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2003 World History George W. Bush (1946– ) Saddam Hussein (1937– ) INA/Reuters/Archive Photos Donald H. Rumsfeld (1932– ) Paul Martin (1938– ) 2003 North Koreawithdraws from treaty on the nonproliferation of nuclear weapons(Jan. 10).Illinois governor George Ryancommutes 167 death row sentences, calling capital punishment flawed(Jan. 11).White House announces huge deficits expected to top $200 billion in 2003(Jan. 15).The UN's report on Iraqi weapons inspections is highly critical, but not damning(Jan. 27).In State of the Union address, Bush announces that he is ready to attack Iraq even without a UN mandate(Jan. 28). Ariel Sharonelected Israeli prime minister(Jan. 29). Space shuttle Columbiaexplodes, killing all seven astronauts(Feb. 1).Nine-week general strike in Venezuela calling for President Chavez's resignation ends in defeat(Feb. 2).U.S. Secretary of State Powellpresents Iraq war rationale to UN, citing Iraqi weapons as imminent threat to world security(Feb. 5).Massive peace demonstrations take place around the world, protesting potential invasion of Iraq(Feb. 15).UN Security Council members France, Germany, and Russia insist that “the military option should only be a last resort” concerning Iraq(Feb. 24).Serbian prime minister Zoran Djindjic assassinated(March 12).Hu Jintao succeeds Chinese president Jiang Zemin(March 15).The United States and Britain launch war against Iraq(March 19).Baghdad falls to U.S. troops(April 9).European Union expands by ten nations(April 16).First Palestinian prime minister, Mahmoud Abbas,sworn in(April 29).U.S.-backed “road map” for peace proposed for Middle East(April 30).The United States declares official end to combat operations in Iraq(May 1).U.S. diplomat Paul Bremerbecomes civil administrator of occupied Iraq(May 12).Terrorists strike in Saudi Arabia,killing 34 at Western compound; al-Qaedasuspected(May 12). Bushsigns ten-year, $350-billion tax-cut package, the third-largest tax cut in U.S. history(May 28).Burmese opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyiagain placed under house arrest by military regime(May 30).Eric Rudolph, Olympic bombing suspect, arrested(May 31).International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) discovers Iran'sconcealed nuclear activities and calls for intensified inspections(June 18).The U.S. Supreme Court decisively upholds the use of affirmative actionin higher education(June 23).Palestinian militant groups announce cease-fire toward Israel(June 29).Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeldannounces price of Iraq war is about $3.9 billion a month, nearly double the April estimate(July 9).Iraq's interim governing council is inaugurated(July 13).Saddam Hussein's sonskilled in firefight(July 22).Mutinous troops attempt unsuccessful coup in Philippines(July 27).Terrorist bombing at Indonesian hotel kills ten(Aug. 6).Liberia's autocratic president Charles Taylorforced to leave civil war–ravaged country(Aug. 11).NATO assumes control of peacekeeping force in Afghanistan(Aug. 11). Libyaaccepts blame for 1988 bombing of flight over Lockerbie, Scotland; agrees to pay $2.7 billion to the families of the 270 victims(Aug. 15).Suicide bombing destroys UN headquarters in Baghdad, killing 24, including top envoy Sergio Vieira de Mello(Aug. 19).Palestinian suicide bombing in Jerusalem kills 20 Israelis, including 6 children(Aug. 19).Venezuelan opposition files petition for referendum to recall President Hugo Chavez(Aug. 20).After Israel retaliates for suicide bombing by killing top member of Hamas, militant Palestinian groups formally withdraw from cease-fire in effect since June 29(Aug. 24). Investigation into the loss of space shuttle Columbiacites egregious organizational problems at NASA(Aug. 25).Palestinian prime minister Mahmoud Abbasresigns; “road map” to peace effectively collapses(Sept. 6).California governor Gray Davis ousted in recall vote; actor Arnold Schwarzeneggerelected in his place(Oct. 7).UN votes in favor of a resolution ordering Israel to end construction of security barrier dividing Israeli and Palestinian areas(Oct. 24).Bush signs bill banning so-called partial-birth abortion procedure(Nov. 5).President Bush signs $87.5 billion emergency package for post-war Iraq reconstruction; this supplements $79 billion approved in April(Nov. 5).New Palestinian prime minister Ahmed Qureitakes office(Nov. 12).Alabama chief justice Roy S. Mooreforced from office after his refusal to remove monument of the Ten Commandments(Nov. 13).The Bush administration reverses policy, agrees to transfer power to an interim Iraqi government sooner than originally planned(Nov. 14).Suicide bombers attack two synagogues in Istanbul, Turkey, killing 25(Nov. 15).Massachusetts Supreme Court rules in favor of gay marriage(Nov. 18).Another terrorist attack in Istanbul kills 26; al-Qaeda suspected in both(Nov. 20).Georgian president Eduard Shevardnadzeresigns after weeks of protests(Nov. 23).
