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Top 10 Things Women do Better than Men: Enough of proving and fighting of the genders, on who is better than whom and in what! Women without any doubt have been able to touch the skies during the 21stCentury. But what can be better than knowing those top ten things which with statistics prove that women do better than men in any concern. So if you’re a guy and going to read this then make sure that you will help yourself and your friends do a better job in future, because women have clean swiped all these top tens! 10. Women learn better No wonder they attempt multitasks most of the times and prove that they are remarkably good. A study done at the University of Georgia and Columbia University proved it that Women are better learners than men. They have a capability to expand their mind and tend to be more focused, flexible and organized. This makes most of the women understand the task better and quicker than their male fellows. 9. Women are cleaner We have definitely seen more clean girls than clean boys! Not only they themselves but they have a habit of to keep their environment clean for themselves too, their room, workspace, washrooms and cars. A study at the San Diego State University of offices across the United States discovered that men had 10%-20% more bacteria on their workspaces compared to women, who have a cleaner and more hygienic space. 8. Women Interview better No matter how confused and chaotic a woman seems during a test or an interview, they end it up quite perfectly. A Study at the University of Western Ontario resulted in proving that women are better in handling a stress of a job interview. The researchers said that even though they freak out before the actual exam day but they prepare for it better than men that make them interview better. 7. Women evolve prettier Looking through the advancement and evolution a study revealed that women are getting beautiful day by day whereas men in one way or another are the same. Attractive women giving births to more children resulting in more baby girls means another pretty girl in the world. So if you recently had or are going to have a baby girl then she’s going to be one of those pretty ones too. 6. Women survive car accidents more often Many point women for having bad driving skills! But here we are with another study at the Carnegie Mellon University that proved that 77% men are more likely to die in a car accident than women. So try keeping you seatbelts tight when you sit in a car without a girl! 5. Women are better at pursuing comfort A mind survey of about 2000 people revealed that Women are better at seeking comfort from. Women are chosen to be a better option by many to talk out their problems to. So when your girl-friend asks you what is stressing you out you may tell her, she might have an option to solve your stress. Mothers in that account can be put as the best comfort providers. 4. Women graduate more often How many of you boys have taken more than five years to complete their bachelor’s degree? Well women don’t really appreciate that; they like to do the work right on time. The department of Education’s Statistics discloses that men are less likely than women to get their bachelor’s degree. The enrolment of girls is also higher than boys in most of the Universities. 3. Women have a stronger immune system Women fight through the sniffles and fevers better than the baby boys out there! A study done by McGill University discovered women’s secret weapon that keeps them strong against all the odds and bacteria, which is Estrogen. Estrogen according to the study gives a woman a strong edge when it comes to infections and medical problems; estrogen confronts a certain enzyme that often stays the body’s first line of protection against the virus. 2. Women invest better Having an amazing preplanned system and thinking of far-headed women are the ones who invest better than men. A study of 100,000 portfolios resulted in showing that women’s investment outperformed compared to many men’s. Being more concern and practical women are the ones who can deal well with the money too, so do not underestimate the girl power with the money. 1. Women live longer With these top ten qualities and many more not mentioned, Women tend to live longer than men. According to a new England Centenarian study, among the population of the world above hundred 85% are women. It is also proved in general that women live 5-10 years longer than men do. Take them seriously; they might live after you die!
