavelength of light isAngstrom 10A device which converts light into electricity is known asPhoto cell 11Hertz was the first to discoverRadio waves 12Marconi inventedRadio 13In 1901,Marconi beamed a signal from Cornwall in England toNewfoundland 14Thomas Edison was anAmerican inventor 15A glass tube with two electrodes is called aDiode 16Lee de Forest was anAmerican scientist 17Lee de Forest discovered theTriode 18Radio and television transmit signals usingElectromagnetic waves 19To turn pictures into electrical signals,television Cameras rely onPhoto-electric effect 20Transistor was invented in the year1948 21The first electronic components invented were theThermionic valves 22Microchip was invented in the year1958 23Microchip was invented byJack Kilby 24The microchip invented first was also the firstIntegrated circuit 25Silicon and germanium are ideal examples ofSemi conductors 26LED stands forLight Emitting Diode 27The first computer was invented in the year1834 28The first computer was invented byCharles Babbage 29The first computer invented was calledAnalytical Engine 30In the present day electronic machines,computers function asArtificial brains 31CAD meansComputer Aided Design 32CPU stands forCentral Processing Unit 33RAM stands forRandom Access Memory 34J.J. Thomson was aBritish physicist 35In 1897,J.J.Thomson discoveredElectrons 36A device used for increasing the strength of electric signal is calledAmplifier 37The height of a wave is calledAmplitude 38An electron carries a chargeNegative 39In a transistor,a base is theFilling in the semiconductor sandwich 40The tube behind the screen in TVs and most computers is calledCathode Ray Tube 41The force which makes an electric current is calledElectromotive Force 42Device used for measuring small amounts of electric current is calledGalvanometer 43Sound too low to be heard by humans is calledInfrasound 44VDU stands forVisual Display Unit 45One kilobyte is approximately1000 bytes 46DOS stands forDisk Operating System 47WORD STAR is a popularWord processing programme 48WORD STAR was developed byMicro pro Company 49PC stands forPersonal Computer 50ALU stands forArithmetic Logic Unit 51The VDU and Keyboard together form aTERMINAL 52The speed of the dot matrix printers is measured by CPS which stands forcharacters per second 53The speed of the line printers is measured by LPM which stands forLines per second 54DBMS stands forDatabase Management System 55IBM is a famous computer company.IBM stands forInternational Business Machines Corporation 56ROM stands forRead Only Memory 57The actual machine of the computer is commonly known asHardware 58The programs run on the computer are commonly known asSoftware 59All the output which is printed on paper is calledHard Copy 60The number of pixels on a computer screen determines a screes'sResolution 61A processor's speed is measured inMegahertz 62A software that assists the computer in performing instructions,is called assystem software 63CAM stands forComputer Aided Manufacturing 64DPI stands forDots per Inch 65DTP stands forDesk Top Publishing 66EPROM stands forerasable and Programmable Read only Memory 67A magnetic storage disk made out of a thin piece of plastic is calledFloppy Disk 68A pictorial representation of the step by step sequence for solving a problem is known as aFlow Chart 69A measure of storage capacity equal to one thousand megabytes is oneGigabyte 70A variable whose value is accessible throughout the program is calledGlobal Variable 71A huge,worldwide network of computers that communicate with each other,allowing global communications between users is known popularly known asInternet 72KB stands forKilobyte 73LAN stands forLocal Area Network 74A printer which uses light to transfer the image to paper is theLaser Printer 75Memory which retains all its contents even after the power is turned off is known asNon-Volatile Memory 76The result that is generated by the computer after processing the information provided to it is known asOutput 77Electronic mail is more popularly known asE-Mail 78PILOT stands forProgrammed Inquiry Learning Or Teaching 79PILOT was developed byDoug Engelbardt 80IQL stands forInteractive Query Language 81LOGO was developed byDr.seymour Papert 82CAL stands forComputer Assisted Learning 83APT stands forAutomatically Programmed Tooling 84`C'language was invented byDennis M.Ritchie 85Modula-2 was developed byNiklaus Wirth
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