2002 World History Jacques Chirac (1932–) Tony Blair (1953–) Hugo Chavez (1954–) Hu Jintao (1942–) Luiz Ignácio Lula da Silva (1945–) 2002 The euro currency debuts in 12 European countries(Jan. 2).U.S. takes Talibanand al-Qaedaprisoners to GuantanamoBay(Jan. 10).Defrocked priest John Geoghan convicted of child molestation; church's role in cover-up sparks national outrage(Jan. 18).U.S. reporter Daniel Pearl kidnapped in Pakistan(Jan. 23). Kenneth L. Lay,chairman of bankrupt energy trader Enron, resigns; company under federal investigation for hiding debt and misrepresenting earnings(Jan. 24).President Bush's first State of Union address labels Iran, Iraq, and North Korea“an axis of evil”(Jan. 29). Queen Elizabeth IIof England marks 50 years as monarch(Feb 6).The trial of Slobodan Milosevicon charges of crimes against humanity opens at The Hague(Feb. 12).American Taliban soldier John Walker Lindhcharged with supporting terrorism(Feb. 13).Reporter Pearl confirmed dead in Pakistan(Feb. 21).Angolan UNITA rebel leader Jonas Savimbikilled in battle(Feb. 22).Tamil Tigers and Sri Lankan government sign a cease-fire agreement(Feb. 22).Hundreds in India die in Hindu-Muslim clashes(March 2).U.S. and Afghan troops launch Operation Anaconda against remaining al-Qaeda and Taliban fighters in Afghanistan(March 2).Saudi peace proposal—offering Israel normal relations with all Arab nations in return for withdrawal from occupied territories—approved at Arab Leaguesummit(March 28).Israeli tanks and warplanes attack West Bank towns of Nablus, Jenin, Bethlehem, and others in response to string of Palestinian suicide attacks. In the first three months of 2002, 14 suicide bombers killed dozens of Israeli civilians and wounded hundreds(March 29–April 21). Israeli prime minister Sharoncalls for exile of Palestinian leader Yasir Arafat(April 2).UNITA Rebels and Angolan government sign a cease-fire ending 30 years of civil war(April 4).International Criminal Court wins UN ratification, but U.S. refuses to ratify(April 11). Venezuelan president Hugo Chavezousted in coup, then reinstated(April 12, 14).U.S. and Russia reach landmark arms agreement to cut both countries' nuclear arsenals by up to two-thirds over the next ten years(May 13). East Timorbecomes a new nation(May 20).In letter to Director, FBI lawyer Coleen Rowley criticizes FBI for thwarting terrorist efforts(May 21).Dirty bomb plot foiled with arrest of Jose Padilla(June 10).U.S. abandons 31-year-old Antiballistic Missile treaty(June 13).At national conference, U.S. bishops recommend zero tolerance policy for priests who abuse children(June 14).Arthur Andersen firm convicted of destroying documents relating to former client Enron Corp.(June 15).Bush announces U.S. will not recognize an independent Palestinian state until Yasir Arafat is replaced(June 24).WorldCom, after admitting to misstating profits, files for bankruptcy—largest claim in U.S. history(July 21).Pennsylvania miners rescued after spending 77 hours in a dark, flooded mine shaft(July 28).Bush signs corporate reform bill in response to spate of corporate scandals(July 30).Bush addresses United Nations, calls for a “regime change” in Iraq(Sept. 12).Tyco executives L. Dennis Kozlowski and Mark Swartz indicted in stock-fraud scheme(Sept. 12).Terrorist bomb in Balikills hundreds(Oct. 12).Government suspended in Northern Irelandin protest of suspected IRA spy ring(Oct. 14).Former ImClone Executive Sam Waksal pleads guilty to charges including fraud and perjury(Oct. 15). North Korea admits to developing nuclear arms in defiance of treaty(Oct. 16).Vatican calls for softening of U.S. bishops' abuse policy(Oct. 18).Chechen rebels take 763 hostages in Moscow theater; Russian authorities release a gas into theater, killing 116 hostages and freeing remaining survivors(Oct. 23–26).Snipers prey upon DC suburbs, killing ten and wounding others(Oct. 2–24).Police arrest two sniper suspects, John Allen Muhammad and John Lee Malvo(Oct. 24).CIA kills six al-Qaeda members in Yemen(Nov. 4).Republicans retake the Senate in midterm