Top 10 Armed Forces of the World: Armed forces are referred to as the land arm of any country that has a Military Force. Among many countries in the world that hold the strongest armies some of them out class the others in regard to their position, strength of force, equipment and most importantly their abilities, which take these armies to a level on the list. Our Top Ten’s list has combined together the Top Ten armed Forces of the World in 2013. Check out our list for ten best Armies of the World. 10. Brazil The land Army of the Brazilian Armed forces is on the number 10 in our list. The Brazilian army has been a part of many international battles, taking South America an example, in the 19thCentury. It played a role as an Allied force in World War I as well as in World War II and participated in the UN peacekeeping missions. Founded in 1822 it has an active personnel of 371,199 and active reserve of 1,340,000 till now. 9. Italy On number 9 we have the ground defense force of the Italian Armed Forces that was founded back in 1861. The fights of the army include; colonial engagements in China-Libya, against Austro-Hungarian Empire in World War I, have been a part of World War II and Cold War, whereas after the Cold war the Italian army has been active enough for the peacekeeping in Afghanistan and Iraq. It has active personnel of about 108,355. 8. South Korea The republic of Korea’s army which is also known as ROK army is responsible for the warfare on ground. This Army which is on the number eight position has been active since 1948 and follows strict rules regarding military services and maintenance. Having a large number of personnel of about 506,000 has made it strong enough in a lesser time period and makes its place on our list. 7. Germany Found in 1955 the land army of the Federal Republic of Germany is on the 7thrank on our list. After World War II when Germany was split into two sovereign states, both of them came up with two different armies of their own. But until the Cold war Germany itself had its very own and official army in 1955. With the latest equipment in the army and a total number of 148,996 personnel, German Army marks itself on the list too. 6. France On number six is the French Army, Backbone of the French Government and the largest part of the French Armed Forces. Though it started back in the 15thcentury, it issued the Code of a French soldier in the year 1999 which included these commands: “Mastering his own strength, he respects his opponent and is careful to spare civilians. He obeys orders while respecting laws, customs of war and international conventions. He is aware of global societies and respects their differences.” The French army stands firm with 122,328 of total personnel. 5. United Kingdom Founded in 1707 the British army is the modern land warfare army of the world. On number five The British Army has been a part of the World’s major wars, like; Seven Years wars, Napoleonic Wars, Crimean War, World War I and World War II. Being the leading and victorious army in all these wars, British army had been establishing itself as the military and economic power around the World. The personnel of the army are 129,450 in total. 4. India Largest component of the Indian Armed forces is the Indian Army that takes hold of the ground warfare. The major missions of the Indian Army are to provide national security, defend the country from external belligerences and deliver unity. The army had fought five wars in total, from which four with Pakistan and one with China. With a personnel number of 1,129,900 it stands firm on number four. 3. China The People’s Liberation Army is number three on our list. The armed forces of the People’s Republic of China are the largest military force in the whole World with the strength of about 2,250,000 personnel. Founded in the year 1927 the People’s Liberation Army came through ups and downs and made itself capable enough to be one of the strongest Military forces in the world. 2. Russia Ground Forces of the Russian Federation came into being in 1992. Coming through from not a very long period of time it still makes itself capable enough to be world’s second strongest military force in the world. It went through Chechyen War, peacekeeping and some operations in the Soviet successor state. Whereas the recent war it had was with Georgian Forces of South Ossetia War of 2008. It has total personnel of 360,000. 1. United States The main branch of the United States Armed Forces tops our list, The United States Army came into being in 1775 and today it has total 546,047 personnel. The main mission of the army is “to fight and win our Nation’s wars by providing prompt, sustained land dominance across the full range of military operations and spectrum of conflict in support of combatant commanders.” Having the latest equipment and large number of soldiers to operate The United States Army definitely wins the list.
