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UN Peacekeeping Missions Since 1948 there have been 67 UN peacekeeping operations. Close to 130 nations have contributed personnel at various times, and 115 are currently providing uniformed peacekeepers. As of Aug.31, 2012, there were 15 peacekeeping operations under way with a total of 116,515 personnel. Of the 18,170 civilians serving, 12,573 are local. Total fatalities among the peacekeepers stand at 3,025. Current UN Peacekeeping Operations Region/CountryBegan AFRICA Western Sahara (MINURSO)April 1991 Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUSCO)June 2010 Côte d'Ivoire (UNOCI)April 2004 Liberia (UNMIL)Sept. 2003 Sudan (UNMIS)March 2005 Darfur (UNAMID)July 2007 AMERICA Haiti (MINUSTAH)June 2004 ASIA and the Pacific India/Pakistan (UNMOGIP)Jan. 1949 Timor-Leste (UNMIT)Aug. 2006 Afghanistan (UNAMA)¹2006 EUROPE Cyprus (UNFICYP)March 1964 Kosovo (UNMIK)June 1999 MIDDLE EAST Middle East (UNTSO))May 1948 Syria (UNDOF)June 1974 Lebanon (UNIFIL)March 1978¹ UNAMA is a special political mission, directed and supported by the Department of Peacekeeping Operations (DPKO). Completed UN Peacekeeping Operations Region/CountryDuration AFRICA Congo (ONUC)July 1960–June 1964 Congo (MONUC)Nov. 1999–July 2010 Angola (UNAVEM I)Dec. 1988–May 1991 Aouzou Strip (UNASOG)May-June 1994 Namibia (UNTAG)April 1989–March 1990 Angola (UNAVEM II)May 1991–Feb. 1995 Somalia (UNOSOM I)April 1992–March 1993 Mozambique (ONUMOZ)Dec. 1992–Dec. 1994 Côte d'Ivoire (MINUCI)May 2003-April 2004 Somalia (UNOSOM II)March 1993–March 1995 Rwanda/Uganda (UNOMUR)June 1993–Sept. 1994 Liberia (UNOMIL)Sept. 1993–Sept. 1997 Rwanda (UNAMIR)Oct. 1993–March 1996 Angola (UNAVEM III)Feb. 1995–June 1997 Angola (MONUA)June 1997–Feb. 1999 Sierra Leone (UNOMSIL)July 1998–Oct. 1999 Sierra Leone (UNAMSIL)Oct. 1999–Dec. 2005 Central African Republic (MINURCA)April 1998–Feb. 2000 Central African Republic and Chad (MINURCAT)Sept. 2007–Dec. 2010 Burundi (ONUB)June 2004–Dec. 2006 Ethiopia/ Eritrea (UNMEE)September 2000–July 2008 AMERICAS Dominican Republic (DOMREP)May 1965–Oct. 1966 Central America Observer Group (ONUCA)Nov. 1989–Jan. 1992 El Salvador (ONUSAL)July 1991–April 1995 Haiti (UNMIH)Sept. 1993–June 1996 Haiti (UNSMIH)July 1996–July 1997 Guatemala (MINUGUA)Jan.–May 1997 Haiti (UNTMIH)Aug.–Nov. 1997 Haiti (MIPONUH)Dec. 1997–March 2000 MIDEAST Middle East—1st UN Emergency Force (UNEF I)Nov. 1956–June 1967 Lebanon (UNOGIL)June–Dec. 1958 Yemen (UNYOM)July 1963–Sept. 1964 Middle East—2nd UN Emergency Force (UNEF II)Oct. 1973–July 1979 Iran/Iraq (UNIIMOG)Aug. 1988–Feb. 1991 Iraq/Kuwait (UNIKOM)April 1991–Oct. 2003 ASIA West New Guinea (UNSF)Oct. 1962–April 1963 India/Pakistan (UNIPOM)Sept. 1965–March 1966 Afghanistan/Pakistan (UNGOMAP)May 1988–March 1990 Cambodia (UNAMIC)Oct. 1991–March 1992 Cambodia (UNTAC)March 1992–Sept. 1993 Tajikistan (UNMOT)Dec. 1994–May 2000 East Timor (UNTAET)Oct. 1999–May 2002 East Timor (UNMISET)May 2002–May 2005 EUROPE Former Yugoslavia (UNPROFOR)Feb. 1992–March 1995 Croatia (UNCRO)March 1995–Jan. 1996 Former Yugoslavia (UNPREDEP) Rep. of Macedonia March 1995–Feb. 1999 Bosnia & Herzegovina (UNMIBH)Dec. 1995–Dec. 2002 Georgia (UNOMIG)Aug. 1993–June 2009 Croatia (UNTAES)Jan. 1996–Jan. 1998 Prevlaka Peninsula (UNMOP)Feb. 1996–Dec. 2002 Croatia (UNPSG)Jan. 1998–Oct. 1998 Source:United Nations Dept. of Public Information.