elections; gain additional House seats(Nov. 5).UN Security Council passes unanimous resolution calling on Iraq to disarm or else face “serious consequences”(Nov. 8).China's Jiang Zeminofficially retires as general secretary; Hu Jintaonamed as his successor(Nov. 14).UN arms inspectors return to Iraq(Nov. 18).EPA relaxes Clean Air Act(Nov. 22).Bush signs legislation creating cabinet-level Department of Homeland Security(Nov. 25).Boston archbishop Cardinal Bernard Law resigns over growing child sexual abuse scandal in the Catholic Church(Dec. 13). Trent Lottsteps down as Republican leader after furor over pro-segregationist remark(Dec. 20).Sen. Bill Frist unanimously elected Republican leader of the Senate(Dec. 23).
2001 World History Yasir Arafat (1929–2004) Ariel Sharon (1928– ) Mohammad Khatami (1943–) World Trade Center Hamid Karzai (1957– ) 2001 Congo president Laurent Kabilaassassinated by bodyguard(Jan. 16).In final days of presidency, Bill Clintonissues controversial pardons, including one for Marc Rich, billionaire fugitive financier(Jan. 20). George W. Bushis sworn in as 43rd president(Jan. 20).Earthquake kills thousands in India (Jan. 26et seq.). Libyan convicted in Flight 103 bombing over Lockerbie, Scotland(Jan. 31).Right-winger Ariel Sharonwins election in Israel(Feb. 6).U.S. submarineGreenevillesinks Japanese fishing boat, killing 9(Feb. 9).FBI agent Robert Hanssen is charged with spying for Russia for 15 years(Feb. 20).The long-simmering resentment of Macedonia's ethnic Albanians erupts into violence (March 15et seq.). British livestock epidemic, foot-and- mouth disease,reaches crisis levels(March 23).Bush abandons global-warming treaty (Kyoto Protocol), angering European leaders(March 30).U.S. spy plane and Chinese jet collide. The 24 crew members of the U.S. plane are detained for 11 days; U.S. issues a formal statement of regret (April 2et seq.). Race riots in Cincinnati continue for several days following a shooting of an unarmed black man by a white police officer (April 7et seq.). U.S. millionaire Dennis Titobecomes first space tourist, visiting the International Space Station aboard a Russian booster(April 28).Former Klansman Thomas E. Blanton convicted of 1963 murder of four black girls in Birmingham, Ala.(May 1).After a Palestinian suicide bomber kills 5 and wounds more than 100 in a Netanya shopping mall, Israeli warplanes retaliate by bombing West Bank and Gaza strip(May 18).Four are declared guilty in 1998 terrorist bombings of U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania(May 29).Balance of the Senate shifts after Jim Jeffords of Vermont changes his party affiliation from Republican to Independent. The move strips Republicans of control of the Senate and gives Democrats the narrowest of majorities (50–49–1)(June 5).Bush signs new tax-cut law, cutting taxes by $1.35 trillion over 11 years, the largest tax cut in 2 decades(June 7). Mohammad Khatami,Iran's moderate president, is reelected in a landslide(June 9).Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeighexecuted(June 11).Syrian forces evacuate Beirut area after decades of occupation(June 19).Former Yugoslav president Slobodan Milosevic is delivered to UN tribunal in The Hague to await war-crimes trial(June 29).Without U.S., 178 nations reach agreement on climate accord, which rescues, though dilutes, 1997 Kyoto Protocol(July 23).Bush allows stem cell research, approving federal funds for studies using existing strains of stem cells(Aug. 9).After six months of fighting, a peace agreement is signed between rebels and the Macedonian government(Aug. 13).Budget surplus dwindles; some blame the slowing economy and the Bush tax cut(Aug. 22). Terrorists attack United States.Hijackers ram jetliners into twin towers of New York City's World Trade Centerand the Pentagon. A fourth hijacked plane crashes 80 mi outside of Pittsburgh. Toll of dead is more than 3,000. Within days, Islamic militant Osama bin Ladenand the al-Qaeda terrorist network are identified as the parties behind the attacks(Sept. 11). Anthraxscare rivets nation, as anthrax-laced letters are sent to various media and government officials. Several die after handling the letters (October 5et seq.). In response to Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, U.S. and British forces launch bombing campaign against Talibangovernment and al-Qaeda terrorist camps in Afghanistan. Bombings continue on a daily basis (Oct. 7et seq.). Irish Republican Armyannounces that it has begun to dismantle its weapons arsenal, marking a dramatic leap forward in Northern Ireland peace process(Oct. 23).Plane crash kills 260 in Queens, N.Y.