Top 10 Armed Forces of the World: Armed forces are referred to as the land arm of any country that has a Military Force. Among many countries in the world that hold the strongest armies some of them out class the others in regard to their position, strength of force, equipment and most importantly their abilities, which take these armies to a level on the list. Our Top Ten’s list has combined together the Top Ten armed Forces of the World in 2013. Check out our list for ten best Armies of the World. 10. Brazil The land Army of the Brazilian Armed forces is on the number 10 in our list. The Brazilian army has been a part of many international battles, taking South America an example, in the 19thCentury. It played a role as an Allied force in World War I as well as in World War II and participated in the UN peacekeeping missions. Founded in 1822 it has an active personnel of 371,199 and active reserve of 1,340,000 till now. 9. Italy On number 9 we have the ground defense force of the Italian Armed Forces that was founded back in 1861. The fights of the army include; colonial engagements in China-Libya, against Austro-Hungarian Empire in World War I, have been a part of World War II and Cold War, whereas after the Cold war the Italian army has been active enough for the peacekeeping in Afghanistan and Iraq. It has active personnel of about 108,355. 8. South Korea The republic of Korea’s army which is also known as ROK army is responsible for the warfare on ground. This Army which is on the number eight position has been active since 1948 and follows strict rules regarding military services and maintenance. Having a large number of personnel of about 506,000 has made it strong enough in a lesser time period and makes its place on our list. 7. Germany Found in 1955 the land army of the Federal Republic of Germany is on the 7thrank on our list. After World War II when Germany was split into two sovereign states, both of them came up with two different armies of their own. But until the Cold war Germany itself had its very own and official army in 1955. With the latest equipment in the army and a total number of 148,996 personnel, German Army marks itself on the list too. 6. France On number six is the French Army, Backbone of the French Government and the largest part of the French Armed Forces. Though it started back in the 15thcentury, it issued the Code of a French soldier in the year 1999 which included these commands: “Mastering his own strength, he respects his opponent and is careful to spare civilians. He obeys orders while respecting laws, customs of war and international conventions. He is aware of global societies and respects their differences.” The French army stands firm with 122,328 of total personnel. 5. United Kingdom Founded in 1707 the British army is the modern land warfare army of the world. On number five The British Army has been a part of the World’s major wars, like; Seven Years wars, Napoleonic Wars, Crimean War, World War I and World War II. Being the leading and victorious army in all these wars, British army had been establishing itself as the military and economic power around the World. The personnel of the army are 129,450 in total. 4. India Largest component of the Indian Armed forces is the Indian Army that takes hold of the ground warfare. The major missions of the Indian Army are to provide national security, defend the country from external belligerences and deliver unity. The army had fought five wars in total, from which four with Pakistan and one with China. With a personnel number of 1,129,900 it stands firm on number four. 3. China The People’s Liberation Army is number three on our list. The armed forces of the People’s Republic of China are the largest military force in the whole World with the strength of about 2,250,000 personnel. Founded in the year 1927 the People’s Liberation Army came through ups and downs and made itself capable enough to be one of the strongest Military forces in the world. 2. Russia Ground Forces of the Russian Federation came into being in 1992. Coming through from not a very long period of time it still makes itself capable enough to be world’s second strongest military force in the world. It went through Chechyen War, peacekeeping and some operations in the Soviet successor state. Whereas the recent war it had was with Georgian Forces of South Ossetia War of 2008. It has total personnel of 360,000. 1. United States The main branch of the United States Armed Forces tops our list, The United States Army came into being in 1775 and today it has total 546,047 personnel. The main mission of the army is “to fight and win our Nation’s wars by providing prompt, sustained land dominance across the full range of military operations and spectrum of conflict in support of combatant commanders.” Having the latest equipment and large number of soldiers to operate The United States Army definitely wins the list.
Top 10 Gift Ideas for Your Girl Friend: Choosing a perfect gift for your girlfriend can be a nightmare.At Top Tens we have compiled a list to help you in this regard.We have taken into account what the majority of girls prefer to receive as gifts from the man in their life.If you don’t have any idea as to what to buy your girlfriend, this list will help to alleviate your problem.Here goes and hoping your girl friend will appreciate your gift as we at Top Tens have enjoyed making up the top ranking gift. ideas. 10.CLOTHES Every girl loves shopping for clothes.Why not take her out to her favorite outlet and let her choose what she wants and may be she will choose something which you want to see her in .Never buy a girl clothes yourself,She may not like them ,and may have to pretend to like them and surely that would not be what you want. 9.GADGETS Gadgets are a useful part of everyday life,if your girl friend is one to use them it would be a great idea to buy her one as a gift.If she already has what she needs may be an upgrade would be a good idea.Get an idea of what she wants and surprize her with a useful gift she will love. 8.SURPRISE HOLIDAY TRIP What could be nicer than getting away from an everyday mundane routine. If you cannot afford to go to a far off holiday destination, maybe a weekend trip to some nearby holiday resort would be a perfect way to show how much you care for her. 7.CUTE PETS Pets are friendly, is your girlfriend the type to appreciate them.Make sure your girlfriend is not allergic to them or just detests them, before you go out to buy her that furry bundle of joy.Cats are tops in this section while puppies are not far behind,talk about animals in general before actually going out buying her a pet. 6.CHOCOLATES OR CANDIES Most girls love the rich indulgent taste of chocolate.A large box of selected chocolates would be an ideal gift to spoil your girlfriend with A colorful choice of candies and sweets presented in a fancy basket will make her feel special. 