Agencies of the United Nations Linked to the United Nations through special agreements, the separate, autonomous specialized agencies of the UN family set standards and guidelines, help formulate policies, provide technical assistance, and other forms of practical help in virtually all areas of economic and social endeavor. *.The International Labor Organization (ILO) formulates policies and programs to improve working conditions and employment opportunities, and defines international labor standards as guidelines for governments. *.The Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO) works to raise levels of nutrition and standards of living, to improve agricultural productivity and food security, and to better the conditions of rural populations. *.The UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) promotes education for all, cultural development, protection of the world's natural and cultural heritage, press freedom, and communication. *.The World Health Organization (WHO) coordinates programs aimed at solving health problems and the attainment by all people of the highest possible level of health; it works in areas such as immunization, health education, and the provision of essential drugs. *.The World Bank group provides loans and technical assistance to developing countries to reduce poverty and advance sustainable economic growth. *.The International Monetary Fund (IMF) facilitates international monetary cooperation and financial stability, and provides a permanent forum for consultation, advice, and assistance on financial issues. *.The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) sets international standards necessary for the safety, security, efficiency, and regularity of air transport, and serves as the medium for cooperation in all areas of civil aviation. *.The Universal Postal Union (UPU) establishes international regulations for the organization and improvement of postal services, provides technical assistance, and promotes cooperation in postal matters. *.The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) fosters international cooperation for the improvement and use of telecommunications of all kinds, coordinates usage of radio and TV frequencies, promotes safety measures, and conducts research. *.The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) promotes scientific research on the atmosphere and on climate change, and facilitates the global exchange of meteorological data and information. *.The International Maritime Organization (IMO) works to improve international shipping procedures, encourages the highest standards in marine safety, and seeks to prevent marine pollution from ships. *.The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) promotes international protection of intellectual property and fosters cooperation on copyrights, trademarks, industrial designs, and patents. *.The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) mobilizes financial resources for better food production and nutrition among the poor in developing countries. *.The UN Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) promotes the industrial advancement of developing countries through technical assistance, advisory services, and training. *.The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) an autonomous intergovernmental organization under the aegis of the UN, works for the safe and peaceful uses of atomic energy. *.The UN and the World Trade Organization (WTO) the major entity overseeing international trade, cooperate in assisting developing countries' exports through the Geneva-based International Trade Center.
International Court of Justice The International Court of Justice is the UN's principal judicial organ. Based in The Hague, Netherlands, the Court pursues two primary objectives: (1) settling legal disputes submitted by states in accordance with international law, and (2) advising on legal questions brought by authorized international organs and agencies. The Court consists of 15 judges elected to 9-year terms by the United Nations General Assembly and the Security Council during independent sittings. No more than one judge of any nationality may serve simultaneously, and judges are in all respects required to act as independent magistrates. The Court's jurisdiction and competency in settling disputes is dependent upon a state's acceptance of its jurisdiction thereof. The Court rules in accordance with international treaties, conventions, international custom, general principles of law, and, when relevant, judicial decision or teachings of the “most highly qualified publicists.”
Principal Organs of the United Nations Security Council The Security Council is the primary instrument for establishing and maintaining international peace. Its main purpose is to prevent war by settling disputes between nations. Under the charter, the council is permitted to dispatch a UN force to stop aggression. All member nations undertake to make available armed forces, assistance, and facilities to maintain international peace and security. The Security Council has 15 members. There are five permanent members: the United States, the Russian Federation, Britain, France, and China; and ten temporary members elected by the General Assembly for two-year terms, from five different regions of the world. Voting on procedural matters requires a nine-vote majority to carry. However, on questions of substance, the vote of each of the five permanent members is required. As of Jan. 2009, the ten elected nonpermanent members were Austria, Japan, Uganda, Mexico, Turkey, Burkina Faso, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Vietnam, Costa Rica, and Croatia. In Jan. 2010 the terms of Burkina Faso, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Vietnam, Costa Rica, and Croatia will expire.
Principal Organs of the United Nations Economic and Social Council This council is composed of 54 members elected by the General Assembly to three-year terms. It works under the authority of the General Assembly and seeks to promote progress in terms of higher standards of living, full employment, and economic and social viability; it also seeks solutions to international socioeconomic, health, and other problems through international and cultural cooperation. Finally, it advocates for the universal respect for and observance of human rights and fundamental freedoms for all.
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