(Nov. 12).Afghani factions create a post-Taliban government(Nov. 27).Enron Corp., one of world's largest energy companies, files for bankruptcy(Dec. 2).Israel condemns the Palestinian Authority as a “terror-supporting entity” and severs ties with leader Yasir Arafatfollowing mounting violence against Israelis. The Israeli Army begins bombing Palestinian areas (Dec. 4et seq.). Taliban regime in Afghanistan collapses after two months of bombing by American warplanes and fighting by Northern Alliance ground troops(Dec. 9). Hamid Karzai,new interim Afghan leader, is sworn in(Dec. 22).
2000 World History Hillary Clinton (1947–) Vladimir Putin (1952–) Vicente Fox Quesada (1942–) Vojislav Kostunica (1944– ) 2000 Socialist president, Ricardo Lagos,elected in Chile(Jan. 16). George W. Bushand Al Goretake Iowa caucuses in U.S. presidential race(Jan. 22).Austria at center of European dispute after conservative People's Party forms coalition with the far-right Freedom Party, headed by xenophobe Jörg Haider(Feb. 3).First Lady Hillary Clintonofficially enters N.Y. Senate race(Feb. 6).Hijackers seize Afghan plane; release hostages in Stansted, England(Feb. 6–12).Britain ends self-rule in Northern Ireland after Irish Republican Army misses disarmament deadline(Feb. 11).NEAR spacecraft becomes first to orbit an asteroid(Feb. 14).Wary investors cause stock plunge; beginning of the end of the Internet stock boom(Feb. 25).Reformists win control of Iranian parliament for first time since 1979 Islamic revolution(Feb. 26).Gun maker Smith & Wesson limits the manufacture and distribution of handguns in light of lawsuits(March 17). Mass murder or suicide of hundreds in Ugandan doomsday cult(March 18).Acting Russian president Vladimir V. Putinformally chosen for post(March 25).Microsoft loses antitrust suit; appeal expected(April 3).Controversial Osprey plane crash kills 19 marines(April 8). Cuban boy Elián Gonzálezreunited with father after federal raid of Miami relatives' home(April 22).Vermont approves same-sex unions(April 25).“I love you” virus disrupts computers worldwide(May 4).South Carolina removes Confederate battle flag from capitol dome(May 18).Chile ends Augusto Pinochet'simmunity, clearing way for trial on murder and torture charges during years as dictator(May 24).Israeli troops withdraw from Lebanese security zone after 22 years of occupation(May 24).Former Indonesian president Suhartounder house arrest, charged with corruption and abuse of power(May 29).Britain restores parliamentary powers to Northern Ireland after Sinn Feinagrees to disarm(June 4).Presidents of North and South Korea sign peace accord, ending half-century of antagonism(June 15).British find 58 bodies of illegal Asian immigrants suffocated in Dutch truck that transported them(June 20).Elián González returns to Cuba with father(June 23).U.S. navy resumes shelling exercises of Puerto Rico's Vieques Island,used as a training site(June 25). Human genomedeciphered; expected to revolutionize the practice of medicine(June 26).Iraq believed to resume missile program(June 30).Vicente Fox Quesada elected president of Mexico(July 2).Bashar al-Assad succeeds late father, Hafez al-Assad, as Syrian president(July 10).Concorde crash kills 113 near Paris(July 25).Republican convention picks Texas governor George W. Bush as presidential candidate; Dick Cheneyfor vice presidential spot(Aug. 2).Democratic convention selects Vice President Al Gore and Sen. Joseph I. Liebermanto head