5.CUDDLEY TOYS If the girl in your life does not like pets, she is surely going to love a fluffy, lovable, cuddley toy.Lets face it who can resist the charm of some of those cute furry hugable toys.Teddy bears are a top favourite in this category. 4.PERFUMES Perfumes are an all time favorite wi th women of all ages.Girls especially love to smell nice .There are a whole variety of fragrances to choose from.Some girls prefer light flowery tones, while others prefer heavy musks.What ever the mood there is always a perfume to match it.French perfumes are famous the world over and the blends of under tones and overtones are carefully mixed to make them irresistable. Go on and splash out ,She will love you for it. 3.FLOWERS Who would not love to receive a lovely bouquet of flowers what ever the special occasion. Flowers are an intimate expression of one’s inner feelings ,may it be a single red rose or a large colorful bouquet. Flowers are a winner every time. 2.JEWELLERY Girls love to adorn themselves withe various items of jewellery.Jewellery is coveted by most young girls,Although expensive, it is made to last and be cherished for generations.Expression of love can be shown by giving an item of jewellery like a bracelet or a locket,rings are given mainly for engagament or eternity. 1.CANDLE-LIGHT DINNER What can be more romantic than an intimate candle-lit dinner for two.Choose a fine restaurant to set the mood accompanied by her favourite cuisine.Maybe a seaside setting could be her ideal!This could be the perfect time for you to propose to her, be prepared with your engagement ring in your pocket!
Top 10 Best Things You Can Do in Your Spare Time: With the increasingly hectic lives we lead in today’s society, we get little spare time to break away from our grueling routines to spend tie sole on us. When time taken, it is often difficult to choose between the array of options in order to decide what to do or what not to. We want to make the most of or free time and exploit the opportunity accordingly. There a few pastimes it seems that are popular amongst many. We’ve compiled a list of ten things that you might want to in order to make the most of your spare time 10. Cook a Great Meal How about honing or developing a skill, such as cooking. Find some great recipes from internet or get a cooking magazine from the market, grab some interesting ingredients and make one of your favourite meals. Won’t it be great to cook something you like to eat, and even if you don’t know how to cook, practice and share it with your friends and family, they’ll love the experience 9. Visit your Friends and Family Too much work does not let you be with your loved ones. If you do get a bit of spare time away from work, call your friends or family. Plan a day out. Plan days in. Rekindle old connections. 8. Surf the Internet The internet is full of new, wonderful, interesting and strange things. Switch on your laptop or tablet and Google some interesting things you might want to know about it. 7. Watch some Television Your free time is supposed to be for chilling. The best way you can chill and enjoy it is to watch television. Get your favorite movie on a DVD player or maybe just sit back on your couch and escape from reality for a few hours! 6. Catch up on your Bills Okay- this probably not something many of us would choose to do during our free time, however using your free time to get your finances in order means you have less to worry about whilst you work. It will also benefit you in the long term keeping an account of all you’re spending so that you don’t panic at the end of the week. 5. Relax and Calm your mind A hectic routine can make you feel very tense and stressed. Use your free time to relax both your body and mind. Book an appointment to get a massage, or go to the sauna or take yoga classes This will help you to keep yourself cool and calm throughout the working day. 4. Exercise and Physical fitness What would be better than making yourself fit and strong? Exercise develops health and strength; a walk in a park or an exercise schedule in a gym will definitely make you feel energized and strong. 3. Clean up your home You have a tough schedule and you cannot take time out for your own house, this might end up with you having an untidy house! So whenever you have free time you should clean up or perhaps engage in some DIY. As the old adage goes ‘a cluttered house results in a cluttered mind and you definitely don’t want to come home after a busy day and have to contend with a cluttered mind! 2. Read a little If you like to read, then this will be the favorite thing you want to do in your spare time. Grab yourself a book, catch up on some latest magazines or go to the nearest library. Books can be a great form of escapism and will help you relax and unwind. 1. Rest or Sleep Going to work, going to the gym, writing, reading and all that stuff that you do when you are awake makes you tired. So the best thing that you could do in your spare time is sleep. Take time out. Take a nap when you are free so that you can get up feeling refreshed. Sleep is the best pastime.
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