ticket(Aug. 14).Los Alamos scientist Wen Ho Lee,accused of stealing sensitive nuclear weapons data, freed after serving nine months in prison(Sept. 13).Olympic Games open in Australia(Sept. 15).Six-year Whitewater investigation of the Clintons ends without indictments(Sept. 20).Yugoslav opposition claims victory; incumbent Slobodan Milosevicdenies results(Sept. 25).Danish voters reject euro(Sept. 26).Abortion pill, RU-486, wins U.S. approval(Sept. 28).Palestinians and Israelis clash, spurred by visit of right-wing Israeli leader Ariel Sharonto a joint Jewish/Muslim holy site; “Al Aksa intifada” continues unabated(Sept. 30et seq.).Nationwide uprising overthrows Yugoslavian president Milosevic(Oct. 5). Vojislav Kostunicasworn in as Yugoslav president(Oct. 7).17 U.S. sailors on navy destroyerColedie in Yemen terrorist explosion(Oct. 12).U.S. presidential election closest in decades; Bush's slim lead in Florida leads to automatic recount in that state(Nov. 7–8).Republicans file federal suit to block manual recount of Florida presidential election ballots sought by Democrats(Nov. 11).Philippine president Joseph Estradaimpeached after receiving gambling payoffs(Nov. 13).Florida Supreme Court rules hand count of presidential ballots may continue(Nov. 21).Global warming talks collapse at Hague conference(Nov. 25).Florida Secretary of State Katherine Harriscertifies Bush as winner by 537 votes(Nov. 26). Mad Cow diseasealarms Europe(Nov. 30et seq.).Israeli prime minister Ehud Barakresigns(Dec. 9).U.S. Supreme Court orders halt to manual recount of presidential votes in Florida(Dec. 9).Supreme Court seals Bush victory by 5–4; rules there can be no further recounting(Dec. 12).
The Persian Gulf War (Jan. 16, 1991–April 6, 1991) 1990 Iraq invades its tiny neighbor, Kuwait, after talks break down over oil production and debt repayment. Iraqi president Saddam Hussein later annexes Kuwait and declares it a 19th province of Iraq(Aug. 2).President Bush believes that Iraq intends to invade Saudi Arabia and take control of the region's oil supplies. He begins organizing a multinational coalition to seek Kuwait's freedom and restoration of its legitimate government. The UN Security Council authorizes economic sanctions against Iraq. Bush orders U.S. troops to protect Saudi Arabia at the Saudis' request and “Operation Desert Shield” begins(Aug. 6).230,000 American troops arrive in Saudi Arabia to take defensive action, but when Iraq continues a huge military buildup in Kuwait, the President orders an additional 200,000 troops deployed to prepare for a possible offensive action by the U.S.-led coalition forces. He subsequently obtains a UN Security Council resolution setting aJan. 15, 1991deadline for Iraq to withdraw unconditionally from Kuwait(Nov. 8). 1991 Bush wins congressional approval for his position with the most devastating air assault in history against military targets in Iraq and Kuwait(Jan. 16).He rejects a Soviet-Iraq peace plan for a gradual withdrawal that does not comply with all the UN resolutions and gives Iraq an ultimatum to withdraw from Kuwait by noonFeb. 23(Feb. 22).The president orders the ground war to begin(Feb. 24).In a brilliant and lightning-fast campaign, U.S. and coalition forces smash through Iraq's defenses and defeat Saddam Hussein's troops in only four days of combat. Allies enter Kuwait City(Feb. 26).Iraqi army sets fire to over 500 of Kuwait's oil wells as final act of destruction to Kuwait's infrastructure. Bush orders a unilateral cease-fire 100 hours after the ground offensive started(Feb. 27).Allied and Iraqi military leaders meet on battlefield to discuss terms for a formal cease-fire to end the Gulf War. Iraq agrees to abide by all of the UN resolutions(Mar. 3).The first Allied prisoners of war are released(Mar. 4).Official cease-fire accepted and signed(April 6).532,000 U.S. forces served in Operation Desert Storm. There were a total of 147 U.S. battle deaths during the Gulf War, 145 nonbattle deaths, and 467 wounded in action.
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